Do you dumpster dive behind grocery stores? It's a great way to get free food.
Do you dumpster dive behind grocery stores? It's a great way to get free food
illegal were I live, and I don't want to get aids
Slightly related question. If the meat is within a few days of the expiration date, but it has been properly stored the entire time how long after it """""expires""""" can I safely eat it?
Expiration dates are only guidelines, they are not exact. And they are also extremely conservative.
It is most likely still safe--use your senses to find out. Does the meat feel slimy or smell bad? If so, throw it out. If not, use it. There is no mistaking the smell of rotting meat. If it's bad, you will know instantly upon smelling it.
This, though I've found milk dates are usually really accurate.
I don't anymore. In college a friend and I would go to a bakery once a week and they had a specific dumpster for bread they didn't ship that day.
Every dumpster in my town is locked and located behind locked gates, I don't know where you guys live where you can just waltz up and collect food.
Supermarkets really do waste obscene amounts of food though, I worked at one and every day we'd throw away boxes of perfectly good nonperishable food because it was taking up space. But of course the managers' kikery meant IT'S STILL STORE PROPERTY, YOU CAN'T TAKE IT HOME WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT
expiration dates on goods that approach a year will last a fucklong time, simply because there are hard limits by law to what expiration date can be set on anything. Ketchup might have a year on it, but literally every ingredient in ketchup other than water is a natural conservative, meaning it can't spoil. Use common sense.
You should be fine. If it worries you too much give it a sniff test.
So wasteful. Why not donate it to a food bank or something?
As long as it doesn't smell off it's fine to eat.
If it has gone bad you will know.
I simply got to know my local grocer and after some time he went on about the food waste they throw out is more than he can even feed his whole family with and I asked him what day/time he throws expiry items and now he just throws the good shit in a rubbermaid tub I collect within several hours for me and the bad stuff I load up and feed to my pigs. In exchange I give him a butcher hog every year.
But honestly just tossing all that shit is so dumb.
Does this apply to everything or just meat?
I had some old salsa that had mold on the lid. It still smelled fine though and I ate some of it before seeing the moldy part.
any time there's mold you shouldn't eat it. with mold on cheese you're able to just cut off the moldy part but mold on other things like bread and the whole thing is unsafe.
It depends. Meat definitely has a very pungent off odor, as do lots of other foods, but not everything.
I've had some left over spanish rice that smelled fine and I microwaved started eating before I noticed the mold... Mold doesn't always have a powerful scent, often times its a fairly subtle mustiness.
I worked at a union Deli and we threw out tons of meat on a weekly basis.
We would only keep most meats for 7 days, and salamis for 14. Cheeses would be anywhere from 14-30 days. It had to go in the trash right behind the deli counter. You couldn't take things home. Hell, the "gestapo" as we'd call them would get pissed if you had one of the old donuts at the end of the night before they threw them away.
If you can see mold then it's far too late. It's already spread through the whole food, the part that you see is just the part of the mold that gives off spores.
This shit pisses me off. It's not even that I want to be all high and mighty and help poor people or anything, fuck that, it's just the idea of throwing away something because "rules", and even stopping your own fucking employees from getting use out of it.
What a world huh.
My mom always opens a can of salsa and never eats it in time, but when it gets moldy she just scrapes off the top and continues eating. I've tried telling her she should stop plenty of times, but she never does.
She even fucking served it to guests once until I went and got a new one so the guests could throw out their tortillas. Fucking hell.
your mom sounds like a disgusting cunt
It's weird, cause she's in public health and pretty big on eating healthy and stuff. I don't get it.
she's not eating the mold, I don't see the problem.
Dairy is the only food stuff that is regulated. STICK TO DAIRY DATES IF YOU DON'T WANT LIQUID SHITS
See what the guys I replied to said.
The fact that there's even visible mold means the rest is fucked too user.
>tfw 1/3rd of the time at my workplace the milk has gone fucking disgustingly bad, days before the best before date
I honestly do not know how the fuck they do it. I wonder if they just turn off the fridge or something retarded when they close up the office. It's disgusting.
probably don't have it very cold to save money plus people open and close it too often. bonus points if you leave it on the door, that fucks it
Yeah it's always on the door cause it's a tiny fridge and it'd have to be lying down otherwise. And we use milk cartons in Denmark, so that wouldn't work - if there was even space for it with all the food leftovers and beer and soda.
>most likely
No, I don't, because I am a productive member of society with steady income.
Can I ask YOU a question, now? How does it feel to sift through garbage like some worthless vagrant parasite so you can feed on the scraps and filth that people who are obviously your superiors threw away?
I was told they get better tax claims to throw it away then donate it. Worked in 2 convience stores, Brookshire Brothers and Walmart, one donated food, the other didn't.
>Walmart didn't
Also, Walmart fucking puts all the meat in one bin and all the fruit in another, something like selling it to dog food places.
I once did this mostly out of curiosity, and when I opened the dumpster I saw that someone had actually used a boxcutter to slash a hole in all the packaging and rotting meat was thrown over the entire mess, rendering everything in the dumpster inedible.
Can someone explain why they would do this other than to be a cunt?
to prevent faggots like you from digging in their dumpster every day
If the people digging through the trash aren't causing a mess why would they care? I think it's because they probably see a person getting free food from their throwaways as "having lost a sale" or some disgusting bullshit.
I just thrower out two month old rotten chicken, I stuffed the bag so full I couldn't close it so it spilled all over the dumpster, I live near two grocery's and I see people diving all the time.
Just a heads up for you guys
>digs though trash to eat the trash food
>calls buisness trying to make sales disgusting
>willingly having homeless people outside your place of business
it's bad for fucking business, and most certainly a safety hazard, for employees, customers, and the fucking homeless
>Store manager
>Put the shit nobody wants half off
>Put it 75% off
>Offer rive for the price if one
>Move it to the part of the store that's closest to the door so people will steal it
Come the fuck on, what do I have to do to get rid of this shit?
>It finally goes off, I can throw it away
>Hey guys, massive recall, massive finds on x product
>Expiration dates are only guidelines, they are not exact. And they are also extremely conservative.
Yeah but they're conservative for a reason. I don't want to fucking die because I thought I could save some shekels by drinking some old milk.
They don't want a lawsuit in case someone gets sick eating food from there. People have been sued for stupider reasons before.
I worked in a dementia unit for a few years. We had our own seperate dining room from the assisted living side, so the kitchen would send a hot cart of food over and we, the caregivers, would serve our residents ourselves. We made sure everyone in the dining room got their food, set aside plates for any residents who didn't want to come out, and three extra plates just in case. There would still usually be a shit ton of food left over even after all that. We were told not to eat the food and just to throw it out but we all said fuck that and would pig out every day. The boss usually stayed away from the dining room and generally looked the other way anyway. No one ever got in trouble, and we got free meals nearly every day.
now you can throw away all that food when you dont use it and have no freezer space for it
It's the same story everywhere. At Dunkin D's, my store was happy to give away our day old doughnuts to kids who came at 11pm for free doughnuts and late night workers. Then you had the cunt who came in with boxes and demand we package them up for her, that threatened to sue (???) if we didn't.
I work at a grocery store and every single night, the bakery throws away bags and bags full of donuts and pastries. I understand it - there's not much else they can do - but it's weird to watch.
You can preserve food in other ways than freezing it you know.
Pretty good. I can spend my money on better things by saving money on day old bread.
nah, not worth the effort. i prefer to spend my time reading. ive done it in the past and it was meh. its more useful to brag about being an alt kid than for the actual use of it. useless if you no longer want or ahve social life.