How do you feel about GMOs, Veeky Forums?
How do you feel about GMOs, Veeky Forums?
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>le posting random screencaps of people being wrong justifies corrupt corporations bribing the FDA to adjust their standards of qualitly control and monopolizing agricultural industries maymay
The idea is sound. The execution thus far has been horrendous however.
Retards have no idea what they or how they work so their first reaction is to oppose them. They're perfectly safe, overwhelmingly considered as such by actual scientific organizations whereas opposition is all bullshit like Naturalnews and the only legitimate concern (GM crops spreading into the wild) could have been stopped but the technology was ironically shut down by anti-GMO propaganda.
>absolutely no sources
You're only proving 's point
Pretty much. I also dislike the fact that Monsanto sues farmers or sends men in black to them if Monsanto crops naturally cross pollenate with a third party farmer's crops. GMOs are fine but Monsanto is shit. I don't like patenting genes.
I don't really care because I eat everything from organic to GMO but people who act like it's laced with cyanide really piss me off in a way that no other kind of person can
I'll accept vegans and people with religious dietary restrictions but the second some smug shitface starts evangelizing about how GMOs are some evil conspiracy by evil corporations and they cause illness that can only be cured by a homeopath before wanking off with their fair trade certified organic virgin coconut oil I want to draw blood
The technology is great. The politics is awful. Basically I see nothing wrong with the idea of genetically modified food. But I avoid it because I'd rather not give a cent to the asshole corporation that gave us saccharin, DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange and bovine growth hormone. Nor do I trust them to tell me what food is and isn't safe. History suggests that would be unwise.
This doesn't happen.
So these people don't know that,the reason the bees are dying is because we take their honey? It really is a baby bee's best food. Gives them their immunities and what not.
>Implying there's anything wrong with saccharin or agent orange.
or Hitler, for that matter.
GMOs are not the problem, patents are
you know that non-GMO seeds can also be patented, right?
there isnt a single concern about the GMOs that cant be applied to other breeding methods
Saccharin does not have any adverse effects on humans.
Agent orangwas always known as a toxic defoilant.
You are wrong. There is one giant concern. Do you fucking trust Monsanto? This company has produced some of the most disreputable products in history. Do you trust them to make your food?
That's not a GMO problem, that's a legal problem.
>monopolizing agricultural industries
GMO's aren't bad. It's the fucked up business model of Monsanto et al.
Also 37M bees is nothing. And GMO's don't kill bees.
monsanto is smaller, or camparable to, whole foods
monsanto isnt even the biggest biotechnology company, AFAIR basf is the biggest
Sadly it does
So much this. Just because you don't understand something it isn't automatically bad for you. I'm amazed at the amount of people who are not able to realize this, and rather than actually learning something about the matter they just talk shit.
There is a couple of reasons for this, like commercial beekeping, monoculture diet, GMOs spreading into the wild etc. Taking honey from bees isn't actually that bad.
>There is a couple of reasons for this, like commercial beekeping, monoculture diet, GMOs spreading into the wild etc.
lmao, yea it's the "GMOs" killing bees, not the tonnes of neonicotinoids that non-GMO. "natural" farmers spray over their crops.
No, it really doesn't. You're buying into bullshit
I'm mad as hell companies now need to start labeling products with them as though there is something less safe about them
fact: people who think GMOs are bad are the same people that think vaccines cause autism
I live in flyover and both my grandparents own farms. It does.
What if you dislike GMOs for other reasons?
I don't think they're unhealthy, and I don't have a problem with the idea. My complaint is that most of the time GMOs are used to enhance yeild or make produce pretty. I don't give a crap about that, I'd rather pay more money for a product which was grown/bred/engineered for it to taste better. I don't like GMOs because empirically they're all about cheap volume instead of quality.
What doesn't happen? Because there are farmers that get sued by Monsanto.
However it's perfectly justified since the farmers sign a contract that states, you must plant new seeds after each harvest. If the farmers do no comply with this and continue to use the same crop for a second harvest, then they are sued.
wtf i hate gmos now
> I also dislike the fact that Monsanto sues farmers or sends men in black to them if Monsanto crops naturally cross pollenate with a third party farmer's crops
They sue farmers that are growing their product illegally. No one got sued because some seed blew over into their farm and a few Monsanto owned crops sprang up. They go after people whose farms are 50%+ Monsanto crops which doesn't just happen from a seed blowing over the fence.
except that 'naturally' bred plants commonly have that problem, AKA they're commonly bred for increased yield/appearance and not nutritional value/taste
GMOs have the potential to easily combine the beneficial aspects of several organisms and combine them into a higher quality crop
As I said here I have no issue with the technology. But I don't like how it's applied, and who is applying it. It's similar to nuclear technology - great stuff. But when it's in comes in the form of bombs and power plants that cause huge disasters when they fail I'm not so much of a fan.
GMO technology is great, but when it comes in the form of profits for a company I don't trust for shit pretty much taking over the food supply I'm not a fan.
>Being mad about GMO labeling
Found the shill.
