>when you ace all the interview questions but they don't hire you because they don't like the fact you struggle socially from having a difficult childhood
NEET life it is, I guess
When you ace all the interview questions but they don't hire you because they don't like the fact you struggle socially...
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atleast you tried
that's all i really care about
t. Dad
That truly enrages me. It's like you get paid to socialize instead of serving your company customers and doing your job.
I recently quit a job because of that, boss couldn't complain about me being incompetent because I was the only one who actually did things timely on my team so he decided to criticize my quiet ways.
>implying my abusive father would have said that
My boss doesn't give a fuck about me being anti-social because he only cares about the results.
Nobody likes working with an aspie fuck.
What kind of job was it? Honestly, it sucks dude but at the same time personality is the second part of the interview... not just the questions man. It sucks that you struggle socially because of a rough past but if that shows through to them maybe they dont want that vibe in their work place.
Wrong, I love it when people around me know the art of shut the fuck up.
How did they know you struggle socially during the interview?
You can fucking smell it. Doesnt know football or sports, doesnt act like any of the other boys whole like fast cars and other shit who all seem to have girlfriends, doesnt want to be like them. Doesnt even look like them. The world is not what they told you in school.
It was a mechanical engineering position at a medical devices company. I even solved one of the technical problems they had been facing in one of the 1:1 sessions.
I was really, really visibly nervous.
Why? What about it is so offensive to the people around him?
Some places accept people like this, some people don't. Depending on the position, you're right, no one wants to work with a socially awkward person. It's awkward and no fun.
On the other hand, it might be a job where minimal conversation is required and OP can keep to himself.
I used to be like you OP. I literally just started working out and talking to people on omegle via webcam to get used to my social anxiety. I also started hanging out and going out with my friends here and there more often. Practicing conversation helps a lot, regardless of a damaging past (which I also have gone through).
Rejected for conversation from both men and women multiple times, you have to deal with that sort of rejection. You do not understand how painfully awkward I used to be. I literally changed who I was. You have to believe in yourself man.
Just hit 20 minute jog, push ups and squats or something. This will stimulate your brain and help you feel much more confident. I promise you.
Also, eat well, don't eat bullshit.
Give a firm eye-contact next time
Wear a Hugo boss suit and ask if his daughter needs a prom date
>Doesnt know football or sports, doesnt act like any of the other boys whole like fast cars and other shit who all seem to have girlfriends, doesnt want to be like them.
You're right. I don't want to be like them.
Because I hate those fuckers. To have to integrate into the normalfag male social order is an insult to me.
i know that feel user
Grow up. I used to think like that four years ago.
And I still don't know anything about football or sports.
>when they hire a less qualified candidate simply because they have children to feed
fuck normans
>To have to integrate into the normalfag male social order is an insult to me.
well then you are the lowest which is why they dont want you to work so you can starve and let nature take its course.
if you don't work to rise up in the ranks to them then its not a matter if you separate yourself from the pack you are still considered the low.
you'll get excluded, youre hours will get cut short, they'll force you to quit.
you better act like a normal person. if you are a minority, you better act white washed so you can be liked even more.
I had to deal with this recently. I am literally by definition wagecucking when I could have been a manager for 20 an hour or coordinator for 18 an hour, sitting on my ass.
Some stupid bitch my age with 2 kids to feed came along and swiped the manager position out of nowhere, out of sympathy/because she's related to my senior manager. She wrote me up every time I was late, and I lost my chance to get the position.
Someone is leaving at the end of the month so hopefully I can finally fucking swipe that.
yep, the normies will eventually hate you because you wont engage in their little social drama circle they have. People like that have no life and they get off on the drama
those aren't normies, they're narcissists
the narcissists control the normies and they will turn them against you. its a lose lose situation, the only way to win is to pretend your just one of the sheep
no, the only way to win is to pretend you're one of the sheep, stay out of their games, and use your knowledge to fuck them over and save everyone else.
It's because of the normies. Those stupid fucks report for not being a team player because you won't smile, complement or ask them about the weather. Especially the women get butthurt. The only thing saving me for example, is that I'm a low key co-founder. I just spy on these fucks as a dev to spot troublemakers, SJWs, traps, fags, liberals and report back to my old fart Jewish uncle so we can freeze their career paths. They eventually leave and go elsewhere. They can go work for the government these retards.
