Why do Europeans and nu males love this shit so much?
Why do Europeans and nu males love this shit so much?
tastes like bubbles
I think at one time the company claimed to be advocates for environmental rights and rights for the environment to be free and stuff. Everyone ate that shit up.
european drinking water is poison why do you think they drank beer and wine so much
>mfw european plagues return because sharia law forbids alcohol
What's wrong with it?
It's a decent water.
I prefer Scottish spring water myself tho.
in france we are just used to it, its nothing fancy in here, just sparklin water
they have iconic commercial tho
Mineral water feels and tastes good. None of that faggoty sugar bullshit is a big plus. Pic is my go to refreshment.
>was about to post "it just tastes good"
>realized I'm European
I got nothing
>getting annoyed by water
Superior mineral water coming thru
Kroger brand seltzer whaddup
your image is missing the disgusting brown variety
The only place I can find in my area that sells the pomegranate one is a country grocery store run by old italians like a half hour away
American water is best water.
Seltzer's great tbqh. You get refreshing carbonation without the sweeteners of soda. Plus it pairs well with a fresh 'go'za
>sugar water
Why do that to yourself
>140 calories
I pay attention to my eating habits and am not a pathetic fatass who would go into a diabetic coma from a can of flavoured soda due to unregulated diabetes.
>drinking soda
>paying attention to eating habits
pick one
You're the kind of person that buys soylent aren't you?
>I have literally no self control and will drink myself into a diabetic coma if even a single drop of soda touches my tongue
>Not drinking this god tier water over HFCS-laden swill
Enjoy the amputations you'll need from diabetes, gayboy
Never seen this variety. What's the flavor?
I have never understood drinking this over regular water. Besides it's fairly expensive where i live t. european
Where do you think the whole french people don't shower came from?
There's not a lot of water available in french households so they avoid showers and drink a lot of wine.
>Switch to drinking seltzer water to lose weight
>Friend's constantly give me shit for it
>2 months and 20lbs later
>All of them now actively buy it
Shit's weird.
>Europeans and nu males
Implying they are different things
For seltzer water, pic related is my go-to.
Shit's got the aftertaste of a dreamsicle.
Fuckin' love it.
Just buy the cheap store-brand sparkling water. It tastes literally the same as perrier and costs like 75% less.
I use that shit to make lemonade and that's about it.
Squeeze a couple lemons, add a little bit of sugar, stir the juice and sugar until it's dissolved and then pour in some cold as fuck bubbly. Add some ice.
Best lemonade you will have in your life.
That actually sounds pretty good. I just made some limeade today since limes were on sale 8 for $1 so I bought a bunch of them. Wish I had thought of using carbonated water. Maybe next time.
It tastes like semen
How often do you drink it though? Is it people's primary source of water?
Gerolsteiner for the win!
I don't drink soda and but I like carbonated stuff. That's why I drink it.
oh man carbonated water makes lemonade so much better. Like... it will ruin normal lemonade for you.
Especially if the bubbly is near-freezing temperature. So crisp. So delicious.
green apple is the best flavor.
>American water is best water.
vitamin water has less sugar than any pop and actually has vitamins in it, inb4 it's not healthy. Yes it fucking is if you use it correctly.
Why the FUCK would you drink Cuckier when this exists?
Why the FUCK would you drink that shit when THIS exists?
Because I don't like Dr. Pepper, nor any sugary soda for that matter :)
Over here in civilization water from the tap is of better quality than bottled water
Read the ingredients.
Google the ingredients.
Go to wikipedia.
Find "symptoms."
Read a book nigga.
Enjoy your synthetic vitamins that could have just been sourced naturally, not made in a lab.
Honestly upsets me that people still fall for the government's vitamin meme when they can research the ingredients on their own.
Kind of like a bitter orange. It's actually the best flavour.
"Energy drinks are bad for you."
>proceeds to drink water containing the same chemicals
Wait just a fucking second. They add this by law to 1/2 the food we eat.
If you don't like dr pepper you're probably a sperg.
dumb ass doesn't actually read the actual ingredients and posts cancer. Those chemicals are the scientific names for the vitamins you sperg.
Vitamin b6 in a nutshell. Have a nice night water guy, sorry for wrecking your drink.
Some of that shit is designed to be biocumulative too. Watch what you put in your gullet.
Vitamin b6 pyridoxine hydrochloride
Don't go looking at the other 5 mandatory additives. Might shit yourself.
