Stop eating like shit

Stop eating like shit.

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but if everyone had an ubermensch diet then you wouldnt have retarded panic sellers to make money off of

Whats wrong with legumes though?

>eating red meat

completely invalidates the whole diet

nice try shitter.

not an argument

this is the only part of paleo i dont understand
legumes are a perfectly good source of protein arent they?

thanks OP, just ate 100k

there's this concept called phylates and "anti-nutrient" it sounds like new age science but the wackos have convinced me.
i very, very,very rarely make beans anymore but if i do, i do soak them overnight like my mom taught me.
the biggest evidence that convinced me is that traditional cultures processed them by sprouting, long soaking or fermenting them because they know better than us. maybe knows

grass fed beef brah

>don't eat beans
>don't eat legumes
>don't eat grains

How fucking stupid would you have to be to go on a paleo diet exactly?

>No citations

it's shit 0/10

>legumes bad
>grains bad

fucking retards

your diet is shit op
enter 2018 faggot

what's so bad about regular beans?



Actually makes vegans look intelligent by comparison. At least they don’t vilify fucking beans.

also think of the cultures that predominately eat beans and lentils. mexicans and pajeets. do they look healthy? i noped outta there legumes years ago

This lol.

This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

>le bread is bad meme

Go talk a walk fatty

gtfo my biz
people like you are what's wrong with the world you're fat and assume everyone else has no impulse control.
I weighed 125 at 6'2 and it's because I fell for the fucking specific diet memes and got ocd about food. Now I eat good shit, wendys nuggies, chic fila with shakes and I'm fine + feel goooood.

>it's fine if you soak them overnight
I thought errybody did that anyways, you got me worried for nothing

so its on topic thanks for clearing that up

you likely have a leaky gut and dont even kmow it.

beans do have phytates* like you described, this is scientific fact. However, soaking beans overnight and draining this water reduces that phytate content a lot, again as you describe. Regardless, the net benefit to your health from eating beans is still massive.

t. R.D. that actually knows my shit instead of whatever they teach in college.

Grains are good as fuck for you, the fuck is this chart on about? Also, red meat? Fuck off

eating any meat is a complete fail

I agree with everything EXCEPT the exclusion of Greek yogurt. It's a good general guide to follow though. Just don't eat too much of any one food.

Pajeets are skinny as fuck unlike your probably fat ass American self. BEANS R BAD NOW LET ME GO GNAW ON THIS MASSIVE CHEESEBURGER

Nice bean FUD sold 100k

I think you're old enough wean off another species milk faggot

yes but it's not realistic for most people. if you have to eat meat eating poultry and fish are fine in moderation and an easy source of b12 which is otherwise hard to find. red meat is just absolutely trash and should be avoided at all costs. there is literally no reason to eat red meat over fish or chicken.

I think it went over board, nothing wrong with sour dough or rye or Ezekiel bread, but that bleached shit that sticks to the roof of your mouth like tar is shit-tier corn syrup pumped over-processed grains

Wow that is my favourite academic journal!

all meat is trash
unless your idea of moderation is once a month, you fail at diet

>Greek yogurt

Mmmmmm no no no

B12 is only in meat because animals are fed supplements, you might as well just take one yourself.

I only eat fish (sushi) once or twice a week but no meat / dairy outside of that. Feelsgoodman

Its just that Greek yogurt is such a great protein source and it helps with digestion..

Cottage cheese is also great for working out, especially before sleeping.

Almost god tier advice

Cutting out sugar and processed carbs will be the best thing you ever do, you literally shed weight and feel more alert within a week.

Your probably infested with candida also if you have a high carb diet which youll have to get rid of.

Im a bit funny on meat, Ive cut down a lot and eat the odd bit of chicken, I eat far more fish than meat now.

Follow the medditerrenian diet and you cant go wrong, olives, olive oil, salads, fish, some cheese. Literal scientifically proven god tier diet.

>B12 is only in meat because animals are fed supplements

that just false. b12 is naturally occurring in most animals and humans need it. b12 deficiency is no joke.

better hope your sushi place is clean or you're going to get a tapeworm.

Grains are a little bit worse than nuts and seeds because they can feed bad bacteria and candida. That's one of America's favorite things: bread. Fast food, processed foods, and chemicals, high fructose corn syrup, the whole line of alternatives or substitutes for already good ingredients.

