Wake up

>wake up
>take a shit
>check markets, trade for an half an hour, earn 270$
>go back to sleep

How can wageslaves ever live with themselves?

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No morning fuck gtfo

It's called ''producing value'' and it actually feels pretty good. You should try it sometime.

Beautiful, hear hear

You know trading produces value right? We are providing liquidity

>It's called ''producing value''
I agree with that part.
Without working normie ants you wouldn't be able to earn that. Be happy and accept the fact that we need them.

No trading assets does not produce value.
You trade value.

i do both so it doesnt really bother me


the majority of work produces nothing of real value or worth beyond distraction (entertainment)
you're not helping the world or yourself
just the guy paying you to make him money

What do we have to produce value for? Everything's fucking built. Work's just a trap concocted by the ruling elite to keep us tired and preoccupied so we don't overthrow them. If I want to produce value I will on my own time out of the desire to do something worthwhile. However most jobs I see people doing are hardly producing anything of any value.

>wake up
>take a shit
>check markets, trade for an half an hour, earn 270$
>go back to sleep

How can wageslaves ever live with themselves?
Anonymous (ID: mLA+V/pw) 02/23/18(Fri)19:35:34 No.7893857▶
No morning fuck gtfo
Anonymous (ID: L6/Jjqrf) 02/23/18(Fri)19:36:58 No.7893873▶ (OP)
It's called ''producing value'' and it actually feels pretty good. You should try it sometime.
Anonymous (ID: cKcv2oa/) 02/23/18(Fri)19:37:59 No.7893885▶
File: 021231450932340122.gif (1015 KB, 500x211)
1015 KB

Beautiful, hear hear
Anonymous (ID: ClC3OlGe) 02/23/18(Fri)19:39:05 No.7893892▶ You know trading produces value right? We are providing liquidity
Anonymous (ID: hXW6pu8J) 02/23/18(Fri)19:39:13 No.7893893▶

>It's called ''producing value''
I agree with that part.
Without working normie ants you wouldn't be able to earn that. Be happy and accept the fact that we need them.
Anonymous (ID: hXW6pu8J) 02/23/18(Fri)19:40:27 No.7893904▶
No trading assets does not produce value.
You trade value.
Anonymous (ID: APjKAmUK) 02/23/18(Fri)19:40:52 No.7893911▶
i do both so it doesnt really bother me

Anonymous (ID: yG2aAIOq) 02/23/18(Fri)19:41:28 No.7893920▶
File: 1518192057451.jpg (76 KB, 720x960)
the majority of work produces nothing of real value or worth beyond distraction (entertainment)
you're not helping the world or yourself
just the guy paying you to make him money


If people buy entertainment then people who work in this business produce value.

>wake up
>kiss gf, cuddle a bit
>shower together
>eat breakfast together
>take the train together
>arrive at work
>problems already need to be solved
>I'm the only one able to do it
It's a comfy, fulfilling life honestly

it a distraction though
its not advancing humanity
just killing time
you cant act like you're doing something to be heralded as a role model when all you're doing is sustaining some BS entertainment venue

bot needs work

>Feeding people mc donalds and giving them cancer is value


It's because I enjoy interacting with my customers. When trading you don't even met other people, so impersonal!

i love it

Nice fantasies. let's talk reality.
>>wake up after 3h of sleep because of 5 nightly coinchecker alarms
>>take a liquid shit
>>check markets, trade for a
2 hours, earn 0.05% in coins while losing 270$
>>put more money to exchange for increasing the limit
>>go back to sleep praying the downward tend will stop and your margin position will not be closed

>How can I find job?

user, what do you trade. Do you use ta

I did for a long time, over 10 years. However, my most recent employer was a greedy slavedriving asshole and I ended up with degenerative tendonitis in both arms trying to finish one of his many poorly mismanaged projects. No apologies for his shit management, no offers for time off, no additional compensation for literally carrying his shit operation by myself.
Creating 'real value' is a nonsense meme. Every time I've worked for people besides my family (and even sometimes for them too), I've been jewed out of my work. Every fucking time. All of my past employers are manipulative, unempathetic users. I get the sense from everyone I talk to that this is the norm, so why bother? There is no reason to give these worthless scabs your time, and possibly even less incentive to 'make value' for the boring, unengaged idiots who you have to deal with every day.