Knowing when to be quiet is a social skill. Aspies often go on and on about random bullshit.
sounds comfy
I'm not sure about that...it seems here in America that being quiet is a huge negative and leads people to label a quiet person as aspie/autist.
You can not be into what they're into and still get along with them. Find other interests sports are just easy because a lot of people like them.
As much as I don't disagree with what you said in all of these posts, I had one nagging question in my mind. "Where is user in the grand scheme of things?" And fortunately, you answered. Right there, in your post. "I am literally by definition wagecucking... I could have been... Came along and swiped [my shit] out of nowhere... she's related to... I lost my chance... Hopefully I can finally..."
Maybe you're on a path that suits you (I refrain from using "happy"), or maybe you're on a more glorious path that's inline with my expectations. Whatever it is, it's not the vibe I'm getting from your posts. To quote another thread on Veeky Forums, "if I don't know the answer to something, it's a scam," and you, my fellow, are a scam artist. More specifically, a multi-level marketing peddler. And not even one high up the foodchain, you've got maybe a handful of referrals, if that. I know where you're coming from. I used to be an idealistic little shit, naive to the realities of life. Maybe I still am, but I can look back and see the faults I once held. But there is one thing I've yet be wrong on, and that is an instinctual reaction of suspicion to "grow up." "Grow up" is the calling card of adults whose expectations of their lives were higher than their outcomes.
Make no mistake, user, I understand where you're coming from. The likelihood of success with the bashful and, almost, autistic attitude that the OP holds, is tiny. Absolutely tiny. He'll either end up homeless, living with his parents, on welfare, or, the big "or," he'll finally "grow up" and give up his rebellion on society. And then he'll be just like you. He'll look back on those times, oh those excited and irrational times, and think to himself "Ah! What a fool I was. My belies were irrational, for I was naught but a child. Now, I am grown and know the truth!" But how can that be? OP hasn't adopted this new viewpoint from intentful introspection. His revelations, rather degradations, stem not from thought.
if you arent social you are just a fucking weirdo who everyone hates being around.
>I even solved one of the technical problems they had been facing in one of the 1:1 sessions.
nice, they got free work out of you AND shunned you
>tfw explaining to a background investigator for a security clearance that you have no social references to give him because you have no social life
>literally just come home from work and go to to the gym/play vidya/jerk off/sleep/repeat for 10 years straight
>dude judged the fuck out of me while explaining this to him
>>dude judged the fuck out of me while explaining this to him
how did he react?
But from years of battling against the crushing strength of society, and its conmen (crabmen). I'm sure you know better than I, that youth is seldom cherished. Most will blow it on frivolous things, and fighting society, to uphold their ideals. Yet, life will outlast what fleeting energy the youth has, and he'll find himself defeated. Years of trouble. Of having to play the monkey in the circus in front of interviewers. Of having to deal with infantile coworkers. Of fighting for his dignity. The constant pounding and assault of a world hostile to his dignity, will break him. He'll burn out from trying his damnest, but never achieving anything. And then he'll be like you. He'll tell himself "it's not so bad." He'll convince himself the ideals he had were merely baggage he wasn't willing to let go, and maybe he would be right. A hard day's work and then you can go home, drink a bear or two with your dog, maybe smoke a decent cigar you've been saving up for. Hell, you can live pretty comfortably if you play it safe. I'm not denying that, user. But you're too far gone. You've traded in the only thing that made you human, for the comfort of not having to think. You've let Stockholm Syndrome break through the gates, and like the wives of the enemy, gladly accepted it into your bosom. You're not a man, you're a shell of a man. You look like one, talk like one, and you probably still fuck like one, but there's no man in there. The ambition to force the world to change into your own vision is gone. Your final days, while comfortable and quiet, will be inglorious.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe everything I've said here is just insanity, and I'm blowing up on something trivial -- just like OP's interviewers. Probably, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid of becoming like you. 20 years down the line, I'll look back. I'll remember all of the things I wanted to do, how I wanted my life to be, and it probably won't be the way I envisioned.
He just prodded into my personal life constantly trying to figure out if I was lying or not because he couldn't believe it. Basically low key said I need to get a life while shaking his head after figuring out I was 100% truthful.
I love it when people have a problem so they work on themselves to change it. well done user.
