How do you make iced tea or am I just retarded?
How do you make iced tea or am I just retarded?
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You may be retarded, but here's how you do it: go out and buy some red rose tea (if you live in the US), take a large pitcher, fill it w water and place ~8+ teabags in it, set in out in the sun for an afternoon. Add ice when done. If you want 'sweet tea' add sugar to it before the sun treatment.
*pour over ice when done
Brew tea extra-strong
Add ice. (That's why you made it extra-strong, because you'll be diluting it with ice).
Add sugar to taste, which in the American south means a fuckload.
Bring a quart of water to a boil and steep 4 tea bags for 4 minutes.
Then squeeze your tea sacs, add the brewed tea to a quart of ice water.
Stir in a cup of auger
I'm not a robot
1 part vodka
1 part gin
1 part white rum
1 part cointreau
1 part tequila
dash of lemonade or some other mixer.
Lemonade + coca cola
that sounds like teaed ice, not iced tea.
Sun tea m8, rural American god damn tradition
>Stir in a cup of auger
>a cup
that can't be right
works out to like 20 grams in a 200ml glass
sounds about right
It sounds right for southern us style. Like said, it's often sweet as hell.
I use an American-style automatic drip coffee maker to make tea. It makes great iced tea, too. Sort of. Per 3,7ish litres (just under a gallon):
I add water to the reservoir and a large amount of small cut tea to the basket.
Turn on the machine.
Once brewed, I pour the tea concentrate into the iced tea pitcher then stir in a bit of sugar until dissolved.
Let cool at room temperature c 4 hours.
Add a little over double the volume of room temperature water as brewed tea.
Cool in the fridge for a few hours.
Pour over ice and consume.
For being so easy and uninvolved, believe it or not, brewing it like this is up there among some of the best iced teas I've ever had.
I have exact measurements, but I doubt anyone really cares.
You can't just add sugar, you gotta make sugar syrup.
Bring even parts sugar & cold water to the boil and then simmer on low for a minute, stirring. Cool.
Make tea.
Mix tea + syrup + lemon + ice to taste. A small pinch of salt is nice too (yeah really)
A mystical old chinese man taught me this when he saw me drinking a bottle of chinese ice tea in a park and was impressed.
Yeah I'm originally from Ohio, but I've been living in the south for the past year and to me drinking southern sweet tea is like trying to drink straight simple syrup.
I worked at a chain restaurant for three years and we did the simple syrup thing too just so that we could dissolve the sugar into the tea faster and put it out without having a shitload of sugar sink to the bottom.
Two cups of sugar for a gallon, yeah its sweet
A dirty old grandma taught me to just add sugar if your tea is warm. She's so proud that I have common sense!
I'm not a robot
go to wendys and ask for a large strawberry tea
>How do you make iced tea or am I just retarded?
My way is not "the" way, because I actually heat my teabags, but I find it acceptable for making some daily iced tea.
While I'm making dinner, or while I'm in the shower in the morning. I nuke a large quart pyrex measuring cup with fridge- filtered water and 2 pitcher sized luzianne tea bags (or publix). Basically it's 1 cup per regular teabag if that is what you wish. Takes about 8 minutes to boil, and then I leave it alone for another 10 minutes to steep. Pour into pitcher and chill down. If you want to use it right away, you fill half the pitcher with ice first. If you like your tea sweetened (I don't), you add about 1/4 cup sugar first to dissolve it well for just enough sweet, and more if you like actual sweet tea. Sometimes I toss in an extra flavored tea bag, like a mint tea, orange spice, or make the whole pitcher with something like green jasmine. Your call.