If the main Anglo staple is potatoes, and the main Italian staple is pasta, what's the main French staple?

If the main Anglo staple is potatoes, and the main Italian staple is pasta, what's the main French staple?

Cotton/rayon blend.




Probably bread/cheese


french fries duh

Butter, wine and bread

This. So, Wheat.

Was bread, but the French tech'd hard into potatoes in the 18th century. Those motherfuckers know how to cook a potato, I tell you what.

As a frenchman I can say this is the answer. Cheese pretty much

bread, cheese, butter.


Islamic Terrorism

Muslim smegma.



Idk what constitutes a "staple" food, but I'd argue that the average scandinavian eats more bread than potatoes. While potatoes are the traditional side for dinners, breakfast, lunch and evening-meals are traditionally open sandwiches.

Bread and dairy.

>not spaghetto

Bread. If you look at the plates in many French restaurants they seem to be missing a starch component - it's usually protein with sauce and some kind of veg. The table bread (in moderation) is meant to be the starch.

White breads, to fit the flag.

sweden is a bit farther north friend

French fries silly

escargot hunh hunh hunh