I work in the mining industry, mining copper, gold and thorium. So yep just a cog in the machine but what I mine is used to better the human race. Also have an aeronautical engineering degree specializing in composites. However outsourcing to street shitters ended that dream. Ill never fly budget airlines again knowing who they are services by. Way too dangerous
So yeah i mine cryptos too off of solar power so guess Im helping the human race. Are you?

>tfw im a coal sampler

i help private industry i guess?

Coal burner? Jumbo operator myself worked up from blast crew. Love my job, saving up to be immortal unironically so I can mine asteroids.
30yrs i reckon we will have the ability to rejuvinate our bodies indefinitely.

No, we won't.

Also, how the fuck does anyone make a living day trading? The thing is completely dominated by big player algorithms, people don't trade anymore.

they buy low and sell high. you prob do the opposite and make excuses about "big player algorithms"

>cant make money in crypto unless coins are mooning


Neets, the most worthless and arrogant people on the planet.

What a worthless life to life. No girl to kiss goodbye and greet you in the evening after work. No social interaction nothing to take pride in.

Plus I love all the american shitting over creating value. I mean the US jobmarket is a real slavemarket today. Your "workers" are fucked three ways from sunday.

The only value you create is if you help produce or produce products or services. And desu. The USA has almost no manufacturing jobs anymore only service-jobs.

Am a design engineer

Spending money in the entertainment industry recirculates wealth in the economy and helps produce art which shapes culture and defines history of people. It most certainly helps 'advance' us as a species, just in an abstract, indirect way

Wagecucking is worthless in this day and age. Men used to do it to attract women. think do we men really need so much money? We live pretty frugal. Its women who buy all this shit.
Men can wagecuck a few hours a week and live modestly. I cant for robots and artificial wombs

the problem with wagecucking for me is this, it's way too fucking long. i would rather 4 hour shifts.

more jobs for more people.
more free time to enjoy the fruits of our civilization.

it could all be worked out and function, but as another user said. the purpose of working for 8 hours a day is so that you are too tired to think when you return home.

what eats me out are the crypto to crypto taxes

Right there with ya.


> actually reporting this.

>The only value you create is if you help produce or produce products or services.

Well, I live in a house, which was built at some point and also has to be maintained. I use elctricity, water, internet, clothes, food and so on, all of which have to be produced. Guess I'm good then.

OP or anyone else

how do you cash out said $270? any easy platforms for alts > fiat? not interested in day/swing trading btc

Kek even 4 hours everyday sound much.

We will see what the future holds.

I rhink people used to wagecuck because that would ensure kids and women. Nowadays since so many men get nothing there is no purpose to wageslaving
Can you imagine what the future would look like? Men and women would finally be free from each other? What can men achieve without a nagging bitch to hold him back?

alt > btc
btc > fiat

>tfw driving a local bus

I literally wouldn’t be able to afford my monthly expenses on so little a day.

you can't cash out and pay rent. that's the thing. if you do it, you might get lucky for a few years but eventually the tax man will come knocking and fuck your ass hard.

Guess they would achieve sitting in a room all day typing shitposts into a computer

>be me
>wake up
>open laptop
>start working my job on my laptop
>own 110 ETH, 1 BTC and 250 OMG
>Still don't have enough to retire so just keep wage slaving away
>work from home so not really a big deal anyway

Yeah looking back I can't believe I used to work minimum wage jobs where I had to actually put pants on and drive somewhere, shit is fucking outrageous to me now, and the mere thought of ever having to do it again gives me nightmares

What do you do for work user? I also want to work from home (too much of a brainlet to daytrade with internet tokens)

Just a small company doing, let's just say, construction related design

nice. 3d?

>Ill never fly budget airlines again knowing who they are services by. Way too dangerous

HAhahahahahhah fuck me no wonder you didn't make it in the aero industry

>the majority of work produces nothing of value

Are you fucking 16? People working either produces or maintains everything around you. Go see Sierra Leone for what happens when people stop working.

Jesus Christ millennial as are retarded

You do realize 90% of people on this board are crypto kiddies who have never worked a day in their lives, right?