What exactly makes you a fan of nuclear technology?
what is cross-pollination?
the issue is that monsanto has copyrighted genes that they cannot control entirely.
>what is cross-pollination?
That is a good question that you should research.
Again, sounds like a legal problem. I don't blame Monsanto for that. I blame the Government for allowing genes to be copyrighted in the first place.
Remember, when you want to get rid of vermin, you go for the source of the problem. You can try and kill mice or stomp roaches all day long but if you haven't cleaned up their food supply it's just a giant waste of time. The problem here is a legal one: allowing those kind of patents in the first place. Fix that problem and the monsanto roaches will all die.
37 million isn't that like one or two hives.
That fact that it's so safe and simple if you follow instructions. All it really is is a couple of tubes spinning in water fast enough to generate steam (steam that spins a power generating turbine)
Not the technology, but the science. I'm a fan of science in general. Advancing our knowledge of the natural world is one of the greatest fields of human endeavor. Look at how recently Einstein was proven right again. That shit is awesome.
It just gets fucked up when we use that technology to make bombs that can wipe out entire cities.
Same with GMOs. The technology is totally exciting. But when it's used to keep our agricultural system running on shitty corn, thus insuring a monopoly for a really shitty corporate citizen that's even worse than farmed salmon.
Not that guy, but more consistent and stringent oversight makes it a great energy producer. Sure, you get the awful leftovers, but safe procedures make storage mostly a non-issue.
Also, I like living in a first world country with a large arsenal penis. It's illogical, and could end horribly, but I'm also scared of Putin one day not being scared.
Try having vegan aquaintences who are sure that bees are sapient. It can get worse.
It's surprisingly hard to find a concrete answer, but after 2 minutes of searching I've come to the conclusion that an average of 50,000 bees per hive is good enough an estimate.
I'm fine with it, I don't want shitty food just to tell myself I'm cool.
there is no reason to be labeling them, all it does is compound the misconception that they are in any way harmful. Oh wow, they are specifically labeling it which means it must be dangerous! I better steer clear!
don't pretend this has anything to do with food safety, its a political move
A big contributor to colony collapse is actually pesticides sprayed on plants that weaken the colonies
One of the main practical "benefits" of gmos that sees the most use in gmo plants actually grown is them being "roundup-ready", able to handle much larger amounts of pesticides without the plant being harmed. Additionally, overuse of pesticides leads to pests building a resistance.
Token "world saving!" gmo plants like golden rice are just that, tokens to point to and say "if you object or call for oversight and regulation you want starving people to DIE" but too expensive to realistically afford for the people they are supposed to help.
gmos actually lower the use of pesticides and herbicides
glyphosate, the main ingredient of roundup, has higher lethal dose than table salt
"organic" farms still can use pesticides, and organic pesticides are generally far more toxic than non-organic ones
It would be great if you could eliminate human error and natural disasters from the equation, but you can't. Just like you can't elminate Monsanto's history of corporate welfare, preferential legislation and lax regulation while making huge profits selling... poison, mostly.
It's a great political move. I don't give a fuck whether GMOs are safe or not. I don't trust they are, but I don't assume they're not. I avoid them because I hate the politics behind them. I'm sure many others out there would like it to be easier to avoid them for the same reason.
Don't forget the fact that you can even patent a genome in the first place was the result of some very ugly politics.
A free market can't properly function if the people are not able to access information about what they are buying to effectively vote with their dollars.
The potential for people misunderstanding things is not a good argument for limiting free access to information.
You could likewise argue that labeling things as "gluten free!" compounds the misconception that gluten is necessarily bad not just for people with a sensitivity to it "Oh wow, they are specifically labeling it which means it must be dangerous! I better steer clear!".
You may not care but I personally want to know if my food is coming from mexico or israel or monsanto and your appeals to the potential danger of knowing too much are not convincing.
>hippies don't understand their """organic""" food is also genetically modified
Same way I feel about penicillin, microchips and nuclear power.
I used to be pretty negative on them, but with the help of science, my opinion is slowing evolving.
>all bad
Yes organic and traditional farming includes pesticide use but the point that you're ignoring is that engineering plants to be able to handle more pesticide only has the purpose of allowing more pesticide use.
That increased pesticide use is necessary because pests develop resistance to pesticides and the monoculture that current gmo practices support makes pests and disease a huge issue.
How would making plants that can handle more pesticide lead to less pesticide use? Do you have any sources?
In every single documented case, Monsanto proved that the farmer had specifically, intentionally, cultivated their crops. There has not been one case where any kind of accident caused an infringement
it isn't compulsory to label things gluten free. This is akin to all foods with gluten in them now requiring a label that says CONTAINS GLUTEN
why would you do that? you are implying gluten is something people need to be on the look out for when it isn't.
I'm not in favor of limiting information, I'm against presenting information in an alarmist fashion
by doing this you are labeling perfectly safe foods the same way you would tobacco
if you are going to go so far as to label something as arbitrary as GMOs then you may as well require companies to label their products with what kind of irrigation system they used and the model truck they drove it over in
Yes hippies are stupid but the real issue is not with genetic modification itself but with the business practices around it that support monoculture and monopolies.