As long as you get good cardio in and plenty of water, you'll be good. Stay away from anything carbonated, cigarette smoking, binge drinking, and take taurine and fish oil. Always keep a bottle of probiotics and oregano oil around.

they're all estrogenic, not just soy

Perhaps I was too hyperbolic. B12 is produced by bacteria, but often livestock are given antibiotics which kill the bacteria that produce B12, meaning they need to get it supplemented. Either way, taking a B12 pill takes even less effort than cooking meat, and since the former is the healthier choice I don't see a reason to eat meat.

It's so easy to get protein that you would have to starve yourself to be protein deficient.

All dairy contains
>saturated fat
>mammalian hormones that increase your estrogen and decrease your testosterone
>literal shit

can someone redpill me on oregano oil? supposedly it's crazy healthy for you.

>got tier

You can't get more blackpilled than that. Also, half of those mediterranians are lactose intolerant an they eat that shit.. lol what a joke

>eat all fruits
>advocating eating genetically pumped orbs of pure sugar
>thinks he isnt eating shit

But quinoa is a superfood

>Be Italian
>"No pasta"
>No grains either
Kys, even ate McDonalds for lunch for a whole month straight last year and still below the average BMI. Diets are stupid normalfag memes who care about their appearance and health. What does it mean when you're a NEET who only steps out the house once a week? Absolutely nothing.

>BMI is the only indicator of health
>despite the fact that high cholesterol is not only one of the best indicators of heart disease, but actually a direct cause of it

Vegetables aren't natural, neither is cooking but I likeda caramel crusties on my ultra rare lamb chops :3

This is about health not dieting. You probably look and feel like shit. You 100% have a leaky gut. Probably have awful skin and hair.

>stop drinking milk
no thanks, I'm white (:

>not being fat is all you need to be healthy

Ya dude greek yogurt is gloriously fatty like a good food should be, why are there so many effeminate soibois in this thread I dont know

only in cows fed a shitty all corn vegan fag diet

Take off the meats and you're good. No point in risking heart disease, meats offer nothing that isn't in plants.
Eating any animal is eating HDL cholesterol and therefor risking heart disease. Meats also are inflammatory, and a weaker source of protein.
Legumes and specifically soy are amazing for their fiber, and don't give me the estrogen bullshit, it's phytoestrogen, look it up.

Is on the right track

Fruits have a little of each essential amino acid and every other nutrition without anti nutrients. Eating meat for raw Vitamin A and D, Iron, are all inefficient, and your body can overdose on them. Eat amino acids in fruit and your body can build proteins as it should.

Meat industry is the biggest buyer of synthetic B12 supplement, so cut out the middle man and take it directly.

I tried to wrap up everything.
TLDR; There's no good reason to consume animal flesh, and its only use is for survival in extreme situations.


>specifically soy

Fructose sugar directly from fruit is not the same as hi-fructose sugar.Your body doesn't treat sugar in fruit the same was as added sugar. Fruits have a wide range of ever vitamin, mineral, protein, and omegas. They are mostly water, just like the human body.

>unironically believing the meme

There are no peer-reviewed studies that show phytoestrogens acting like estrogens in the human body. On the other side, drinking milk and eating meat product high volumes of estrogen in the human body. You will experience bitch-tits, smaller testicles, lower sperm count by eating large quantities of meat/dairy.

How the fuck am I supposed to get enough calories with this shit? No RICE? WTF IS THAT? I'm 5% bf and super active. I need carbs and I don't have time to buy pounds of fruit every day.

why are you scared of a little soy? are you one of those low-t manlets that can't handle it?

might as well start taking hormones now if you're that far gone already.

Every cell in your body is saturated animal fat, I'll stick to my ancient diet of raw flesh and organ meat, bone marrow and *some* sauteed greens plus no smoking


Your direct consumption of dairy is leading to a much greater risk of cancer from hormones, from estrogens than a soyboy will ever know. And we get our 'good fats' without cholesterol (our body produces) or saturated fats from nuts/seeds/fruits.

Why is literally every vegan I've ever met a total faggot then?

So we do not need more, like cholesterol. We are not built at all to thrive on meat consumption and is strictly your taste pleasure bias and bonding that made you love and defend it. Dairy industry thanks you. You are promoting a carcinogen for free.

>fructose from fruit is not the same as fructose from corn

gtfo with your momscience

I eat high quality meat and I doubt that seeing as cancer is a relatively new phenomenon and we've been eating animals for at least a hundred thousand years

Not likely, I barely produce any waste and I look and feel great

dairy is good for you, this chart is total shit

>seeds in moderation
>but don't use sunflower oil

so which one is it? sunflowers are seeds

Eat onions, spinach, and Oysters with peanut butter and Olive Oil for massive gains

Early humans are very different from culture to culture depending on what they ate, and early humans who had a lot of animal consumption had very poor heart health. It's simply not worth the risk now when we don't need to eat it for survival.

