>Its the year 2021
>each LINK is $1000
>whole Biz goes berserk
>wales starts selling
>everyone starts selling
>link drops to $10
What do?
>Its the year 2021
>each LINK is $1000
>whole Biz goes berserk
>wales starts selling
>everyone starts selling
>link drops to $10
What do?
It can't happen you clearly didn't look at the Link smart contract
if.linkmarine = true
sell = false
I am unironically not selling all my LINK until it hits $2000.
>own 150 LINK
>will sell 30 at $100
>will sell 60 at $1000
>will sell 60 at $2000
>tfw only owns 150 link
are you perhaps a poorfag?
nice plan though
>imagine being this deluded.
Have fun buying a cheap gaming laptop in 2020 with those 150 links.
t. 1k non-deluded linky
Imagine being this poor
Absolutely am. My employer owes me 3 months of salary, going rough times. Else I'd get a thousand LINK no doubt.
Would be fine too. Being too optimistic about this - or any - market is one easy way to end up kys.
if(linkmarine) {
sell == false;
Fixed it for you
christ arent you delusional
Peace be with you brother, keep smiling
Let's be honest, everyone will sell at $100 at much there's only weak hand faggots here
can't sell if I delete my wallet
sell == false evaluates to a boolean
that expression does nothing
Thanks Colonel. I'll make sure I'll buy a lambo from your lambo superstore in a couple years from now.
>not selling at $100 and timing the dip
keep larping bizbois
>= instead of ==
if (linkmarine == true)
sell = false;
>if(linkmarine == true)
link is just a collectible
sell should be an action
if (!linkmarine)
>Not enjoying redundancies
If the meme is $1000, you sell at $700-$900. The price almost never makes it to the meme. Sometimes I think the meme target price is made by the whales so more people will still buy while they slowly dump.
By this logic everyone would have sold when NEO mooned 1000x, but that didn't happen. Good projects will stabilize at a higher value.
>Veeky Forums can't code for shit
further proof that Veeky Forums invests in vaporwave rather than utility/technology
By then I'll be in a sealab underneath the water.
Nice commonwealth that
If you want to be a nigger about it should usually use the True statement first in an if/else for readability and users should probably be objects so they can have other properties. Plus you'd probably need to check n investors to determine if they're linkmarines and handle them accordingly.
foreach(user a in anons)
There are only around 6k wallets with 2k+ link in them, and 20k wallets overall.
You'll have been there for a whole year by then!
I would've sold at $20 and went to go snort coke off BBW booties and eat big macs long before then user
>thot posting triggers nancies
>they attempt to slide threads to no avail
what do?
/g/ called btc a scam when it was less than 10 cents
Truly visionaries!
>uses == in if statement
Maybe you should kys faggot
Itt we make programming jokes like we've just taken comp sci 101
I was caught up in the moment, trying to show how to use ==, and i didn't realize i was being redundant untill too late.
Maybe i should kys indeed.
this will never happen and you should get more capital before you start investing
Thanks just posted 100k
kek, did you search it too?
Why not just hodl forever and live off of staking income? $10000 link @ 5%/month is $900k/year. That should be plenty, no?
anyone got a sauce on this POPPY lookin bitch
No name for the model but fedor shmidt took the picture and many others like it