What do you feel about restaurants that doesn't have free refills on drinks or just limit you to one.
What do you feel about restaurants that doesn't have free refills on drinks or just limit you to one
I don't feel anything because I'm not an obese American high fructose corn syrup addict
In a mall, I can understand.
Anywhere else it's top tier jewery.
joke's on you, I drink diet, so I'm actually an aspartame addict
I don't drink soda.
I don't care.
the only correct answer
I don't drink soda but it still lowers my opinion of the restaurant if I see that they charge for refills. Soda is so dirt fucking cheap. There's no reason not to let your customers have as much as they want unless you're the jewest of jews.
If it's the ghettos or something, sure whatever
but if it's not the ghetto, then it's just plain jew
it's even more jew when they don't state on the menu that they charge for each drink
Britbong here. Im quite well travelled.
Ive literally never been to a country that does free refills other than America.
They're cheapskates and probably cut corners with their food to pinch pennies. I wouldn't go twice.
I've never been to a restaurant that serves drinks besides alcohol and water.
Unless you're referring to a diner or fast food chain of course which is NOT a restaurant.
i dont drink pop but if i did i would be pissed about it
Do they just not have the technology?
You must live in some 3rd world european shit hole.
>I've never been to a restaurant that serves drinks besides alcohol and water.
Isn't that weird and unusual? Even in the middle of the desert, or literal remote island, I usually see a Coke offered if want one.
>Unless you're referring to a diner or fast food chain of course which is NOT a restaurant.
You have opinions. I guess you are trying to make some point about definitions. Doesn't make them correct though. You sound special though!
You'd think America restaurants would be the biggest cheapskates out of all of them, seems backwards to me.
>You'd think America restaurants would be the biggest cheapskates out of all of them, seems backwards to me.
Why would you think that? Food is pretty damn cheap in America. Restaurant portions are generous, and refills are the norm. Turning a profit in an american restaurant is just about being smart, not about being cheap.
Soda bottlers offer their stuff for pennies. Any place that doesn't offer refills is foreign owned, some paki family or something like that managing it. It's just not how it's down. I am sure that most of the people I know drink unsweet tea in restaurants more than soda, but to pay by the glass would create customer conflict, if only a disappointing explanation. That's bad for business when you just 250% on their meal, why argue the remaining 10cents of their visit. It all comes out in the wash. In fact restaurants with a lot of repeat business offer to fix up a refill in a takeout cup for your final drink. It's summer. So, it's appreciated.
From what I understand most of the price of bottled soda comes from the container, the cost of soda from a fountain especially with cups that can be washed and reused is like nothing. The price of the first soda covers any reasonable number of refills by far. It's a service that people really like, which doesn't cost the business anything, and encourages them to wash more food down their moist gullet.
A gas station near me offers any size icee or soda up to 52oz for 69 cents, 75 after tax. Every 7th drink is free too with a store rewards card. It brings in tons of people who then buy other stuff which the store actually makes good profit from.
In my experience, the dagos are the cheapest of the Euro states. They'll put bread on the table and charge you for eating it.
Also, beetus water is cheap as free, I think foreign countries just charge you for it to try and make money after all the taxes they pay. Places like Australia hardly even have waiters, and if you want a water, you get up and fill the glass yourself.
Also why the fuck does nobody outside of America give you ice in your drink? It's summer, it's hot out, why would I want a glass of tepid water?
It's pretty fucking bullshit considering how much you are overpaying for a soft drink. Then again, I never really want more than one drink, so I'm not going to be charging the brigades.
Free refill on soda has become such a norm here in the US
as long as they clearly states they don't offer free refills or limits you, I'm fine
I still think it's jew as fuck, but whatevs
Well, somehow most places are doing okay with the free refills so obviously there is a method in which it doesn't loose money or at least a significant amount of money. So if big-named restaurants don't do it, I call bullshit. Small businesses, however, get a pass.
I haven't needed a free refill in quite some time when I think about it though, when I think about it. I usually get the biggest cup size and I end up drinking out of it for quite some time even after I've finished my meal.
