>tfw 23
>I have been NEET for 2 months now
Tfw 23
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I agree that NEET life is best life. But be careful not to slowly drift into the same shitty routine. Try new things, always.
Probably on a beach in mescio
2yr NEET w/ COMFY asian WAIFU
>tfw 27
>been neet for 9 years now
>tfw 23
>neet for 6 years
neet for past 5 years lmao love you guys
being a NEET is easy if you got money and people to talk to
try being completely socially isolated for a few months (only Veeky Forums and buying groceries allowed) and we will see how comfy you're gonna be
Indiana Downs
>wageslave since 6 months now
If crypto and I'm not gonna make it, I'll just kms
What a miserable fucking existence wageslaving is.
Are you me? I was neet at 21 went back to community college part time, got 0.0 gpa for the semester and neeted again in December and I turn 23 last month. Feels good to make money and age slower compared to my peers. I still look like a high school boy lmao.
Wageslaving belongs in a museum!
I don't get it. Do you guys, like, live with your parents or what?
What do you guys like to do with your free time? Vidya? Weightlifting?
It sure does. t. Most wageslaved cucked faggot ever.fucking crypto better not fail cunts... Or I'm totally fucked
Why age slower? No stress due to no wageslaving?
>try being completely socially isolated for a few months (only Veeky Forums and buying groceries allowed) and we will see how comfy you're gonna be
I've done this for a year and it's comfy as fuck, I don't know why people hate it so much.
I've been socially isolated for a decade and I feel comfy as fuck.
Been NEET for one year.
>no friends
>family hates me
>get ridiculed by people I come across with
>has social anxiety that I can't even come across as a functional human being anymore
I do have a gf and has stuck with me ever since I had my mental breakdown but I don't know how even that will last. How she puts up with me, I don't know. Life is suffering bros.
>being a NEET is easy if you got money and people to talk to
NEET only works if you have close friends nearby you can interact and hangout with. Otherwise, being alone will definitely drive you crazy.
actually spent last ~10 yrs as alpha chad
im riding the muscles wave but am becoming non-chad day by day
I hate sleep BIZ srsly
Fuck the world.
I'm a neet because I live on the first floor of my parents home and my father is dying from lung cancer, I'm his at home aide
I might just be autist, being around people drain my energy...one of the reasons why I just ghosted my friends a decade ago.
Sorry bro, my old man died of lung cancer too. Hang in there, user.
I dont believe you. You sound like a roastie that has recently taken to Veeky Forumsposting because cryptos are the in thing
Seeing all the hate for normies, you now create an elaborate narrative that reframes the past decade as living in isolation, when in reality you are a normie
no user
don't fall for the NEET meme
Most NEETs on this site are anti social, autistic losers. Short term NEETs are what ever.... shit happens. But being a long term NEET and saying you are comfy is an absolute lie. I would rather work a couple days a week than have no job at all. Being a NEET feels like being a miserable piece of shit, with no morale and no hope for anything. No drive for anything, even seeing friends gets depressing after a while because most of them are going places and you will be stuck there rotting away doing absolutely nothing but shit posting.
Trust me.... being a NEET is the most miserable , horrible, depressing life ever. How do i know? I was a NEET on and off for years, i would wake up every fucking morning wanting to KMS. At least when i work or go to school i feel accomplished at the end of the day, and free time is more enjoyable.
I challenge any of you smelly fucks to prove me wrong..... you can't
That's not neet. That is being honorable. Never feel shame for stepping up where most would not.
yet we are all connected right no
#metoo #nohomo
I am isolated for almost a decade too and interestingly I don't have single bad memory from this period
But I have tons of bad memories before isolation and unfortunately these memories tends to flash back randomly. It has been worse last three years I don't know what to do
That's terrible, sorry to hear that. Did they smoke?
>dont fall for the NEET meme
I can also confirm this. Never want to go back to full NEET life
Yeah, he was an old school Chad smoker.
You need to create some fresh, positive memories to outweigh the bad ones user. Believe it or not, even us misanthropes need some hunan contact.
Yours is just anecdotal evidence.
>Being a NEET feels like being a miserable piece of shit, with no morale and no hope for anything. No drive for anything, even seeing friends gets depressing after a while because most of them are going places and you will be stuck there rotting away doing absolutely nothing but shit posting.
If you can't find anything interesting in the age where you have all the information in the world at your fingertips. And you choose to spend all your time shit posting then yeah, maybe it's best for you to go work since you can't think what to do with your time for yourself
>I was a NEET on and off for years, i would wake up every fucking morning wanting to KMS
Yeah, better wake up every morning wanting to KMS and then also go to work wanting to KMS and then spend your miserable 3 hours of free time wanting to KMS.
>At least when i work or go to school i feel accomplished at the end of the day, and free time is more enjoyable.
I've never felt any sense of accomplishment from work or school and all the free time was poisoned from constantly being worried about having to go wageslave again the next day.
