Asia Groccery store AMA

I work at an Asian grocery store, AMA

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Do you sharks fins? Openly or under the counter?

Asking about >pic related
I always see them little hanging birds, but I don't know if they're good, fresh, expensive or cheap, etc. Do you sell many of those, and what do you think of them?

why do you guys hate customers who don't speak your language? there's a korean meat shop that does this near where i live

What's the least sanitary item you have in stock?

No sharks but we have pic related all the time.they will chop them up out in the open for you, but they mostly get sold living

They sell pretty well among Asia customers, haven't seen any white folk buy them though.

The sometimes smell good when they are cooking but after they cool down the gamy smell is overpowering

Doesn't happen at my store really. managers speaks cantonese and mandirin but a lot of the staff is from other parts of Asia

Deli items.

What do they really think of whites shopping in the store? Do they care? I always feel weird going to the one near me.

They don't care. I shop at Asian markets all the time, a lot of them only full of Asians (like the Korean place nearby). Just don't expect a ton of help, because most of their customers know what they're looking for. They seem unfriendly a lot of the time, but this is just because they don't practice the white American convention of acting overly-friendly to strangers. They give two shits about your skin color though.

What exactly do you cook with pig uterus?

Are you Asian

Do you stock durian?

Silk purses. You can't make them out of the ears

What's the strangest thing in your store?
What's a hidden gem that most foreign people don't know about?

Can I buy dog meat?

Yea they care about getting more money

Why do workers at Chinese stores handle money with the same gloves that they handle food with? What's even the point of the gloves of you never take them off? Just washing your hands before work would have the same effect.

I've seen this happen in every authentic Chinese store I've ever been to and nowhere else. Weird.

yeah pretty much they have their prejudices like any people but where I work they basically assume if you are white you are there just to buy ramune and pocky

Not sure, don't have them


Frozen durian yes

>strangest thing

balut eggs, crickets

>hidden gem
Chinese style sausages without a doubt. You wouldn't think to get sausage at a china market but they balance sweet and meatiness very well.
pic related is particularly great chopped up in stir fry

I am sure you could find it at a Chinatown somewhere, but we don't have it. We do get some pretty dubious looking stuff sometimes though

They do the same thing at my store with the baked items. I think they just worry more about not wasting gloves more than they worry about grossing out customers with western standards.

What city you located in, broski

do you know where i can get monkey?

Can I buy cat meat?
Do people eat more cat meat or dog meat?

Is eating bugs popular there?

Do you supply sichuan pepper, and do you ship?

Do people buy more meat products or vegetables?

But of they don't care about grossing out customers, why do they wear gloves at all?
In my case, they handled dum dum or some dumplings or some other wet and gross shit.

Are there any vegan products?

Can you buy whale or dolphin meat?

How often do you get food inspection?

Where are you from?

How did you land a job there?

Rocky Mountain Area

a third of our spice isle is different brands and iterations of sichuan peppers. But no we don't ship.

Vegetables by far.

So they don't get the wet stuff on their hands

There is a small vegan section.


I have yet to see one

Rocky Mountain Area

they were hiring, walked in to apply, told them I knew a bit of Chinese/Cantonese and was interested in Asian cooking and they hired me that same day.

I'm pretty sure they were just understaffed at the time and would have taken anyone

How many of those you sell a day?

You know what I mean. Where are you FROM?

Are you any qt's at your store?

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Are those hanging meats made daily?
What happens to them if they don't sell by closing?
How is the hygiene at the place?

those sausages you posted are so good. my mom used to toss some of those cut up in the rice cooker and then your rice comes out with little sausages flavoring it. mmm

also, mirin trips

Can ya get chinese booze there? Talking about bai jiu (liquor) and mi jiu (wine, not the cooking wine)
白酒 米酒

If not, how do i get that shit in the USA. Florida here

I don't know why, I'm madly attracted to Asian women.

What are the most sold items? Do non asiatic people ask for advice?

What are cheap, tasty, filling items you can get at just about any Asian grocery store to feed yourself with so you don't starve?