Most diseases such as flu stem from domesticating animals. You are eating carcinogens, hormones, cholesterol, that you do not need in anyway way.

Am I a faggot for passing on information? We are in the information age, stop relying on what you learned in elementary school.

refined oils provide a lot of calories for very little nutritional benefit. You basically extract all the fat out and leave the fiber and minerals behind.

Dairy is horrible for you. It's meant to make a cow grow rapidly. You are ingesting huge amounts of estrogen and cholesterol, which your body does not need. Almond milk is better source of calcium at no cost of your health.

lol there's actual soyboys in this thread who are so pathetic they dont eat meat

lol there's actual manlets in this thread that think eating meat will help them look like a real man

I've tried Paleo and Veganism and I found that I function just fine on grains and dairy. Doesn't affect me negatively at all. I actually have better skin when consuming cheese ironically.

Right now I eat mostly paleo recipes with casual amounts of cheese and grain. There's no end all, you need to find out yourself.

>Don't eat grains or dairy
Enjoy your brittle bones and constant lethargy your fad hopping paleo faggots.

It's a risk you're taking for long term. You are ingesting cholesterol and saturated fats that is increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease. You can achieve your same lifestyle with strictly plants and thrive.

I eat a pound of ground beef almost daily and I'm so fucking shredded. I also have low blood pressure and cholesterol. Get fucked, soy boys.

Not you specifically, just my anecodotal experience says vegans are irritable, skinny little ragekins and unhealthy to boot.

What ancient hearts have you retrieved this knowledge from? Cholesterol is good for you, hormones are found in low quality torture meat and only cooked/burnt meat in cancerous, raw flesh is the ultimate redpill.

I don't get sick or unhappy or constipated or tired or confused, I attribute this largely to my diet.

Your body NEEDS cholesterol

0/10, see me after class

> Almond milk is better source of calcium at no cost of your health.

It has almost no protein in it, do you even lift, faggot?

God damn, everyone on this board is a fucking soyboy

uhm it does, so does killing, you shouldn't make fun of someone for their height, something they can't control, well not maliciously anyway you shouldn't

Why wouldn't I eat the way nature made me? Plants are manmade abominations

it literally does haha
what do you think men have been doing for millions of years dipshit

i should when its the cause for their compensation. you never see real men whine about soy or think meat is some rite of passage.

>your body needs cholesterol
Sure, in tiny amounts. You can get more than enough from plants.
>almond milk has no protein
Yes, and? Just eat some protein elsewhere in your diet then.

Red meat itself is not bad, look at how the studies were conducted

High in carbs

Grain is terrible for you, its literally fodder to keep people from starving

Meat does not increase heart disease, for fucks sake this is outdated nonsense. PROCESSED meat yes but suggesting all meat in general is bad. The problem with the modern diet is without a doubt an excess in sugar and carbohydrate consumption as well as a lack of excercise.

>eating animals is eating HDL.

Hdl is the good cholesterol you idiot, the kind you want to eat so your hdl/ldl are in balance and you dont have too much ldl, which is the bad cholesterol. HDL does not increase heart disease

Dietary cholesterol has no real impact on blood cholesterol levels, once again this is outdated. The us dietary guidelines took eating cholesterol off their recommendation for avoiding heart problems because dietary cholesterol doesnt even move the needle on ldl levels.

Holy shit vegans are this retarded.

>suggests soy

Well now I know you're either retarded or trolling.

Exactly, we just shit out what we don't need because our bodies are working as intended lol

all these lab made agricultural "vegetables" are whats clogging arteries

>dairy is good for you

Good for what? There is no evidence on that. There are much more cons than pros and every benefit that it could potentially give you you can find in any other food.

>eat expensive, bad tasting difficult to acquire food

fuck you

Quit slaughtering animals

maybe you are perpetuating poor self confidence though?

meat is food like gold is money, good looking people don't eat assloads of vegetables sorry

fuck my entire life of eating habits, made a chart

desu i tried paleo for a bit and felt a pleasant energy boost

this lmfao, non-human soyboy neu-millenial cuckolds

I avoid Halal and Kosher because it's needlessly brutal

Yes, it does. This is vegan nonsense. You should eat certain fruit low in sugars such as berries but avoid things like oranges and pineapple.

Best food to eat is meat and greens.

Don’t get it twisted

Some people are against the exploitation of animals

Some people understand that a plant based diet offers them things that a diet with meat does not