>engineering plants to be able to handle more pesticide
That's not what they are engineering for, they are engineering to make the plant themselves better able to deal with pests/infection/competing plants so less pesti/fungi/herbicide is needed.
there you have it, first link off google
Literally the only function of "roundup ready" plants is them being able to better withstand the use of the pesticide made by the same company.
If you don't understand how engineering plants to withstand more pesticides can lead to more pesticide use then I can only assume you're baiting.
Disease and pest outbreaks are an inevitable side-effect of monoculture and resistance eventually develops to any pesticide or fungicide we use necessitating different or more pesticides be used.
Just to be clear I do not object to the idea of gmos, they are a powerful tool like any human innovation.
My objection is to bad business practices misusing that tool to create dangerous monopolies.
That one farmer had a field of roundup ready produce which wouldn't occur unless he was deliberately selecting for it and he was spraying his entire field with roundup. He knew exactly what he was doing and tried to play it off in court as a poor persecuted farmer who had his crops violated by ebul GMO pollen
What the fuck are you talking about? Monsanto sells poison. Poison that kills everything except the specially modified plants they also sell. You buy their plants, you buy their poison. They make lots of money.
The real question is why are you one of the poor saps who eats that shit?
It leads to less crops being killed by the roundup.
They're GMOrific!
high risk, high reward. should need a buttload of reasearch.
>what is cross-pollination?
Not something that converts 50-80% of your farm overnight.
The only thing on a farm that happen overnight are foreclosures.
read the link i posted just above your post
crossbreeding is not the same as gm and gm is not proven safe.
> This retard doesn't know the bee population is rising
This guy is right. GMO is literally the same shit we've been doing with selective breeding for centuries.
Not literally, before we just crossed strong variants of the same plants, now we can implant traits from plants unable to pollinate on another.
> Nuclear weapons have prevented major wars since WW2
That shows me you don't know much about warfare or history user
Mostly from being a dumbass in the first place
Organic pesticides, specifically nicotine derived pesticides, are the primary pesticides being investigated for their role in colony collapse disorder.
>Nuclear weapons have prevented major wars since WW2
Yet the US, the only country ever to use nukes in warfare has been more or less constantly at war since the end of WWII. So what? We traded major wars for constant war? That's just ducky.
>Mostly from being a dumbass in the first place
Well someone hase to farm and as is you can either go big or try to make it as a niche prodcuder.
Isn't that the point? If nuclear weapons weren't scary they wouldn't be a deterrent and not prevent wars?
Some deterrent. I don't even remember how many wars we're fighting at the moment. Is it two or three?
B-but they don't count, only wars aginst people in uniforms counts.
The world police only in two very limited wars? Not bad.
>world police
So that's why they ara killing so many brown people.
>two very limited wars
One of which is the longest in our nation's history. Not exactly good.
Pick one and only one
GMOs are cool. Monsanto a shit.
> Extremely small scale conflicts
> comparable in any way to a world war
Wow, a few thousand people are dead, I'd much rather have a World War again
Thanks for letting me get rid of all my nukes user, I missed conventional wars
When you consider the average death toll from a war every decade pre-World Wars to the death toll every decade until now, you'll understand what MAD is.
Protip user, we used to have almost constant small conflicts before WW2 anyway.
World Wars were a matter of European politics, not US policy.
Did those constant small conflicts eat up over half the federal budget?
>Did those constant small conflicts eat up over half the federal budget?
No and the current one's aren't either.
No, our military spending on shit we never use because of our lack of large wars makes up about 9% of our spending IIRC, and most of that is still spent on more defensive capabilities than offensive
It makes me want a total war so we can actually use this shit
But I guess I'm happy it's all going to more prevention than killing everyone, morality and all that
And my US based comment was replying to another US based comment, user. My country is doing pretty well for it, and the rest of the world hasn't seen a huge war in decades. I think MAD is doing quite well.
GMO corporations are trying to kill us!!!!!*
*So that when we're all dead they have nobody to sell GMOs to and they go bankrupt
Sound logic anti-GMO people.
Basically this. Monsanto's business practices are bullshit and thug-like. But the science by itself is pretty awesome and hats off to the people in labs all over the world busting their asses to try and feed exploding populations at a reasonable cost
Agreed. But there's still no reason to support Monsanto by buying their products if you can manage to avoid it.
Nobody knows what's causing bee die-off.
The leading theory is pesticides or fungicides, not fucking GMOs.
Certified Organic food as regulated by the USDA cannot contain GMO ingredients.
They are a wonderful viable product that has the capacity to end world hunger and lead to healthier eating habits. unfortunately Corporations are ran by Satan's pickled asshole who fucks it up for everyone. Also, the oRgAnIc movement hasn't been helping since they have an emotionally fueled illogical axe to grind, so they piggy back off peoples fears to make it seem like the big scary GMOs are coming to poison your children when there have been multiple studies finding "organic" farms using GMO seeds and harvests. In short, they're a great invention, but people, as usual, fuck it up.
>The leading theory is pesticides or fungicides, not fucking GMOs.
Nothing Monsanto sells, rite?