Know when to chat and when to shut the fuck up. It isn't a hard skill if you're not autistic.
fuck his daughter/wife and thank him for his advice
>Normies have big egos
>Normies care about being socially accepted and popular
>Being exiled in the same environment/position as the socially inept makes the normie realize his social status isn't very high
>This hurts the normie ego
>The aspie's presence sheds light on the normie's own inadequacy. Unable to reach into his own unconscious and realize his problem is one of insecurity, the disgruntled normie lashes out on the aspie, rationalizing his dislike of him on something unrelated, or by overplaying an otherwise overlookable flaw. "He looks weird". "His stares are so creepy". "He doesn't communicate properly".
>The experienced boss, whether he cares or not for the true reason behind it, eventually learns that the aspie rattling of the normies around him often causes more harm to productivity than the poor aspie can compensate for.
Yeah. Digest that wall of text OP and all other soyboys/millenials.
Also it's a rigged rat race, and you won't get rich working for someone else, but maybe you could pay the bills. And thats something.
I'll be 40, probably with a wife, not a good one, but someone to be there when I'm turning senile, if even that. Maybe a decent house, some decent kids, in a decent neighbourhood. I'll be like my parents. Working 40 hours a week, commuting far to work, and then getting home so exhausted the only thing left to do is indulge in activities that don't require energy. TV comes to mind. I'll be completely average. I'll be just like everyone else my age, save for a few "hobbies" that make me "me!" But none of that really scares me, I'm sure I'll be okay with it. My zeal will definitely have died down now, and I'll be alright. And that's what I'm afraid of. That I've lived life by someone else's terms. That I had the choice to take lady luck by the forelock and get a chance at glory, but I decided to yield and take the predictable path. Worst of all, that I won't even have the dignity to commit suicide. I'll live the rest of my days out uneventfully. A shell of myself. Then I'll die. The meaning I gave to life will have been beaten out of me, like a forced confession. "Yes, I'm OK with prostrating myself to idiots so I don't have to suffer. Yes, I love the way you come by every morning and spend an hour talking to me about your cat. No, I'm not trying to start a business, are you crazy? The chance of business failure is astronomical! Plus, how would I be able to make the monthlies on my poser-mobile? Insane! You need to be born into the best life to be like that. No, that's not possible for me or anyone I know. Alright, see you at the bar after work!"
Looking back on what I've written, I can see the naivety pouring through. A lot of it is generalized to the extreme, and not very "current" to "today's world." Most of this beliefs were from years ago when I was young and dumb. I see what ideas I've had to give up in order to fit in, and it makes me angry. That I let myself be conned into having my balls chopped off. I'm an Eskimo and I bought ice.
you're overthinking this to look down on others and feed your ego
what OP is experiencing is just evolutionary preselection of "faulty" individuals to minimize the chance of them reproducing, it's happening all the time, everywhere
when you fall out of society it's very hard to get back on track and well adjusted people will instinctively try to keep you marginalized
Cheers for the Omegle tip, though. That's the only thing I'm buying from you, Amway.
A lot of whining and blameshifting in here.
Christ you autistic losers are a bunch of cucks.
Maybe capitalosm was a bad idea.
your dad is a pussy and probably broke as shit
my dad:
>"trying is not enough, you simply do"
and now i'm rich because i felt agitated enough to take that on board with me
Is there an omegal for mobile
I'm not talking down to anyone, like I'm not trying to make it seem like I know any better. I said grow up since it's a brief way of saying "get rid of the pessimistic attitude toward becoming a functioning part of society rather than complain about it, which is energy spent getting nowhere."
You're way too analytical and introspective, I hope you utilize those those traits for the better of your well-being cause I'm still applying them to mine.
It was one of the best things that I could do that my friends had shamed me for. All of my friends were normies who don't understand internet culture nor literacy.
But look at all of what you just typed, you're literally sitting there and telling me air. It is useful insight but you're acting as if you're a wise oracle or a narrator of Fight Club. That shit won't fly elsewhere friend.
You're probably 30 and feeling like it's too late. Dude. Start working out and feeling better, get off these boards and don't think too much. You've basically told both OP's, my and your life story with your post lol.
Where did OP go
>I'm actually Ok at socializing
>My ADHD makes me a terrible engineer and I only made it through school on meds I didn't take
>wasn't social while on them so have no idea what jobs social people do
What can I do with competent social skills, an engineering degree, and the inability to actually engineer more than one day a week on medication.