Not him but most asian stores should have er guo tou, which is a well known bai jiu brand. It's got a red label. Not sure about mi jiu.

Im not OP but honestly Litchis are damn tasty and a good value if you take them in cans, user.

yellow fever

Curious, has working with asians changed you in any way?

Do you just eat the window duck like a rotisserie chicken or do you have to o something else with it?
>I ask because I've never bought one and would like to try one
>also similar with the sausages

What will you recommend ftom the hot foods? I know a place my dad picks up extra fixings the chicken wings is the best

They sell pretty well. we have many different varieties.

There was this hot chick who worked register but she quit recently.

Staff is mostly old asian women

they are cooked fresh daily and whatever doesn't sell is left to sit there to be sold the next day.

I heard cleanliness complaints from customers looking for discounts, but from what I have seen the deli seems to be as sanitary as any other kitchen

We have no liquor at all other than the light version of some Japanese beers. Manager think Americans only like light beers.

Try a liquor store in a known Asian neighborhood.
There's one in my town that to my surprise had a bunch of Asian beers and liquor

Before I started working here they straight up asked me if I had yellow fever. I lied and said I didn't

Not surprisingly the top selling items are: rice, Tofu, and dried noodles.

non-Asian customers are the ONLY ones asking for advice

Rice, Tofu and Dried noodles. add veg too if you can

My ability to speak English has gotten worse. Everyone working there has really strong accents and they wont understand you half the time unless you speak English the same way they do.

customers usually have the deli chop it up for them, but I've seem them sell duck wrapped up as is.

Sausages you gotta dice and put in fried rice. you could probably just eat them whole but noodles or rice will balance out their saltiness

Duck is the most popular deli food, but I personally like the pork steam buns

How big is your tea aisle?

Sorry, I meant if your opinions/stereotypes have changed.

Do you work at lee hing? Or the Denver one.

Does anyone every buy an unholy amount of Moon cakes or festival cakes on top of Mochi?

Do you take cards, most annoying shit about Asian grocery stores in smaller cities don't

is it true you mark up the price for white people?

Whole Isle both sides. use an isle from Target for size comparison.

kind of. the staff is pretty Americanized so they don't really fit any particular stereotype.

The customers on the other hand... The mainland Chinese tourists are the fucking worst. No manners, cutting in line, taking pictures of employees without permission.

Also the manager has a deal with a tour company, so twice a day we get a bus full of elderly Chinese tourists ferried to our store. They usually buy ginseng and navel oranges

old Vietnamese women bitch and moan about prices and always insist the prices in the computer are inaccurate, or that they should get a special price because they tell me another store has it cheaper.

Thai are pretty bro, can't complain

Japanese only buy Japanese products

Korea's run a lot of sushi restaurants and have huge tax exempt orders.

never heard of it

Certain times of year yes. whats big right now is pic related.

We take credit/debit if the total is over $5, 10$ minimum if it is American Express

sticker prices are the same for everybody, but being Asian can give you the edge in making a bargain.

If you are Asian and want a lower price on something 9 times out of 10 the manager will give you a deal. especially if you are another business owner


aww shiet. Funny though, I've never seen those in stores before. It seems like the kind of thing made at home.

The whole bit about the different kinds of Asians is pretty accurate.

Are there any daily made items in your store like banh mi or lod chong?

do you sell bull penis? if so, what do people do with it? I have seen "beef pizzle" at my local asian market and have been a little bit curious ever since.

If you speak Chinese tell us some crazy shit you hear people say. I speak a little and have heard some rude shit because white boy obviously has no idea what we are saying.

i haven't seen any er guo tou. when i was in china town in london, I found bottles of red star eq guo tou cheap as hell.

so far all i've seen in shops here is really shitty cooking wine.

so i'm guessing in california or new york then. probably no hope down in florida

Ever heard of Super 88?

do you have a live crab tank and if so why don't you take the dead crabs out, it's disgusting

>Japanese only buy Japanese products

yeah, unless it's from taiwan japanese largely avoid foreign ASIAN products. taiwan pi dan often have jap on the label for this reason.