>Up to coon shit at the mall
>Get thirsty
>Ask the Japanese place at the food court if I could have a cup of water
>They charge $.99
>Ask multiple other restaurants
>Always either a $.49 or $.99 charge for fucking water
In conclusion restaurant owners are fugging Jews
I've only ever seen one restaurant where refills were free, and I thought it was nice as a novelty.
I remember something from when i was younger
>Go out to medium-price sit-down restaurant
>Soda gets refilled a few times, waiter would always come over and fill it when I was getting low
>End up getting charged for each half-refill
>Parents get mad at management and end up getting the bill waved
Is it even legal to pour someone more soda then charge them a ridiculous price (I remember it being $2.50 or more at some places) for it?
How jew am I?
>Never pay for soda
>Always order a "water"
>Fill up with clear liquid (Sprite, Lemonaide, ect)
>Always watch the cashier to make sure they aren't watching while I do this
In my whole life, only been caught once
>Some fat black ghetto woman nigger manager who had been walking passed and saw me fill up a water cup with Sprite
>Shit brix since I was only 12 or 13 at the time
>throw the cup and run.
>waagh they wont give me the cups they had to pay for, for free
you are a entitled shit, go drink from the water fountain by the shitters. you know you were going to put soda in their anyways
>the ghetto nigger has better morals than you
Nice story.
Pretty much this and though a lot of places in malls have a time limit if you can prove you recently purchased it.
As other people have said, it's good business practice and a great place to still make good profits. The markup on soda is insane and most people are not going to drink THAT much at a time. Hell, at most places with refills, you're going to get people drinking their container and maybe getting one to go.
Pretty fucking pathetic, honestly. Are you really that poor that you have to steal soda?
Not in all places. When I briefly lived in socal, free refills were against the norm and only in places like McDonalds. Most places kept the fountains behind the counter and charged for refills. Blew my mind and honestly soured me on some places.
>walking around the mall by myself
>have 5 dollars to spend
>go to the McDonalds in the food court
>my total was $5.03
>give the cashier the 5
>she asks for the .03 cents
>tell her that I don't have it while giving her a nervous smile
>she says "well then I can't sell you the food"
>have to shuffle my way to the back while everyone watches me leave
>the worst part
>I had like 40 cents worth of change that I threw in the fountain in the center of the mall
when i was in highschool, i worked at a dollar store and people would come in constantly and buy one thing and only give a dollar when we have a sales tax and get mad when i told them they still had to pay the 5 cents. so many people would yell at me or just storm out pissed
Pathetic for stealing soda?
No morals for not wanting to pay?
You faggots are soft. Why pay upwards of $2 to $3 dollars for something that you can only enjoy momentarily? I usually keep the same cups too, wash them out with water and keep them in the cup holder that way when I go back to the restaurant, I don't have to pay for another cup.
Let's do some math
let's say an average cup is $2 dollars
you eat out twice a week
52 weeks in a year
52 weeks x 2 twice a week x 2 dollars per cup = $208 dollars a year.
Now you tell me, would you rather pocket that $208 dollars? or would you rather throw it the trash every time you leave the restaurant, which is pretty much what you are doing.
>stealing is moral because I don't want to pay
I'd rather drink water if I can't afford the soda instead of keeping a fucking cardboard cup to steal soda. Your logic is also shit and can be applied to just about anything.
Do you snicker as you take all of the free samples sitting around in grocery stores, too? Maybe eat some grapes and then take some candy from the self-dispensers.
Any decent cashier will short their drawer a few cents for a customer. 3 cents over/under is nothing.
>go to comfy local breakfast cafe
>meal is $12.11
>only have $12
>"oh it's fine, I care more about you enjoying your meal than the 11 cents"
Good place
I hope next time you go there you give a large tip...
> itt landwhales adults who drink soda and complain that it's to expensive
Maybe you're into getting fucked over and paying premiums, but I'm not. I like to save money in any situation.
Let me tell you a story.
>work at retail store inside mall
>taco place inside mall food court has $1 dollar large cups for any mall associates, as well as unlimited refills
>I pay for the cup once
>keep it in my employee locker, along with a nice mix of 75 cent cans of Chef Boyardee or Spaghettios
>every time I go on lunch break, I take the cup with me to the taco place and fill it up with anything I feel like
>come back and heat up a can of my raviolis.
