im sick of shitposting threads being at the top because of something as meaninless as a "bump".
We should have the option to upvote and downvote OP's from the catelog, so only the highest rated are at the top
im sick of shitposting threads being at the top because of something as meaninless as a "bump".
We should have the option to upvote and downvote OP's from the catelog, so only the highest rated are at the top
Can't wait to see all the triggered retards falling for this shit telling you to go back to plebbit while they foam at the mouth.
this isnt a trap
Take that back right now.
sorry. just sick of the trolls.
>actually asking to turn this place into plebbit
no thanks faggot
why dont you... go back to plebbit if you like it so much?
Are you stupid? Are you legitimately braindead? Is there any activity going on in that skull of yours?
i like the pepe frogs and the Veeky Forums memes
(nice dubs)
Also, i think Veeky Forums occasionally has really smart discussions about crypto. Im invested in chain link myself
newfags can't sah-geh
kek, take it easy pajeet
you faggots are going to have to just start posting elsewhere if your manager doesnt like thots
because they arent nude
and you cant escape them
If you want reddit go to reddit. It's not that hard.
You have a mental disorder.
says the nancy coming to board to get triggered and complain its not like the places he usually visits
please, keep sharing your ass pain
I'm 95% certain that these threads are made by the same ban evading spammer who keeps posting softcore stuff everywhere.
>gets called a retard for falling for obvious bait
>calls me a pajeet and starts posting pictures of girls
Dis nigga having a meltdown.
Fuck that reddit shit. We need flags
you dont get banned for thots, just nudity.
>was only pretending to be retarded huuur
>you guys are idiots for falling for the bait. just let us talk about the idea because its a joke!
kys kek
have a thot on the house
Low quality post. Low quality image. Downvoted.
PLEASE return to R*ddit, you time-poor non-NEET. You can enjoy your upboat censorship there. The good in Veeky Forums has always been covered in shit, guro, and CP, for the express purpose of keeping entitled neuro-typicals such as yourself OUT. It's the chemo that keeps normie cancer, such as yourself, far away
I approve of this "downvoting" meme
Its a great way to identify newfags fresh from reddit :)
haha youre triggered
Low quality bait. go back to buttcoin and try again.
So if someone reacts to the "downvoted" meme, it means he's a newfag right?
Kinda like we did with the price locking meme (which btw is real)
good idea,
have some gold kind sir
it means if you use "downvoted"
you are from reddit and a total faggot
fucking reddit hive mind cuck. there's another hive mind avsilable for you, ars technica. go suck braindead liberal cock there. in summary, FUCK YOU CUNT
Downvoted :-)
Yep. Go back to plebbit.