They probably watched this meme too:

You are retarded
Whos gonna clean the streets and do all the nasty jobs? There probably are a lot of worthless jobs, but there are a fucking lot of important and necessary jobs too, you sheltered faggot

I'm a millennial and I agree though
These people are retarded and still live with their parents/never worked


>wake up
>dont shit because Im a night shitter
>check markets, trade for half hour and earn $270
>work and earn $200
>go back to sleep

That guy IS a fucking millenial. What the fuck is he talking about

These feels

So you earn more trading half an hour...
than what you earn wagecucking for 8 hours?
But you keep doing it anyway?

Kek, sure that's why you do it...

Being this new.
Retail is the largest sector, or almost the largest, in the first world. The largest private sector employer in Europe? Tesco.
Literal human vending machines doing a job that by all rights should be 90% automated by now.

this thread is full of neets faggots who think they'are better than 99% of the >>>

underrated post

what's your job?

just because you haven't figured something out, doesn't mean no one has, kek

Not really you may notice I am repeating OP’s example. But yes I would.
Reason why is that spending capital gains dilutes your future earning potential and there is no guarantee that you’ll be consistently profitable. Most people aren’t btw. Surely there are days when OP loses the same amount. Gonna have a huge nest egg at retirement, I don’t withdraw my gains. Ever.
Bye gotta go wagecuck

>wake up from sleep again
>down 1000 dollars
>all your week's work gone
>now have to trade even more hours to make back your money

What the fuck is going on with all these normans invading this board?

Good boy. Does a woman suck your dick for defending her?

You're not supposed to work for the benefit of your boss, you work only for the paycheck and the byproduct is benefiting your boss. Whether or not it benefits your boss shouldn't even matter to you as long as you're getting paid. If you don't like the way he treats you, find other work. If he's really as bad as you say he is, then he won't be able to hire anyone. Retard

>have bot
>dont wake up
>earn 271 dollars

>there is no guarantee that you’ll be consistently profitable
THERE is your reason why you still wagecuck.
I mean, personally, if I was good enough at trading not to, then I wouldn't wagecuck.

But I'm not.
BUT I've seen people who are.
I've seen actual whales on several altcoin slacks I'm on (who give away hundreds of dollars via a tipbot and sign messages using addresses with 6-8 digit worth of coins in USD value).

And these guys are good supposedly because of some background (like one of them was a penny stock trader for like 10 years, and another was a forex trader).

If someone has figured it out, they'd borrow money to trade and pay interest with a part of their earnings, expand operations will ultimately mean becoming a trading firm themselves and using algorithms. If you can't expand, it's because you're just getting lucky.

They're ugly. Step ya game up

yeah t b h this shit is easy
i bought 1 eth yesterday at €650
i woke up and sold it at €690
multiply the size of your order by 10 and you've made €400
no need to be an algo trader by the minute to buy a dip and sell a pump

>Literal human vending machines doing a job that by all rights should be 90% automated by now.
>automating retail
It's not like it has been tried, and failed already.

It feels like shit. The lack of free time is driving me further and further into negativity. Suicidal thoughts kicking in as soon as I wake up, drinking more and more to cope the absence of purpose and hiding my emotions from people, including the one i kind of fell in love with and who will share a flat with me. If i'm here writing here then my job is useless and produce nothing of value.

Daytrading could be an escape, but not something realistic for me right now. Started studying the basics of trading and analysis but the path is still long, even if i won't need half of what I earn as a slave.

POO IN THE LOOO ALREADY. You stupid fucking animal.

I'm white and English, you mutt fucking retard. Get a job, you fat worthless fuck.

Sho sho someone needs to pay for achmads kids wagie

t. Mutt
Non-whites need not reply

Why suould i support a system which wants our death norman?

fat worthless virgin ugly mutt retard
anything else?

Let me guess you also have deep 1 on 1 discussions with your higher ups about how much "ownership" you have as well (exactly zero real ownership to have a claim on assets you dumb wageslave)

Preach. I've worked as a software developer for 7 years, working for others sucks. No wonder US developers dropped out and have been replaced by docile Pajeets. The only software I develop now is for myself where I keep 100% of the profit.