>literally less than 1 dollar spent on a filling meal.
>my coworkers spend upwards of $10 dollars on random snacks, drinks and food from the food court every shift.
>always complain about being broke.
You had me going with your other posts, but now you took it too far and gave yourself away. Better luck next time.
>ever intentionally shorting your drawer
you can fuck right off and go to hell you spoiled cunt
countries where it is normal to do this:
what is the country on the far left
its hawaii you sack of stupid shit
>walk into any restaurant, fast food joint, gas station, anything
>ask for water
>be provided water without hassle or charge
it's nice living in a state that mandates providing water for anyone who asks, at any time. sorry to hear you live in a dystopian nightmare user
Why are you so obsessed with Americans?
Wow your country's fuckin cheap
You're a thief. Fuck off.
>pathetic fatty american thread
>Look how fucking cool I am, I have to pay for refills!
finland does free refills
I'm not, I just answered the OP's question truthfully.
finland does not do free refills, anywhere
I don't care either way, it's their decision. If they can make free refills profitable that's fine, of not charge away.
Burger King does but that's pretty much the only place and they came here like a year ago.
We have beer in macdonalds in Yurop because we're not a bunch of manchildren who can't handle drinking without ending in a coma
>UK excepted
America is the only place where people would really care at all. Have some restraint
Yeahhhh, in the two retail jobs I had if you were short in your till they noted it, a few and you get fired.
A couple cents doesn't make a difference, but you get alot of customers, you can't make a habit about it.
That being said I did pay ammounts people were short with my own money if I knew the person sometimes.
WTF, times have really changed, I feel bad for people who work retail these days. When I worked a register in the 1990s we were routinely over or under by anywhere from $5 to $20. Usually closer to $5 but on an unusually busy day (more transactions) there were more errors. No one gave a shit.
Yeah, then again one of the places was Walmart, other was Brookshire Brothers, 3 and 6 years ago respectively, worked each 3 years before getting my tech job.
Oh no wonder, it wouldn't surprise me if errors under were expected to be paid by the employee and errors over were punished in the form of a 1 hour shift every day for each dollar over.
>the ghetto
>implying the people who live there give a fuck about rules
The only restaurant that I can think of over here that does free refills is Nandos. Is it all restaurants in America that do it?
>i get to have beer with my disgusting and cheap slop!
Great counter-point. Now go let more refugees rape your country.
I just get water at restaurants. Soda has too many calories. 200-400 calories on a single beverage is insane. Besides, water is usually free. I used to carry around my grape flavored Mio with me to restaurants for free grape flavored water, but stopped because it's highly autistic.
I'd prefer them due to less fatties and poorfags.
I traveled to France and England recently. I was kinda pissed when I ordered a "tap water" at restaurants and they would still try to bring out a bottle of water and charge me for it. And finally you ordered a coke they'd bring a fuckin bottle too. Don't they have a fountain in back of the restaurants? What's the deal? Why is everything so small and shitty and everyone so stingy in Europe?
Haha holy fuck. American's, everyone.
>Don't they have a fountain in back of the restaurants?
No. That's only typical for fast-food-tier shitholes. A real restaurant won't have that. Why would you want coke at a real restaurant anyway? Are you a child?
I don't eat at restaurants that offer refills on anything other than coffee and water.
the only place where i ever encountered free refills is in my IKEA... (prbably limited to one)
free refills feels max pleab , same as unlimited eating stuff places
Pretty much all places allow free refills. The only places that don't allow so are usually those owned by Oriental Roaches, i.e. mom and pop Chinese restaurants. (California here).
Your world of dining out is entirely fast food?
No. Even restaurants were there are waiters, the refills are free. They will automatically refill your cup and charge for the first one only. I'm talking about places like Dave and Busters, chain restaurants like Denny's, steak houses, even Mexican and Thai restaurants, etc.
Theyre in the ghetto
how fucking fat are you
Even restaurants the serve $150plates offer free refills.
>They'll put bread on the table and charge you for eating it.
That's pretty common in German speaking countries as well.