Veeky Forums mods

If you felt the moderation here is crappy. please report the mods here and show them this normie thread Veeky

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus christ the beta white knights are out in full force.

Back to plebbit


how does it feel to be a fucking bitch my god

hold down shift button and left click the thread from catologue

poof it's gone.

me atm: Hidden threads: 58

Ha, broke your thread faggot. kys.


>the unironic board invaders getting mad that theyre getting reported

the thread youre butthurt got deleted pretty fast desu

But since I you mention mod shit, this happened on biz the other day. A mod got triggered at a user and posted his IP. this is him explaining what happened This is the original thread

>Been on Veeky Forums for 3.2 years
>Content gets shittier every month
>Stops giving a fuck.

>posts sniff jpegs

trust me. this is only one of the many normie and /r9k/ shit that was running rampant on this board. We need a cleansing tbhq like on /jp/ and /ic/

fuck you pajeet. We don't need link the thread number 56.

I remember that, people should kick up a stink over it. Post it on /pol/ and tell them they are all fucked because mods are farming their IPs along with post history, maybe that will motivate a few autists kek

thats literal cuckoldry lol

The poor moderation is why this place is so fun. On the other hand, places like /a/ are totally devoid of fun because of the """"""good""""""" moderation and even light hearted jokes will lead you to a 1 month ban.
You know what people will start to do with heavy moderation? People will bitch about other people breaking meaningless rules 24/7. Everyone will be a shill, everyone will be reddit and people will report you if you upset them.
You want this shit? I bet you don't.

oh yes, constant shilling is better i agree desu

No. dont post it on pol like an autist. just report it on Veeky Forums feedback

shilling assets to help your your personal FINANCE. posting tinder likes has nothing to do with business nor finance. Hope thats simple enough for you.

like so

It's showing how to leverage your crypto gains into bountiful sloots. Also, it did have shilling to normies who we need to buy our bags.

yes sir thanks sir, 10 million LINK posts and 6 posts with -coin of the week- are super good quality desu

posting it to the very mod team that is under suspicion? if it goes to /pol/ they might make a fuss over it, you know, doing it for free and whatnot

Pol is taking care of us

feedbacks go to all types of admins of different boards. What we need is a Veeky Forums autist that hates normies as a mod. Someone who'll ban roasties and normies immediately upon finding their post.

this is accurate
Veeky Forums is the best board since /sp/ died

This board is an absolute mother fucking disaster.

No one thinks /a/ has good mods
they fucking banned sakurafish


if only

>banning a shitty meme is bad
kek. They got rid of /djt too. The mods are superb on /a/. They keep the quality great.

I know you like it

exactly my point. b&

But the mods on /a/ actively make the board worse by allowing constant generals and other low quality, repetitive threads to exist.