Of the chocolate bars that cost $10 or more in the States [Fine & Raw, Xpcolati de David, Askinosie, Omnom, Vosges Haut-Chocolat] which one do you think is the finest?
If you like a different luxurious chocolate brand please feel free to recommend!
Of the chocolate bars that cost $10 or more in the States [Fine & Raw, Xpcolati de David, Askinosie, Omnom, Vosges Haut-Chocolat] which one do you think is the finest?
If you like a different luxurious chocolate brand please feel free to recommend!
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Why does that man have painted fingernails?
>cut into squares
>breaks it into chunks
I've never seen this but I want to punch whoever picked the name
I didn't know inanimate objects could be pretentious. Fascinating.
Also of interest is how OP is clearly defensive because of the existence of items beyond his meager income.
>OP is clearly defensive
That's not true at all. He could be trolling.
>Anything targeted at price insensitive customers is pretentious
It is from Iceland, so it may mean something in their language, I presume?
No it is not the chocolate that is pretentious, it is the thread that is. Read the title again.
I've bought a few $5 bars and was unimpressed, so $10 doesn't seem like it would be worth it at all.
>It is from Iceland, so it may mean something in their language, I presume?
It doesn't
Anything over $4 is a waste of money unless it's a really big bar.
Costs twice as much, so it must taste twice as good?
>his midget american mind and shit-loving palate can't comprehend subtil taste and flavor
every brand you mentionned is shit
come back when you eat something made by a true master confectioner and not by a robot
You guys do know that there are chocolate competitions, where artisan tasters rate each chocolate every year? The ones on the list are more expensive than regular chocolate bar.
Please enlighten us on what a true master confectioner is
you got jewd, goyim
Depends on what $10 is worth to you. It seems expensive for a bar of chocolate, but that's still pretty cheap for a luxury item. If it were really good it would qualify as an affordable indulgence, which is exactly how this stuff is being marketed. The real issue is perceived value - is the chocolate good enough to command a luxury price?
Best chocolate
>it's a bongistani spergs out episode
Anything that includes natural ingredients, isn't overly processed, and doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup.
Paying $10 because of a stupid name brand and a label when the actual chocolate itself is actually worth $2? Damn you're dumb.
It costs a lot less than $10, even in AUD, but I buy large quantities of the 90% cocoa Lindt when it's half price.
Seriously depends on where you live. If you live in a place where the best chocolate you can easily find is Lindt you might be so starved for something good that $10 doesn't seem like too much to pay.
And that is exactly what the brands OP listed claim; gmo free ingredients, with direct trade
That's rustic :>
I don't know why but chocolate made in america always tastes weird/off. Can't put my finger on it but something is different from regular swizz chocolate.
Except the $5 bars I've bought were half as good as a $2.50 bar.
It would have to be very good to be worth four times the price of ones I know I like. Spending that much just to find out seems wasteful and furthermore stupid given my experiences with the mid-range ones.
That's how luxury goods work. The correlation between quality and price is not at all linear.Any motivated person can find a good bottle of wine for $10-$15, less if you're lucky. But start getting specific about what you'd like, say a Pinot Noir from Burgundy from a nice vintage with some bottle age on it and you get up to $200+ pretty quickly. Is the Burgundy more than 10x better? No fucking way. But it is better, also it has a lot of prestige riding behind it and it's available in very limited quantities. Is a Maserati 10x better than a Nissan? Nope, but it is much more luxurious and powerful, and much fewer of them are made. So the cost is much more.
Good chocolate is a luxury product, so it operates with similar pricing.
Best fucking brick of dark chocolate was some off-brand "Belgian" chocolate I found at Wal-Mart. Cheapest they had, huge volume for what you got, rivaled Lindt and the other more expensive ones easily.
If I had money to burn I'd try every ridiculously priced chocolate there is, but since I know I like Lindt and Droste and I know that the pricier organic/fair-trade stuff I've tried didn't appeal to me, why should I bother?
Thomas haas chocolates in North Vancouver. The best pastries too!
Just buy a bag of Callebaut tablets then ... ticks all of the boxes and you aren't going to find much cheaper per pound.
what did he mean by this?
There's a great deal of ignorance driving current boutique chocolate sales these days, the majority of the "fancy" bars for sale at, e.g., Whole Foods, is crap. Mass market bars are as good as if not better than any of that raw crap, for instance.
That said, there are great bars out there that will shit all over mass market stuff like lindt. Avoid anything that trades on "raw" nonsense at all costs, and be skeptical of anything pushing fair trade or endangered species as a primary selling point, and you're 85% of the way there
If you're not rich you can still get good stuff. You just have to look that much harder for it. Because sometimes there's no correlation between price and quality. There can easily be someone out there making top tier chocolate (or wine, cheese or whatever) but they haven't yet become a prestige brand, so their product does not command high prices (yet). When you find shit like that enjoy the hell out of it, because it usually doesn't last long. I've seen wine double in price from one vintage to the next because word got out it was excellent and undervalued.
Yes, objects can be seen as pretentious because they become associated with pretentious individuals buying them for pretentious reasons.
It's not hard to use your brain and figure out why people label certain items pretentious, sorry a mouthbreather like you can't follow a simple, singular line of thought.
