What is the most unhealthy food you have ever cooked and eaten?
What is the most unhealthy food you have ever cooked and eaten?
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I singed my fingers once then licked it to numb the pain... Tastes like oily bitter fried pork skins.
Hot dog quesadilla.
Tortilla in pan, let cheese melt, put a heated beef Frank on the cheese, roll it, crisp on both sides of caloric depravity.
I put in two and call it a double barrel.
I used to be quite a fatass.
Half pound of bacon, an onion and a green pepper sauteed and thrown on a totinos party pizza.. A small one.. And I fried the whole bastard in butter.
It was rough to eat.
Sounds good. Maybe I will try that the next time I'm drunk.
I made dumplings out of tuna, rice and mayo, and then fried them.
It is, you just have to let it cool for a minute or the hot dogs slide through the molten cheese and you're left with a grease burned tongue.
Stuffed "Meatloaf" or as my friends called it: The coronary artery clogger.
Basically a pound of ground beef, wrapped in bacon and filled with cheese, ham and onions.
Tasted delicious, but it is solely responsible for at least ten pounds weight gain.
Breakfast sandwich.
Toast with a ground sausage patty big enough to cover it, instead of the normal small ones. Two fried eggs and cheese topped with two hashbrown patties.
Dessert ramen noodles.
Grilled cheese with fried bologna + 3 eggs
Mac and cheese nachos, with crushed up cheetos mixed into the mac and cheese for extra flavour
I got depressed and rolled a stick of butter in brown sugar and ate the whole thing. almost ruined my cut desu
Healthy fats bro
The time i made a triple patty burger and ate it with chili fries. Frankly i'm surprised i finished the damn thing in one go.
Were you fucking high or something?
kielbasa and processed cheese quesadilla with thousand island as dipping sauce(was based). or maybe a reuben. idk i dont cook bad things like restaurants and other people.
One of those doughnut burgers with bacon. I'd be a liar if I said it didn't taste good, but Jesus Christ of Nazareth I could never eat one of those things again.
Made a meatloaf using crushed dill pickle doritos instead of breadcrumbs. It was great, but horrible for me.
of course
Lotleth Troll was fucking OP. I hated playing against all the tryhard decks that stroked his massive necroboner.
>implying that monoblack control did not utterly destroy any deck involving lotleth troll
So much oil - was good thoough
Dipped pringles in Nutella as a snack once. It was terrifyingly good but that was long ago when I was going blobmode without thinking.
Fried or roasted chicken with rice covered in the roasting juice of chicken
Fucking delicious but probably not good for my heart
Explain please
Never had the cards to play some of the higher tier decks. Always had to use my shitty variants of them that lacked the power of the more expensive cards.
God. MTG cards are so fucking expensive. Even back then.
>20 chicken mc nuggets
>2 big tasties
>2 quarter pounders
>2 big bottles of coca cola
>all in a single day
>i actually felt intense heart ache for the remainder of that week
>countless amounts of toilet paper spent
>intense heart ache becuase of food
I know that fucking feel dude, I know it.
fucking disgusting
>almost ruined my cut desu
I'm more surprised it didn't fuck you up some sort of way
I can't remember what the name of the dish is, but basically I ate some deep fried cheese and butter in Colombia one time. I felt great for about one hour, after which I wanted to die
ordered largest giordanos 'go 'za
bought white castle crave crate (100 sliders)
took bottom buns off white castles and put them on top of pizza
put half cooked bacon on top
put in oven oven until bacon looked cooked
dunked in bbq sauce
Eating pancakes with a big knob of melted butter on each bite. I stopped doing that after I ended up eating 2/3 of a large block of butter in one sitting.
I've also cooked 3 packets of instant ramen and fried 2 eggs for a late night dinner once when i was extremely drunk. It messed up my health for a few days big time.
Every blue moon I'll just sit down with a six pack and eat a full X-large pizza covered in toppings alone in a single afternoon
Vegan sausage
This is a weekly thing for me
Living the dream desu.
I have to try this sometime, sounds really good
Whole-fat yogurt berry parfait. I got the large size. Heartache as you said.
Heart literally hurt after eating a pint of ice cream. It was bad.
i was not drunk or high
over 2000 calories per cup
10lbs of freedom fries
had some "french carbonara" ( with cream onion eggs bacon and cheese and other shit ) that i forgot to put back in the fridge. the fucker tasted amazing but then I let it outside for more than two days, which you definitely shouldn't do when it spring/summer. Went back home and decided to refry anyway that nasty boy in 5mm of peanut oil. It tasted delicious and a mild diarrhea ensued. But damn, the liquid shit was worth it.
also did
>puking after bacterial infection in chingchong restaurant
>grandmas pickled vegetables that werent picked that safely, farts contests with my dad would drive my mom insane in the car after each visit in the farm.