Hi. Just spending the evening thinking about what to do next. That boondoggle ate up an entire month and I have loans to pay.
*don't take now
Also the weird part was that HR contacted me by text message to set up the follow up phone call instead of email. She said that they liked my presentation and interviews, but that I "wasn't what they were looking for right now."
how delusional do you have to be to think this is the reason you didnt get hired lmao
Oh, and she called from her personal cellphone too.
I hear that.
I can already tell you're bright, especially having knowledge of mech engineering. Fuck whoever interviewed you and move on, those faggots probably don't know half of the things you do, and are probably total normans.
Do you have a LinkIn account and all that? Just use a few hiring sites and apply. Don't get too down and think optimistically about your next move.
You sound like the main character of the first episode of the new season of black mirror.
What we need to do is make autists into diversity hires. Then they'll be scrambling over each other to hire us.
How else would you interpret ?
Personally, at least in the city I'M in, racism (if you are white).
>we're not hiring you, but dont feel bad!
Wow, it's fucking nothing you fucking stupid retard holy shit rofl
Thanks, I appreciate it.
They flew me out to SF, so maybe.
No, this was definitely different. Also they were the ones that contacted me first after they saw my personal website and project portfolio.
>They flew me out to SF, so maybe.
Yes that was absolutely it, no question.
Don't worry you aren't autistic, just white. White people need to make their own way in this world I am increasingly finding.
>No it was different, I swear!
You didn't get the job, explain how it was different besides this dillusional fantasy you have going on.
He's right, it's nothing. Like it's common to get rejected for whatever reason. It's either a yes or no, then move on.
Never spend time thinking of why you weren't good enough. Nigga like you're in fucking mechanical engineering lmao, you're going to be just fine. Better off than the majority of neets on this board.
When you apply in person next time, just keep in mind that you're knowledgeable of your work. Research the company you're applying to's initiative, and maybe check a few opinions on glass door. It wouldn't hurt to look up what mech engineer interview questions are like, and just ensure that you'll be confident in answering those questions.
Like dude, don't look at yourself from a normies perspective, cause you're only going to make yourself feel like shit. You're honestly probably a pretty genuine guy so don't let bullshit like a job rejection make you feel worthless.
Okay man. It really doesn't affect me either way what your opinion is.
Haha! I was just kidding! I really liked your posts, and reasoning! you're just not the user we need right now! sorry!
I'm finding that the market is pretty saturated right now. I was hoping that this was a break since they contacted me first.
Tell us more about yourself, user.
was it a corporation or some smaller company? really hard to get into corpos lately
Very small, early development cycle. They have some ties to other big companies through their founder though.
God Bless you user.
Normies at work are painful as fuck, especially roasties with big mouths that can't shut the fuck up.
>Yesterday in my open plan office
>have shitloads of work to do
>two roasties behind me sitting on their phones for most of the day
>topics of conversation that I am forced to listen to: what type of birth control pill they are taking, moaning about mortgage costs, moaning about childcare costs, talking about taking their kids to football practice, about what cars their husbands drive
>next to them a morbidly obese male normie talking about the latest nig infested capeshit movie
>talking about all the typical normie shit tier shows on Netflix
>talking about how the 3/10 single roastie that has hit the wall is doing with her tinder dating experiences
I fucking hate it. They are so mundane.
I did exactly the same and can now hold normie conversations, I have friends, we go out and socialize, I am progressing in my career...
But I hate it, I fucking hate it so much. Everyday I feel completely drained and depressed after having to pretend to be a normie all day.
Just because you "work on yourself" it's not going to change who you are.
Hire me.
Of course it's fucking unsatisfying with that attitude. Once you realize that the majority of people who work a 9-5 have absolutely no idea what the fuck they want with their life and pretending they do, rather than thinking of them as normies, then maybe you'd start to think differently from them and find some other way of satisfying yourself. Be different than them.
Of course it's fucking draining, I don't know what to tell you lol. Blending in is extremely jading. But like hey get money fuck bitches right
Either way, keep hitting it. Keep applying regardless.
I wish you luck! I have no doubt in my mind that you'll find something soon enough. Just don't keep a neet attitude toward your goals or you'll end up a fag man.
Honestly, hit some home calisthenics, a little home work out. It really helped me out and my perceptions of my goals. Pushing weight at the gym or even at home definitely will help exponentially as well.