Is cryptocurrency the worst thing for jews since hitler?

is cryptocurrency the worst thing for jews since hitler?

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chill it with the anti semitism man. not cool bro.

This is a rare pepe

Unironically, yes.

Hold me user OP said something about Jews, I'm sure you could protect me.

Dude. You sound like you need some Bancor in your wallet, OP.
You did read the latest study about how racially diverse cryptocurrency communities are more prosperous, right?

Nothing is exception of Jews, be it crypto, right wing or christianity, it’s all part of the plan

dont know man but you're the worst thing for this board since leftists


i just realized the entire worth of every shitcoin is more than the possible amount of currency in the fuck this supposed to end well fuck

What the fuck is this? This is a business and finance board. Take your anti-semitism elsewhere. I don’t want to hear any commie crap either. No politics, no nudes.

I’m only interested in one thing: making M-O-N-E-Y. I don’t care if you actually hate Jews or if you just think it’s funny. Your eyes are obviously not on the prize when you’re distracted with this bullshit.

No, there are a lot of jews invested in crypto. Probably including some public figures that talk shit about it. If you mean banks, they will probably benefit from the cost-savings provided by crypto. Also we will begin to see crypto banks as the space matures.

Not yet, and who knows the effect it will have on society so it may never be.

Yes, yes... That's right, goys! You simply don't have your eyes on the prize! Cool it with the Anti-Semitic™ remarks.

you shouldnt feel proud of that drawing
its not hard to trace / copy a loading screen from the original ALICE

This dubs say you're wrong

Jews can't stop me from sending bitcoin to Andrew Anglin, and that's awesome.

I can't wait until we stop the kikes forever.

Jews are awesome.

yes obviously the jews hate crypto just like they hate the mormons. anything that gives white people a way to wealth & breeding faster angers the jew. anyways I'm buying peepcoin so i can have 10 white chads. so ya, fucking buy some peepcoin with me. it's a japanese crypto for the people "white people". imagine a world of just whites & japs. fucking comfy

Damn, R*ddit has really taken over this board.

you want me to fry you up some latkes?

kek, faggot
highschool melodramas belong off the board
keep it related


They profited immensely from the holocaust. Never bet against them...

actually wrong video, thought it was a different one.... whatever...

WTF I'm a nazi now

This is true, they're very useful. You can make soap, lamp shades, all kinds of things out of them.