My gf of 4 years ago broke up with me because I took a year off after my undergrad and became a neet before grad school.
I dont have a job and didn't tell her about my crytpo gains, she thought I was broke but I made 100k and was planning a trip to Iceland for us.
Fuck women, Im going mgtow after that fucking bullshit, not even allowed to take a couple months off to relax without getting called a loser.
28 year old NEET for five years. Only contact with non-working womyn in past year was some slut trying real hard to cut me in line to buy a beer while she wanted to order like 5 mixed drinks
Ok, thanks for replying. My uncle passed a year ago from lung cancer so I was curious. Sorry again for your loss.
you outlined exactly why I liked being a neet, I'm not even a person with a ton of interests but it never felt like I had run out of things to do
once you have a ton of money you've gotten rid of the only real downside of being a neet
>Just found out yesterday my opa has lung cancer
>Stage 4
>I've been trying to learn German for the last couple months to surprise him
>Now seems like it could be my last gift to him
>Tfw I'm a brainlet and won't be ready in time
28, NEET for a year here. 200k in crypto (500k peak). I think what annoys me most about normies is they hate the NEET lifestyle but if you have the shittiest job you’re somehow justified. 90% of wagecucks I’ve ever met hate their life and the roastie they fell for but just deal with it thinking it’s the absolute path in life.
Yes, 40 years a pack a day
Maybe your gf was different but mine is a saint. She puts up with my outbursts ever since I had my mental breakdown from all the traumas and abuse I have endured throughout my life. She's definitely a keeper but I do want to turn my life around now or she will really be gone if this keeps up. A person can only keep up with so much shit before they turn tail. You're right though, most women (Hell most people. Even men are like that now) are materialistic nowadays and are more concerned with status and wealth than forming relationships and communities.
Yeah, god bless crypto for providing us with the way for that.
Miserable normies want everyone else to be just as miserable. You shouldn't be annoyed, you should laugh at them.
Sorry to hear that, but maybe you don't have to learn it all in time. Just think of something important that you want to say to him and learn how to say that in German. I'm sure that's enough to make him happy.
I see, thanks for replying. My uncle never smoked a day in his life, he said he thought he probably got it from working construction all those years. I know it's rough, I witnessed my uncle go firsthand. Hang in there, user.
>NEET cope
it already did. you could have turned a thousand dollars into a million or more in 2017 but the likelihood of that happening in 2018 is zero
I've never been living that full neet life, but i'd like more NEET-Time compared to the time that I HAVE to give up for work / and or friends. Sometimes i only go see people because i know i should keep a friend
>Yeah, better wake up every morning wanting to KMS and then also go to work wanting to KMS and then spend your miserable 3 hours of free time wanting to KMS.
you got it.. i want to work and accomplish things, but i want to decide what those things are. Not some nigger telling me to stay 2 hours longer today
Change your mindset man, or find a better job. Working shouldn't feel awful.
Truth. Solitude is great, loneliless drives you mad.
Oh yeah? Would you have stayed with your gf had she gotten 100 pounds overweignt? Or 200?
Bullshit, women want high status men and money is a sign of status. It's like physical beauty for a woman. I'm not going to say that i don't care about my girl's appearance, so i don't mind if she wants me to make a lot of money. Quid pro quo.
I've been a NEET for 8 years now and I'm the happiest individual on earth. You are just an unhappy conditioned retard that can't handle freedom. It is actually good that most people are like you. A willing slave is the best kind of slave.
Now go and keep society running for me, dear. You are doing a great job dear, I'm so proud of you.
We'll see which one of you will be better off when society collapses...
you are totally reliant on society though
most people are reliant on society
people don't work shitty office or retail jobs to contribute to society, they do it so they can buy food and have a place to live
The first step towards demoralization is dispossesion
People in before the industrial revolution worked in farms and that shit involves one of the most gruesome backbreaking labor where you toil and expose yourself to the harsh heat of the sun. People don't do farm so they can contribute, they farm so they can have something to eat and a place to stay if the feudal lord is kind enough to provide you your own house.
Majority of human existence has always been working your ass off to survive. Why do you think it would be any different now just because we have cellphones and computers?
being a NEET long term only sucks if you're a conditioned brainlet who feels like you "should be" wagecucking, where you feel guilty for not conforming to social norms.
I've been a NEET for about 10 years, but I have no financial stress, have some inheritance and sold a business years back. I'm not filthy rich but I don't have to work a job ever again if I don't want to while maintaining a middle class lifestyle.
I never run out of things to do. I've learned musical instruments, programming, languages (some spanish, french, korean, german), I've learned how to repair vehicles and do all kinds of handyman type work while restoring homes (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc), I've learned video and audio editing, I do a lot outside (camping, hiking, kayaking), I watch movies constantly (probably seen 10,000+ movies, I can talk about any mainstream as well as many obscure/foreign films), I exercise/workout regularly, I've studied art, history, psychology, philosophy as a hobby, I could go on and on.
