Its up what, like 200x since it was 6 months ago. I wouldn't call this "early"... There are also coins with similar tech that are 1/10th the market cap right now which I do own a little as a hedge if this design really does work.
The real flippening is occurring in front of your very eyes
>Doesn't believe in astronomy
So nano is filled with flat earthers? Or did you mean astrology? In which case nano is filled with retards who don't know the difference.
Take your pick
There are lots of countries where people do not want to be beholden to the banks and government that control their fiat. There are lots of sites where people want to exchange money internationally without having to deal with fees. The true flippening, a flippening against USD... that won’t happen any time soon (probably never) but this has more immediate promise than most cryptos.
>2020 - 1.72
>still believing in astronauts
keep speculating over your shitcoins no one cares
>2x eth-btc volume on binance
>24th rank on marketcap
>can't grow anymore
lmao how frustrated are you from your red blockfolio today.
honestly i just copied this and a bunch other memes that are meant to be satyrical from fud threads because well, they're hilarious
>thinking astronomy and space exploration are the same thing.
This is “early” compared to where it will be if it is used for the reimitance ($500 Billion a year). I think it has applications beyond that but this is one clear market it can absolutely dominate if everything goes according to plan.
It was down 80% about two days ago
I'm too intelligent to take your bait, son.