>there are wagecucks that post on Veeky Forums
There are wagecucks that post on Veeky Forums
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when will they learn
>there are people who get allowance from mommy that post on Veeky Forums
Such as you.
They should be working and making more with what they have, instead of browsing a Laotian Shrimping forum
>there are poor NEETS who post on biz
You're worse than a wage cuck
wagecuck cope, you shouldnt be posting on Veeky Forums
I'm wealthy
You aren't
Enjoy being a lifelong neet fucking loser, lmao
You're a slave
As the Veeky Forumsneet builds his cocoon the memecoins grow and grow
I don't work, I'm retired but rich enough to justify it
Where as, you aren't. You're just NEET because you have """anxiety""""
Stay poor loser
>im wealthy
>is a wagecuck
nice try lmao
I'm not seeKeep pretending you aren't a fucking poor loser NEET
>Muh depression muh anxiettyyyy
Lol pathetic
How else am i supposed to get money to invest in crypto? I dont live in a first world country where I can survive of neetbux or have rich mommy and daddy that pay for everything and let me live with them
this level of cope is embarrassing. why do you do it to yourself?
I don't know if I'm retired, I never really had a job outside dish washing and customer service desk
I live like a minimalist and have a million reasons to not get off my ass
Without my parents though I couldn't have done this they let me live in their house until 25. I would have had to sell some coins along the way so I repaid them and continue to do so.
Im not though, where as ironically your claiming "wagies" are X is a genuine COPE. Lmao.
You don't work because you're a worthless slob, I'd hate to be a wagie too, but lets be honest here
NEETS hate themselves on a personal level and often commit suicide
>NEETS hate themselves
this is actually true making 7 figures didn't change anything
wagies have the dream, but if you get there and have nothing to show for it it's kind of disappointing
I'm always looking for volunteer opportunities and ways to find purpose
Yeah they wont admit it but its true
Simply having money isnt enough either
you need to make yourself useful for society in someway that benefits the greater good
not be a lazy sap who sits watching cartoon porn all day, and not someone who stresses about work etc all day either
you arent fooling anyone, not even yourself
if you say so wagie. looks like its time for bed, you dont wanna be tired for mr shekelsberg tomorrow do you?
This is true. I was neet for a few months waiting for security clearance for my job and it was fucking awful. It kills the drive to do anything. I was happy to start working.
its 7 am here and i dont have work because im retired
didn't you read?
Welfare, retard. Combine this with using Monero so that the government doesn't know how much money you're actually making and you'll be living well on minimal work. It's what I do and it works just fine.
My sides... /thread
wagecucks are literally subhuman
why do we let these people live? with crypto for gains, they're superfluous
i dont read larps
cool, you might wanna hide OP's post then mate
Most people are wageslaves. You can't deny the condition oh humanity just because you're an exception.
Gentleman, I can settle this right here and now. I have been both NEET and wageslaved for a long time indeed and there is only one thing that is certain in this debate. You are both complete fucking cunts.