Daily reminder that Mexico CIty will be the food capital of the world in 3-5 years. It already is top 5
Daily reminder that Mexico CIty will be the food capital of the world in 3-5 years. It already is top 5
suck me off from the back
ok thanks, when should I expect your reminder tomorrow?
weekly bby
That is a beautiful plate. Congrats on having a city with yummy food user.
Won't make up for the fact that if breathing the air doesn't kill you, the criminals on every corner will.
Mexico City isn't that bad,especially if you live in the nicer areas
What happens when they decided to change the menu? Do they just throw out all the plates?
Mexico City can be whatever it wants. Itll still be in Mexico
>mexico city
>food capital
Nah, Portland Oregon is going to blow up internationally any day now.
Shit. Is that prison mofungo?
Lazy bitch could have crushed up the bag of chips
I'm Mexico, I love how all the fat people on my facebook feed were sharing that video as if it were delicious
That is no prison, I think it was some fete or whatever in Mexico IIRC
This tbqh.
It's a vegan mecca and organic/locally support structure. Nothibg beats working with nature.
Organic or die. Organic or die.
Nopales are fucking gross.
that actually looks so fucking good right now
Can Mexicans get any more based?
I live in a suburb right outside Portland. Pretty much any restaurant is really good and there's more cuisines than I can name available. Plus the food cart culture is pretty nice desu
Are the nicer areas the ones where they kill you before they saw your head off as a courtesy?
the nicer areas are where they take the time to hang your body from a bridge or overpass, instead of just dumping it in the street.
> ________ city is nice, if you live in the nice areas
no shit, this is true of literally any city on earth
Go put a bird on it, beaver eater
Yeah, same here in Detroit homie.
Yfw Mexico city isn't even top 10.
I went to Mexico City a few weeks ago for business, my god what a complete shit hole. 1000 nuclear bombs would not be enough to eliminate how bad that city is. After visiting there, the Olympics in Rio look like a freakin 5 star hotel stay. I don't hate Mexico in general, but Mexico City sucks
>I live in a suburb right outside Portland.
Portland is a suburb of Seattle... What the fuck are you talking about?
Also, this was their top recommended thing at the restaurant I went to
>200 miles apart
>differnt states
Do you even know what a suburb is? Pay closer attention in your summer school classes, you clearly could benefit from it.
>number one - louisville kentucky
stopped reading there
Its no more ridiculous than the idea that anything in Mexico would be considered world class. At least Kentucky is located in a first world country.
Their food is world class
Yeah, who the fuck eats Mexican food?
I've heard a lot of good things about Mexico City
yurope will always be ahead in food. amerifats accept this and you should too wall builder.
you eat mexican quite a lot if you have a healthy diet, rice/beans/greens are all mexican, get over it. Greens were discovered in 230400 BC by the manotees, they farmed and pillaged for us because they liked us, now we neglect manotees because we can, which is fucked up, we should help them out.
>Plus the food cart culture is pretty nice desu
Especially since its getting fucked up and shipped out of downtown.
And everything is about 40% more expensive than it was 3-5 years ago.
And you'll probably be accosted by homeless meth addicts pretty often.
But yeah the food itself is great pretty much anywhere you go.
Daily reminder that this wont help when the streets are burning and the cartell wars rage on.
I dont care how tasty a properly stewed human head is enrique.
Wow, even the cooking board is filled with a bunch of retards
So the line cooks were an army and the south is being captured. Glad I wasn't playing games when all this happened.
lol Mexico City is one of the most disgusting cities I've ever been to, I live in a literal shithole so I know what I'm talking about.
Birmingham UK is literally both, street and restaurant food heaven atm
>this is what bongs genuinely believe
Best city for start ups and independant restaurants, have 5 michelin star restaurants, with more to come. Best street food scene in the UK.
Prove me wrong.
>Burger served on disgusting brioche on a plastic tray
>Chip with salad in tinfoil
>Instagram filter
I'm not trying to give you grief but you're making your point very poorly
>Buttermilk and Yoghurt bun
>Skin on fries eith Jalapeno slaw, sirancha mayo, crispy onions and spring onion
>This is what we call "street food", if you wanted an example of upper class dining I can provide that too
sounds like typical, uninspired american barfood
That's what I thought at first, but, it's a burger place. One that does burgers extremely well.
We also have the 4th best restaurant in the world :>) tripadvisor.co.uk
No matter where you go in mexico, their is always that acrid smell of human feces everywhere. It gets in you nose and stays their. How can enjoy what im eating when I have shit particles floating up my nose.
source, spent months in san luis potosi working.
It'll never top Tokyo, theres a lack of Mexican food there now, but with Mexican food on the rise its only a matter of time before Japanese chefs start going there to study and bringing back the food like they did with French and Italian food
looks like some good 'en 'os 'on 'rd 'er 'yo 'up 'ce 'ce 'on 'rd
has it not already?
We eat this in México
>Portland Oregon ever being anything except a bigger Asheville North Carolina
Weird for the sake of being weird is as good as random for the sake of being random. Interesting the first time you see it but after even a brief exposure all but the worst kind of people realize theres no value in it
Mexico is getting up there with the restaurant scene. Obviously not as big as Tokyo but it can be more balanced. It already has world class street food, but Mexico overall is late to food city ala tokyo nyc paris etc etc. they relied on their home cooking until recently.
Those are actually pretty good, they taste like eggs but nuttier. I had some in LA.
mexico city is literally sinking.
You probably went to the shitty areas. For example, all around the airport, so that's a bad first image. There are some nice places actually, with very low crime, nice houses, nice people, nice restaurants and pretty. You just have to get past the shit to get to them.
How common are tamales eaten in mexico? What about traditional home cooked mole?
I eat homemade tamales in april and november and get some guajolotas with atole or chocolate at least every month.
About the mole, I eat it every week.
I come from a traditional family so it could be different for others.
Same, mole is the shit
You must be thinking of the desertic wasteland know as the north of mexico.
>food made in a border shantytown.
lolsouth isworse you dumb fuck
I live in portland, not enough ethnic food for my taste desu, just white hipsters overcharging on basic food.
Actually, the safest city in the country is in the south.