This is getting bad bros, I'm neglecting everything else. I've got an entire 300 word essay due tomorrow morning at 8 AM that I haven't even started on. Fuck me this shit is so addicting. What should I do bros, HODL or SODL?
Can't stop staring at charts
300 words is nothing , you got it
>300 words
literally a double spaced 12 pt font page
literally a page... you just typed out 50 for this thread. How long did it take you?
i hope you meant 3000, because if you're worried about 300 you're fucking retarded. Sorry Op
>300 words
this is an 18+ website
Fuck guys I still haven't started. It's already 11:45 where I am. Should I pull an all nighter to finish my essay? Fuck I should close coinmarketcap.
I'll write it for you for .05 ETH. I'm a lawyer so my writing is on point. For real.
I can pump out a 300 word essay in a total of 30 minutes including research.
I'll do it for 0.3eth. What's the topic about?
Ill do it for free. No shit.
Whats the prompt?
>retards falling for the xxx word essay meme
fuck me, I'm really gonna make it. all you faggots are new.
my thoughts exactly
Sell. Crypto isn't for normalfags who go to college. You're supposed to get a degree then wageslave to your 60s.
The newness in this thread is breathtaking
Still haven't started the essay bros.
I'll pay you guys to do it, srs, but you need to send some ETH to me first so I know you guys are doing the essay. I'll send it back plus the amount I owe you when you send me the essay. Otherwise I'll send the money and you'll just run off with it.
>tfw 100 word essay due next week I haven't even started on
Should I just end it now lads?
pro tip: write only 250 words, then turn color to white and write 50 words like sfefsefsf and done
Veeky Forums has got to be the newest board on the site
>300 words
thats like 30 minutes homie