>people on Veeky Forums think b vitamins are bad for you LOL
>b6 gives you energy!
>unsteady gait
>blurred vision
Oh wait found the energy:
Stop blindly believing.
You use b vitamins because of the "energy" meme but the reality is on the government website. I don't need to say shit if you can't read.
>he doesn't understand that there can be too much or too little of a certain vitamin, even if it is water soluble.
Yes little monkey, you have reading comprehension. But do you comprehend biochemistry and nutrition?
I don't use B vitamins for energy, I use them because they are good for digestion, they have nothing to do with energy, B vitamins are not long lasting and should only be parts of certain meals.
I bet you fucking get your shitty info from 5 hour energy drinks which is just absolutely absurd.
Absolutely Pathetic Post The Post. Veeky Forums This is what Actual Autism looks like.
You posted 3x in a row, Aussie.
>get info from 5 hour energy
>posts nih.gov
post a real source faggot.
Yum I want this in ALL THE FOOD.
Put gin in it too. Best cocktail.
do you realize that the side effets of basic pills such as tylenol are death?
I realized tonight only that you can't Google and you subtly got me to do it for you.
>im scared bc it looks complicated
Delicious flat fluoride. No wonder you drink so much of it.
So does sparkling water dehydrate you like normal soda would?
perrier and lemon perrier are both really good for mixing alcoholic drinks. if you're making something that you're afraid might be too sweet you can use it in place of sprite, so as not to make it sugary as fuck. one of my favorites is blood orange syrup, perrier and cactus juice, which is basically just sour mix with tequila in it. awesome summer drink.
yes and actually sparkling water is a biological explosive, so whatever you do stay away from it.
Thanx user.
Because Dr Pepper has been complete shit since they remade it in the early 2000s. An awful flavor compared to the previous one.
no fluor added over here tho
Could have just drank regular water and saved a fortune
sounds more like sprite
>all these fags paying premium prices for bottled tap water
don't you have running water or something?
The water coming out of your tap is carbonated? You're full of shit, user.
>he doesn't own a machine that carbonates the water for him
apply yourself
not everyone lives in the us and/or buys american bottled water, mate
Good goyim
one day your drinking soda, The next thing you know, you are sitting on a zombie-horse shilling products for a company called Liberty.
You know, I love carbonated drinks. I don't care much for soda, but bubbly orange juice or lemonade is great.
I use to play paintball in 2005 and It cost like.. $1.50 to refill a co2 tank. I bought a sodastream on for my GF (she likes bubbly too) as a christmas gift. It was by far the most disappointing piece of shit I have ever used. The water comes out mildly carbonated and after trying for fucking ever to get it to work we run out of gas. So I look up online and find out they use some kinda of proprietary nozzle and license vendors to refill it at something insane $35-$45.
took it back for a full refund and got her some nice sleek black lace lingerie instead.
I was all excited to make carbonated everything. Coffee, tea, juice, soup, whatever.
>sounds more like sprite
have you ever had lemonade dipshit?
I am convinced this board is filled with the biggest retards on the chans.
i drink water from the tap at home, sometimes i put ice in it when i want it to be cold
also sometimes when im out and im thirsty i buy a bottle but i dont like paying for water so i dont do it very often
What are the dashed lines for? Like that long one in center from Co to N, never seen that. Just curious..
they indicate geometry. generally dashed lines mean the bond goes perpendicular into your screen/viewing apparatus. bold wedges indicate they're coming out in the opposite direction. used in advanced chemistry very frequently.
are you a fucking idiot?
the dotted line tells you which direction the electrons travel in a chemical reaction
he specified "the long one in the center from Co to N" you drooling retard. Like the one that shows a carbon-carbon bond multiple times. Look at the top of the image. But no, I'm sure it's electron movement. End yourself.
no u
Its good choice for backpacking. Because it tastes like piss you conserve it properly. Very sturdy neutral colored bottle.
I've got some obscure brand carbonater (or whatever they are called) and it works pretty good, you have to change the co2 pretty often though
But the dotted line indicates an open boundary :^)
I like it with espresso for pallette cleansing. Don't bother unless I'm pulling 3+ shots though.
If I did it more often I'd set up a paintball take carbonating system, but as is bottles are easier. I just get cheap Schweppes cans though, or san pellegrino mineral water if I'm feeling fancy.
That's a good 1 especially after a hangover or upset stomach gets you burping pretty well
absolutely the best