We did it bros
Are you a fan or are you just too stupid to understand apostrophes?
God damn it you fucking retards we needed Baja blast not this nigger flavored shit
get fucked baja blasters
I would touch either you soda guzzling, obese, diabetic Septic Tank.
go to taco bell you dumb nig, if baa blast won we wouldnt even see pitch black ;~;
fucking this
;_;7 Rip Baja Blast
What did we do? 6 people total browse Veeky Forums and they all talk back and forth to each other to keep up the facade that the board has more than 6 posters.
Great. Like this world needs another artificial grape soda. This shit was rigged as fuck.
>implying I give a shit
Fuck you Blackfags and your shitty grape soda. Baja for life!!!
Enjoy your fizzled cough syrup you dirty cunts. Tell me what makes it so better than Baja Blast. Tell me how you couldn't have just bought a fucking Crush grape instead.
This. The polls led everyone to believe Baja was sure to win. Taco Bell probably paid them off at the last minute to keep Baja exclusive to them, those fuckers.
Eat shit faggots. Pitch black #1
But wouldn't Taco Bell already be getting half the profit of what Pepsico makes off of these sales?
Here's your (You), cunt.
prove that pitch black is superior and not just another generic coughdrop tasting grape soda piece of shit like everything else. Oh wait, you can't. Of course faggots like you never would have learned to appreciate the sour goodness Pitch Black II. That shit was based, and right now you just have this pussy-ass jolly rancher soda. Why even bother?
hail satan
h*ck yes
Not before you tell me why you can't get your Baja Blast at Taco Bell you fucking nigger.
Not all of us have the fucking money to get a job, lease a fucking car and drive all the way to a fucking Taco Bell just to buy a fucking Baja Blast.
Why are you even here?
Just as I suspected. Kikes like you are too scared to even prove my point.
>too scared
On an anonymous image board.
and then there's this guy....
code red will always be there so I don't give a fuck
I"m actually excited
Lame, I was wondering why there were no baja blasts at the store today. Not a fan of pitch black, I liked it back in the day, it was more sour and so much better.
>durr just go to taco bell
why should I have to drive to a fast food place just for a drink? Besides, there's no taco bell within 8 and a half miles of me.
Oh well, i'm sure we'll see baja blast again sometime soon. If they make pitch black more sour like it used to be, i'd be happy too.
>pitch black wins
>there are actually people who are hyped over Dew that's literally Crush grape soda with the Mtn Dew name on it
I don't get it.
Fuck you stupid niggers and your grape drank.
Baja Blast will always be better.