Testing out a smart contract

This test consists of the following:

Once .10 ETH is received the smart contract executes and sends back .15 ETH to the address that it received from.

I'm working on this to make a kind of gambling site with. Would have posted to /g/ but you fags are more likely to test it out than those neckbeards are.

This is the address: 0x06D2290f831753EBBcE9aC41170F4d5642e832ac

And NO, i'm a white guy and no this isnt a scam.

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So verify the contract code and then send a transaction to it so we can see where it sends the money. Fucking pajeets.

Don't send shitskins your money anons.

well actually im wanting to get a patent on the code so for future use i can charge anyone who uses it royalties. so no, i dont want to post the code.

Holy shit. Veeky Forums is actually dead. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but it’s been staring me in the face since November.

shoo shoo pajeet

Lots of countries limit patentability. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_patent
It's impossible to patent abstract ideas, moron. By the way, how can your contract send someone .15 eth when its balance is 0? Such a shitty pajeet scam. Unironically kys.


Pajeet OP's contract has a balance of 0. Don't send eth to it.

not pajeet

it sends from another eth addy

A smart contract cannot withdraw ethereum from a wallet. Your scam is retarded. At least put more effort into it.

How did link's ICO receive eth into one address and send link from another address?

im using a chainlink node to execute it m8

ive been testing the shit for a few hours now

Send 0.01 BTC to my wallet so I know you're serious business

>This is the address: 0x06D2290f831753EBBcE9aC41170F4d5642e832ac

This address is empty. There's no contract.

Because smart contracts can call functions from other smart contracts. You said "it sends from another eth addy", which isn't the same thing. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. God, the state of Veeky Forums. I truly hope this is bait.

not actually how it works but okay be a noob.

Can't you test it yourself? Even if you're legit, you sound a lot like
> Richard Dawkins here, send 0.2 ETH I'll send you 20.

So it's like a reverse ponzi scheme? Can you do basic maths?

>Veeky Forums will even refuse to take free money

this is the absolute state of biz in 2018

i think giving a little back just for testing purposes is fair

>This is a test but not using a useless coin like JEWS, WEI or Smelly

You know you can create an infinite number of wallets and test this shithead idea yourself?

why do that when i can just post a thread and ppl test it for me?

It's not free money. You're trying to scam people for .1 eth, which means you're poor. Kek'd

>Even if you're legit
You know what, user? you deserve to be scammed.

Why do that when I can tweak the send me 0.2 and receive 2.0 scam and see if it works

im already a millionaire. i made it off NEO


listen m8, i just figured out how to run a chainlink node and im testing shit out. it has insane potential to do heaps of things and im trying to tackle the basics right now.