>i enjoy grilled chicken skin with mayo.
Breakfast Sangwich
2 fried eggs, 4 strips bacon, 2 sausage links, melted cheddar cheese, all on 2 waffles that are fully buttered and smothered in syrup. It was heaven.
I have walked in your shoes, and I know the depths of your shame.
Doesn't get much less healthy than frying bread in bacon fat.
got drunk and deep fried a quesadilla
>grilled chicken skin with mayo
me and a couple friends went to the lake district to do a couple of climbs, and we wild camped. i brought a stove along and by the last morning we had some bread, cheese, eggs and shitty fake butter. i tried to make a croque madame type thing but the bread was sticking really badly so i kept scraping it up and adding butter until i realised i'd used about 200g of butter in each sandwich. it tasted like a dumpling made of savoury cake batter.
also one time i made shawarma for an m night shyamalan themed party, and when i pulled the lamb from the oven there was a lot of burnt marinade around the edges, but because it was dark i couldn't really see how much when i pulled it all off the bone. after shredding it, it was slightly bitter, so i added salt, but again couldn't really see how much. it ended up extremely salty so i balanced it out with this yogurt sauce and everyone liked it because they were drunk as fuck. the next morning i tried it and it tasted like i'd scraped a a tray of burnt samphire onto some doner meat
You went full Homer Simpsons
Nothing really stands out but a few years back I went through a phase where I was cutting a sheet of store-bought puff pastry into fries, coating them liberally with a mix of raw sugar, caster sugar, and cinnamon, and then baking them.
Nothing wrong with that really except every time I did it I ate the whole sheet of pastry by myself in one sitting.
>back then
RTR was only like 4 years ago?
I once made a carbonara with 4-5 egg yolks, mixed bacon/pancetta combo, a fuck top of parmesan and at the end added a quarter of a stick of butter. I fucking hated myself afterwards - but it was amazing.
Yep.... The dogadilla
Pancakes filled with pistache ice cream added a strip with bacon.
That day couldn't have been sweeter.
>m night shyamalan
Why would you do that to yourself?
These are actually pretty damn good if you dip them in Maple Syrup.
When I was high I ate a whole large stuffed crust white pizza. I'm pretty sure it's the reason I had the shits like two days after.
I can't picture this at all
Off-smelling steak, cooked to as medium as I could muster after cutting it up into strips. Felt a bit wonky after, but still alive. 4/5, wouldn't be afraid to try again.
Oh, and pink, chewy chicken. Felt fine, but gross. 2/5, not worth it.
Came here for this post, thanks.
Bacon dip - five strips o bacon, herb n garlic cream cheese and mayo with melted cheese on top served with crostinis
Ate the whole 2 cup ordeal between two people. Ive never felt so filthy
>This is a weekly thing for me
It really, really shouldn't be.
Peanut butter pancakes. Like a half a cup of peanut butter, chocolate chips, extra sugar, just enough pancake mix to hold it all together, drenched in maple syrup and eaten with two glasses of whole milk.
>used to eat that shit almost every morning
That sounds pretty great man
"Tacos de castacan con queso". Skin-on pork shoulder and belly confit, broiled to get the skin to pork scratching-esque crunchiness, then cooked on a griddle with a little shredded oaxaca cheese to bind the meat into a single bunch. Washed it down with limeade spiked with cask-strength demerara rum.
McDonald's pizza (McChicken, McDouble, four piece chicken McNuggets, and a small fry on one of those pizzas you find in the sauce isle topped with shredded mozzarella)
A couple of recipes I stole from Pink's: the three hotdogs in a tortilla (I think it had cheese and chili, too) and a chili dog wrapped in onion rings
used to take mirtazipine made me so foood crazy I would chug olive and canola oil
gained 25kg in just a few months I was so fucking hungry
I would try eat porridge because it's filling and fairly low cal but I'd just add butter and cover it with sugar and syrup and eat bowl after bowl
man just looking back like wtf, one time I just straight chugged half a 750ml of olive oil
oh and also 'reduction of san pedro cactus', probably the worst thing I've ever tasted in my entire life but it was worth it, repeatedly. basically you get about a foot and a half of cactus skin it cut into stars core it blend into snot then over a low heat reduce it to an amount you can stomach and then you drink it and about 2 hours later of feeling death nausea you'll vomit your entire intestines out and feel lik eyou're literallly dying and want to kill the ambulance but then the trip kicks in it's like LSD triping but laid back and strangely more 'digitial' feeling you know like shrooms are all organic and earthy the trip space head feel lsd like shroom are writing number in compost lsd like using caclutaor mescaline (cactus slime) is like virtual calculations and DMT is like plato number form elven hyperspace
desert cactus tequila digital is how I'd describe it, like LSD combine with morphine and had a spastic digital ass baby which vomits green slime for 17 hours striaght
also nutmeg damn that was pretty bad to ingest like a 3 day flu feeling and kind of like being high on bud if I squint my imagination (a lot)
and also one time i ate datura/belladonna probably the biggest retarded decision of my entire fucking life and that's saying something because I have really done some retarded shit but long story short I ended in the psych ward after being arrested nude in town going crazy in the street also THE THIRST like you also ac5ually see shit that isn't there you know like lsd and shit you just see distortions or new interpretations of your visual field like a lamp will seem like a face or some shit anyway dature you literally see shit like I was talking to my dead uncle and smoking cigarettes that dont exist and was surronded by crowds of people but looking back I was just alone in my room like I was speaking and having conversations with them old friends, strangers and this weird witchen lookin heathen slut like wtf man
what the fuck is life
When I was 1laround 10 I used to eat butter sandwiches
Several thick sliced of butter in between white bread
I pan-fried some Kelloggs Crunchy nut cornflakes in butter before topping with maple syrup and double cream.
