Your internet monopoly money is worthless. It doesn't benefit society and half of you don't even know how it works.

Learn a trade, Save your money, Work HARD for your bosses over time weekends anytime you can. Happiness is a luxury that awaits you after years of hard work. AND STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR PROBLEMS.

Make Society Great Again

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i'd rather try and fail to be my own boss than work as a slave for someone else

- literally every succesful entrepreneurs mindset ever

learning trades is a good skill though, i would do that over college if i had to.

Nice job trying to make me a wagecuck. Just sold my dog to buy more crypto, think I'll work for you faggot?

Can everybody just report this so he gets banned.

This is awfully annoying.. the more someone reads something, the less they take in. It just becomes another stupid poster on a telephone poll.

Your a dumb shit op. Get a life rather then come here daily to call something fake because your sour you missed the boat.

You must be suuuuuper ass hurt if your coming here literally daily to post this shit when you have nothing invested in it other then your time hahhahah

Pitiful mate, time to dox you and take any information you have on your computer. :)

I hope for your sake you've never ever logged into your bank online through the computer you use to post this shit I'm going to ruin your credit and steal your "real money" that can also be stolen entirely online :)

>It doesn't benefit society
normal hard working people putting their savings in and getting returns then injecting that into local economies doesnt benefit society?

If by trade, you mean real estate and fund trades, then yes, you should learn trades.

honestly all the negative posters are helpful, here's why. they prevent this place becoming an echo chamber, they also offer something that you can practice your stoicism on.

you are not a good trader if some nocoiner fud thread on Veeky Forums can make you react this emotionally.

Hang yourself wage slave cuck

>wanting to benefit this society

Holy shit. I'm in love.

Exactly, helping (((society))) that wants me to suffer and look down upon me, I want nothing but their death.

But user I'm already happy

learn a trade all you want but you will find out that its just as corrupt as any other business. better learn to suck good dick or enjoy being blacklisted from jobs

Reminder, your kind have done nothing beneficial to society. Your dad is probably on disabilities from working a "good" job that nearly killed him.

Fuck you and fuck Mike Rowe.


people in toyota fucking got rotational shoulder surgery.

Hilarious bait

>Work HARD for your bosses over time weekends anytime you can

>be full time Graphic designer
>GM doesnt pay you at the proper pay of a graphic designer
>Doesn't give you credit for the work you did for other clients when he shows your work off
>puts you under the gun and demands a design within an hour
>not an empathetic boss
>says mean in the new normal
>pays another employee 20 an hour for just being a glorified office boy that does nothing.
>the glorified office boy is the marketing managers lover
>conflict of interest.
>glorified office boy gets paid more than the graphic designer despite the fact full time GD been working there for 5 years.
> treats employees like they are retarded
>makes an email stating the person's name that he is fire breaching confidentiality
>Forces graphic designer to forge signatures and numbers on legal documents.

Yes, because working hard is SOOOOOO fucking worth it when your boss is a total asshole.


eat shit.

If you use computational power to make it, I can use computational power to hack it. Spend your electric bill on something like folding.stanford.edu/ instead and help cure diseases. Would be a shame for all crypto to disappear over night. You all won't get another warning.

Last thing I give a fuck is benefiting the society
I would rather straight up shoot myself than agree to wageslave til 65 like fucking normies


>boomer mentality
Unfortunately, there is now a stark distinction between jobs and careers. And there are far more jobs than careers. And there are far more employers trying to pass their job off as a career.

Your mentality obviously will work for the rare career opportunity smart and talented individuals will have the opportunity to capitalize on, but the vast majority of work out there are jobs. Even in areas where reasonably speaking the job SHOULD be a career path, far more often than not, you're better off doing your time and moving up in the world by moving out of that job, and into a better one. This is how it works now way more often than not.

>that shit eating grin
Where did boomers learn to make this face? Was the soylent grin a descendant of the boomer grin?

I've tasted real titties and what other call fake titties...guess what they both taste delicious and very real in my mouth. If I give it value and enjoy/respect the widget...........it exists.

Yeah no one wants to spend a living hell in the wage slave market anymore. I won't make it passed 30 at this rate. Corporate Hell is worse than death.

So that's why I'm going all in on crypto, stocks, any sort of way I can get a large some of money then stop working and live off of it. If I lose it all then I don't give a fuck, it's not like I can retire anyways thanks to the past 20 years of economic collapse.

woah obama was literal nigger tier management

It's more than that, the trends will continue under Trump. Every day more people give up looking for work. Those that are in jobs give up trying to buy a home because of the absurd as fuck housing prices.

yeah i don't believe Trump will be much better. they're all the same globalists from JFK onward

Mike Rowe has never worked a real day in his life, and the fact that he's now seen as a champion of the right-leaning blue collar worker is a testament to how stupid the average American is. Above that all, he's an asshole to the more blue collar people that he has working for him (Cameramen, etc).

However, seeing him crawl around in dirt and bitch and whine on Dirty Jobs is what made me go to college, so there's that.

we need more property taxes and shit
more welfare
more degeneracy funding
more wars and funding israel

it's funny how people are so fucking blind, they think all that taxation is justified.
(((They))) tax the shit out of citizens to keep them wageslaving til 65, otherwise we would have people retireing at 35 or working 2-4h a day. But in order for (((them))) to never work, average joe has to wageslave til he fucking dies

>made me go to college
I don't mean to be a bummer to you, but try to get some actual skills outside of class. If I could redo my college life then I would

-Learn a new language
-Learn how to trade
-Learn how to info search
-Plan to start your own business in something you have a slight interest in

If you start on these things earlier in life you get that much ahead instead of having to learn it while you're wage slaving like I did.

I don't make much now, but I'm surviving. I live each day to day hoping one day I get a lucky break and then after that I'm done with work and trying to trade out.

This "internet monopoly money" is part of an attempt to enable people like you to have the means to work and be happy without having to give part of your money to kike faggots who want you to support Tyrone and Hakeem. Be thankful.

I already graduated, and am financially comfortable (despite being an idiot who blew some money on crypto losses).

I am interested in starting my own consulting business. Gonna wait til I get a bit more experience in the industry/am stable in a city before looking into that.

>living in muttistan
>winning the lottery

>Work HARD for your bosses


A typical little serf wrote this pledge shit out, obviously never worked for/with absolute cunts. Always take the better option no fucking matter what, old boomer cunts wouldnt survive in todays job economy. The mental and physical strain is a joke, plus half your rights and entitlements mean jack fucking shit.