I like my coffee how I like my women...
I like my coffee how I like my women
Cheap and easily available like Starbucks?
Unfunny and at page 10?
Ground up and in the closet.
With aids right op? you sick fuck.
... in a plastic cup.
Stirred up with my finger
Cold, bitter and stale.
Covered in bees.
Rich enough to support me
>fuck yes I want a sugar mama.
Dark and procured by Colombian slave labor.
hot and sweet
Hot and mixed up with Bailey's?
I don't like coffee.
>page 10
Heavy, dark, and fair trade.
I don't want to have coffee with /you/, you're covered in bees!
...I don't like coffee?
>>asian coffee is terrible
>>however, vietnamese coffee is delicious. french style, but comparably much cheaper
White and filled with fat-inducing products?
Filled with my creamy goo?
With my dick in it.
Stuffed in a sack and tied on the back of a mule?
sweet and mocha
Without a penis.
It's "ground up and in my freezer" since most people don't keep ground coffee in a closet with their coats... get it right
Lots of milk and almost cold?
...with dicks
nigger black?
One day old and warmed up in the microwave
Light brown with Vitiligo?
black and four times in the morning?
Pulled from a civet's ass.
More milk than most can handle.
Every morning, I wake up in my neet little corner of the woods, walk over to my coffee maker and put a little bit of ole gram gram in there. Coffee tastes great, a little ashy, but what do you expect?
Black and nasty
Tits don't count if the girl is fat
black like my lungs
black and strong?
full bodied and staining my jeans
without pubic hair
I don't like coffee
instant with a splash of milk and drank at 0345 before work?
Flat and white.
filled with cream and syrup
Expensive, enjoyed for a fleeting moment, and then gone forever?
With massive beasts?
Black and bitter
Disgustingly sweet.
Black and sweet!
Underated post
Strong, black and all over my lap.
attractive and sexy?
What a fucking dumbass.
covered in frothy 'milk'
These 'social line graph' joke things always piss me off and make me cringe at the same time. A blown attempt at some joke that might've actually had the chance to be clever.
what kind of summerfag comes to Veeky Forums?
Black, bitter, preferably fair trade.
What the fuck, does this fag not like black chicks
Colombian with a spoon in it.
Wow haha he said black how racist
>What the fuck, does this fag not like black chicks
Even niggers don't like their own black chicks.
There's a reason why niggers worship white women & white genes over their own.
>Even niggers don't like their own black chicks.
This. All my black friends all chase white girls only.
Its understandable. All animals try to mate and breed with superior genetics. That's nature.
But Niggers don't even realize they're basically admitting the superiority of white women genetics... black pride my ass.
>niggers worship white women
You got that back to front, famille.
Large black and pungent
Hot, full of stimulants, and in my lap absolutely destroying my genitals.
... Lukewarm and thin.
All over my lap when I'm driving.
Gross and picked up at the gas station
...lacking consciousness.
Oily and full of mouthfeel
bold, black, and paid in quarters
I take it black...
...like my men.
burning my cock with scalding liquid
Hot, black, and sweet?
white and tastes like cake.
Ground up and in the freezer.
I like coffee, period, and have had very few (like 1%) bad coffees, so yeah, that's apt. I will fuck anything that doesn't have green pus coming out, and will drink any coffee without growths on it or a roach swimming in it.
African and naturally sweet
Decaff with whipped cream on top
what the fuck is unresponsive coffee?
Ask the coffee and find out.
...With it's own dick being jerked back and forth by me while being anally pounded as it screams, "Please, stop!" Every time I thrust.
Where the fuck you get your coffee???
Expensive and mostly artificial
Keeping me up all night.
ground into a fine powder which i store in an airtight container in the back of my fridge