>About 8 years ago
>Still an adolescent brat living with my parents
>Mom is in one of her "healthy eating" bullshit phases
>Meaning anything that was made at home will be vegetarian/superfood/meme/healthy food until she gets off her holier-than-thou high and decides to eat like a human being again
>I blame Alton Brown for this one. She watched that fucking cranberry episode and spent 3 months pushing that shit in anything she could
>Halfway through this purple hell, she has to take a trip with my father for a week to deal with her aunt's death
>It's time to take my revenge on 6 weeks of cranberry purgatory
>Buy a crate of lipton iced tea, cool that motherfucker off until it's nearly slush
>Make an assload of calzone dough
>Everyday is calzone and toooth-shattering cold iced tea day
>Cheese, spinach, sausage, hotdogs, broccoli, pulled pork, ground beef, a metric fuckton of grilled or pan seared onion/tomato/garlic, rotisserie chicken, week old lamb shanks, basically anything non-Cranberry was a valid calzone filling
>Even a few days after my parents returned, I was still shitting literal puddles of grease out
>Totally worth it
Yeah! It's was a fucking good snack. Might try it again now that I don't eat so much.
Homemade chicken alfredo
>heavy cream
>egg yolks
>parm on top
It's fucking delicious though, especially with garlic bread.
I chew my finger skin on a regular basis. Why does it taste so good?
Probably deep fried kool-aid, or deep fried butter, take your pick. Fair food can be some insane stuff.
5 years ago some friends and I made fast food lasagna.
The first couple bites were great. But then it started to cool and became absolutely revolting.
It was pretty fun, though.
When I was a kid I ate hotdogs with whipped cream and chocolate chips on them. Looking back on it, it was nasty childhood curiosity, and super unhealthy.
However, the most recent thing was:
> a bag of BBQ chips
> 2 McDoubles
> 2 McChickens
> 2 jalapeno cheddar burgers
> 1 L of Coke
> 2 Snickers bars
> 2 snack sized Mike & Ikes packets
> a 2 scoop cone from Cold Stone
Midnight video game releases were absolute hell on me, since I'd eat like that every single time.
>deep fried kool-aid
This shall answer all of your questions.
Got home after a three day festival two years ago where I subsided on drugs, alcohol and the ocassional piece of fruit. Was starving so bought ground beef, onions, wraps, cheese, salad and tomatos to make a bigass serving of tacos, forgot the wraps in the store, got home, accepted my fate and just spooned out a pan of broiled meat topped with cheese whilst watching a movie. Was over a pound of meat and heavy on the cheese too.
Kek, in high school my friends and I would order pounds of San Pedro online and sit in the woods eating it for hours.
Worst tasting thing I've ever had by far.
That is fucking insane
Honey, cayenne pepper and pb sandwich with the bread being pop tarts.
It was the first time I had gotten high in several years.
Salt from sweat also why dogs lick your legs
I guess it was smth like fried Camembert (French FT), with some fries and some onion rings.
3 eggs-in-a-basket, 2 eggs sunny-side-up, 3 slices of american "cheese", 2 slices of ham, ~11 slices of some generic pepperoni.
Used the 3 eggs-in-a-basket as double-decker sandwich bread, with the sandwich filling being everything else.
That was back when I was in high school. Good stuff. I struggle to imagine eating that sober, today.
I've never eaten this, but I imagine it's relevant to the thread:
Not cooked but pic related...had the worst diarrea of my life with fever and napalm fueling from my arse (but I'm still alive so...)
Also, a completly burnt pizza I forgotten in oven while doing stuff, meat found in garbage of a local supermarket and all the sauce/topping/garniture I found in the many places I use to work....
made some mac 'n cheetos with the kid the other day. They turned out pretty good.
forgot pic
Aw man, that just repulses me.