There's always something new to learn, something new to try. Yes if you sit at home on your PC 24/7 shitposting on sites like this or plebbit you'll become depressed before long, because it's a miserable way to live longterm. You need to actually be ACTIVE and feel a sense of accomplishment by learning new things and/or improving yourself. Most people get this strictly through wagecucking, as in you get a job, you earn money, and you use the money to meet financial goals (buy a house, car, go on vacation, new gadgets, new clothes, whatever) but if you aren't going to immerse yourself in that wagecuck/consumerist cycle then you need other ways to "meet goals" that don't just include paying for them
>NEET for 8 years now and I'm the happiest individual on earth.
Either your LARPing or just a sorry excuse of an individual who survives off the inheritance or parents' wealth. No one sane I know who has undergone being NEET for a year liked it. NEETdom even ensures you have no social interaction with other people as your friends (if you have any) and neighbors also aren't around to talk with since they're working in the morning. It's a sad, isolated and lonely existence.
>I never run out of things to do. I've learned musical instruments, programming, languages (some spanish, french, korean, german), I've learned how to repair vehicles and do all kinds of handyman type work while restoring homes (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc), I've learned video and audio editing, I do a lot outside (camping, hiking, kayaking), I watch movies constantly (probably seen 10,000+ movies, I can talk about any mainstream as well as many obscure/foreign films), I exercise/workout regularly, I've studied art, history, psychology, philosophy as a hobby, I could go on and on.
In short you're aimless and don't know what to do with your life. Stop pretending you're happy. You only do those things to pass the time to find meaning in your aimless and meaningless existence. Let's be honest, at the end of the day you still feel worthless and you assure yourself you're fine as a coping/defense mechanism to ensure you don't go insane, depressed and/or suicidal.
what's your meaning of your life? contributing to a worthless society? wow good job go kys nigger
People work to make money to pay for survival costs, and then they call it fulfilling. What happens if your survival costs are met and you don't need to work to meet this goal..? Well, everything you do becomes fulfillment, and if you can make more money doing it, it is a bonus.
>being this shallow
God, community, friends and family are what counts in this world. If you think having a job is an end all be all then sorry but you've lost the plot. I don't work because I find fulfillment in it, I work so I can provide for my family, help my community (church) and hang out with friends. No wonder you white people are suicidal. It seems you've lost track on what's really important.
Neet 6 years here. Starting to get boring
>tfw 25
>been NEET for 25 years now
t. wageslave
So what if i live like a neet, still have friends and can support my family & friends because i made it big. Maybe im just not seeing how extreme a neet really is.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with working a job (especially for your reasons posted). It just has an opposite process between money and fulfillment.
Stopped reading there, thx
in the formal, documented sense
>Been NEET for 12 years
lmao get a load of this retard. 2017 was the prologue to the prologue
>I challenge any of you smelly fucks to prove me wrong..... you can't
Like I said above, NEET for 9 years
I dropped out of school at 15, got a pizza making job at 16 quit after 8 months, worked retail at 17 and the store went out of business right at a year, apllied to a few places my friends worked and never got hired so I decided to be full blown NEET. Working part time is almost being neet, so ive been living the comfy life since 15.
I have never once felt the urge to kill myself, the only times ive actually felt real grief is normal everyday stuff. Like a death in the family made me grieve.
I still have my 2 best friends from toddler in touch (even though they both are successful), have siblings but I keep in touch with my brother. I have a great relationship with my parents, the house is paid for, they like having me around.
I could wageslave, and the spending money might be nice, but ive pretty much decided I will never leave this house. Itll be left to me when my parents die anyways, so why try and move out?
I just need to have some sort of income before both parents are dead, not too worried about it at this point though.
You are slaving away to find a woman who loves you. Womwn cant love they are desinged for alpha dick. Why would you waste your life away fro money?
You can help your community and friends in ways that help
When your parents pass: house taxes and utilities, food, car expenses, emergency funds, etc. How will you deal with this? become un-neet?
>How will you deal with this? become un-neet?
It depends on the circumstances honestly, if there is life insurance and what the inheretance ill actually be (since we havent talked about it)
Im a high school dropout, I havent worked in a decade. I could probably find a really bottom of the barrel shit job and scrape by if I had to.
But thats why im on Veeky Forums, playing with crypto and robinhood, ive published a few
>android apps
Ive looked into other small "passive income" ventures like Amazon FBA.
I figure ill find something that sticks by the time I really need it. Ive lived my whole life not worrying about stuff, not really worrying about it now.
>all I hear is saltsaltsalt
You slaves are so funny to tease and so desperate to have your miseries validated. You have to fervently believe that I am unhappy, because otherwise the intricate web of lies you have built to protect your ego would collapse in an instant. Go ahead and keep thinking that. Anything you want as long as it keeps you working hard and preventing society from collapsing.
Afterall, if grocery stores closed or amazon stopped working it would be a such bother for me.