Wonka Candy

Thoughts on Wonka? Is it one of the best candy brands out there?

Fav candy is rock candy but if I had to choose from wonka its have to be those sweettart ropes

sweet tarts and shockers are the cocaine and crack of the candy world

Ya gotta buy wonka bars to find em

I haven't eaten candy in years, but sweet tarts were always my go-to movie theater candy. Aside from maybe banana laffy taffy (I'd probably vomit if I tried it today) that's the only Wonka product I ever cared for.

I haven't seen bottlecaps in years. Nerds, shockers, sweet tarts, and gobstoppers are all god tier candies but they destroy your teeth

bottle caps and runts are uber pleb tier

nerds are the true patrician candy

Nerds Ropes are GOAT



I wonder why don't they do chocolates like in the film?

I go into every gobstopper knowing it could end me, but heh, no one ever wrote a book about how safe they played it

The only Wonka candy I like is Bottlecaps.

Everything else is either just okay or bad.

shockers are the GOAT

Wanka is best. I don't like chocolate or things too sweet unless it's tart or sour. Everything wonka makes is sour

same here. I can't find Wonka in Japan so I've been going through withdrawal

They do, or at least they used to? Havent seen them around lately, but I'm sure you can find them online

I liked when they were shockers. At least they didn't change the actual candy

shit I've been living abroad so I didn't know. As long as they're the same flavor I don't mind. Did they keep orange? I know sweet tarts got rid of it and brought lemon back a few years ago

maybe because i live in [spoiler]canada[/spoiler] but i can never find wonka candy anywhere unless im at a bulk barn

A man of fine taste

>No Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight

Did they even read the book?

I love shockers, but enough of them can ruin your apatite for the next 2 days