>Yes, objects can be seen as pretentious
True, but that only applies to a specific viewer and others who share his perspective. Maybe if I use a concrete example you will be able to wrap your mind around it.
Whispering Angel is an OK but overpriced wine that was big with the Hamptons crowd last year. Kind of like the wine equivalent of a Cipriani restaurant - decent but overpriced and fondly viewed by the very rich.
Those of us in the wine business kind of laughed about it as yet another baseless trend among the rich. The story floating around was the the rose was not even made ion the traditional manner, but was simply the white with a little red blended into it. (I don't know if that's true, but it was fun to hear).
If someone was throwing a party and wanted a couple cases of Whispering Angel because they wanted to show how in the know they were that would be pretentious as fuck.
But what about the person who spent last summer in the Hamptons, drinking Whispering Angel everywhere they went, liked it and then wanted a case or two when they got home? That's not pretentious at all; they just want to drink a wine they know and like.
So even though Whispering Angel seems pretentious as fuck to those of us in the wine business to a specific kind of customer it's not the least bit pretentious.
Whether or not a thing is pretentious depends entirely on WHO is viewing that thing. Pretentiousness is not an inherent quality of that thing.
Wasn't there some chocolate drama where a couple of hipster-looking brothers resold chocolate while saying theirs was gourmet or something and charging a ridiculous price?
I went to cipriani once, it was "decent" in the same sense that fucking mangia is "decent", except about 4x the price
Never again
Some actually think this is white chocolate when it is really milk chocolate.
Yeah, mast bros. People got butthurt because it was valhrona
Trouble is, valhrona is actually pretty good, but plebs judge a product by the image, and it made them feel stupid so they couldn't admit that it was good
The price wasn't really all that ridiculous, I'd rather have mast bros than half the bullshit gross "raw cacao" bars out there
What a shame
Yes, that is basically the first article that made this news go mainstream
bacase american's are literally all stupid faggots that are literalley incapable of understanding what food is if its not filled with liter's of corn sirup and suger.
>Yes, objects can be seen as pretentious because they become associated with pretentious individuals buying them for pretentious reasons.
So if jealous people buy Cool Ranch Doritos, we can say that Cool Ranch Doritos are jealous?
lol wut
>using the word literally this much
>making yourself look this dumb
Here is your (you) now fuck off.
shut up gay faggot i hate retart's like you who think's your so smart because your fagmerican
Ritter Sport for me.
Based on this post, you have no right to call anyone else stupid.
aww gaymerican baby is waawaa mad and can onley attack me for my tipeing skill when faglish is my 8 language
Anyone have any on topic answers? This is actually of interests since I wanted to gift someone some chocolate. They're big on coffee and dark chocolate
You're really not helping your case here.
> That said, there are great bars out there that will shit all over mass market stuff like lindt. Avoid anything that trades on "raw" nonsense at all costs, and be skeptical of anything pushing fair trade or endangered species as a primary selling point, and you're 85% of the way there
Come on, don't deny us the opportunity to make fun of your taste in chocolate ... name something.
sorry gaymerican wen your learn 8 language like me you are aloud too critorsize me
I'd rather have a good grasp on 2 languages than speak 8 languages very poorly and be seen as an idiot by the natives.
because your stupid and gay lol fagbaby
Go to bed, it's well past your bedtime.
Bourdain had a bit about Cipriani joints. His point was that the food is good, but anyone serious about food knows where to get that level of food at a much lower price. What keeps them in business is that when the ultra rich look around the dining room almost everyone else the see is a member of their set. Because the restaurant is full of people like them they're comfortable they've made the "right" choice of where to eat. People feel most comfortable at places full of others of their same social status.
If a Cipriani restaurant lowered its prices to match the place down the street where the food is just as good they'd lose their core crowd - the very rich. Just like McDonald's lost the middle class by introducing the dollar menu. The high prices work in their favor by keeping out the riffraff.
lol gaymerican to stupid too understand time zone diferentses
Keep going, this is actually getting pretty amusing.
>can't even speak/spell properly
>thinks he knows 8 languages
Tiptop kek
>The high prices work in their favor by keeping out the riffraff.
That's basically the "secret" to the success of fast casual too
Not really expensive unless you're a total poverty case on welfare. Middle class people who don't want to be around the ultra-poor will go there over McDonald's just to have a comfortable quick meal
Right. Setting your prices and aesthetics to attract a specific kind of customer is pretentious - it's just good business. Of course to those below your target demographic your place might seem pretentious, because they can't afford it, and view whatever flourishes you use to set yourself apart from the kind of restaurants they eat at as bullshit. This is why poorfags will constantly mock words that attract the classes above them, like organic, artisan, farm to table or whatever. Because in their world concern over how your food is sourced is absurd; they just want it cheap. But the higher up the food chain you climb the more sourcing becomes a thing. At a certain level of restaurant in NYC if the beef isn't coming from Pat LaFrieda it's because the chef has an even better source. And as much as practical those sources are part of the menu descriptions. That might sound incredibly pretentious to someone who eats at TGIFriday's, but they do their own version of the same, name checking Jack Daniels and Sriracha - names a middle class diner approves of.
>etting your prices and aesthetics to attract a specific kind of customer is pretentious
Meant to say "is hardly pretentious"