Women only care about money they said

>women only care about money they said
>r-roasties only c-care about your social status they said
>women will take half of your wealth they said
>roasties will drop you at the first sign of a Chad they said
>woman just want to spend all of the man's money on purses and shoes they said

Ive heard it all from you autistic spergs and its starting to become a meme at this point. Who knows maybe some women do act that way but I'll guarantee you that you had it coming. No man who knows how to treat a woman properly will ever have any of the things I typed above ever happen to him if he knows what he's doing.

I've been in a loving relationship for the past 2 years now and I'm getting really fucking annoyed by this misogynistic board. All you guys do is spout your anger and hateful venom of the opposing gender. I've been on this board for 5 months now and it's literally a fucking echochamber of men who have all failed in their past relationships spewing hate and anger towards women.

Threads like "are women a good investment" "they're depreciating assets" Jesus its no wonder why all you fucking cunts can't maintain a loving relationship.

I treat my girlfriend like a princess. When we both get home I ask her how her day was. I look her in the eyes and genuinely care about her and communicate everything with her. I help out around the house with dishes cooking laundry. She is my everything. I tell her everything and never keep anything hidden from her. I take interest in her hobbies, we do everything together. Women are goddesses and need to be treated accordingly.

Women are wonderful creatures when treated with love, kindness, respect and care. This board is seriously fucking full of autistic spergs who could learn a few things listening to my advice. Maybe you won't be So miserable then living alone in your shitty fucking apartment.

Remember biz. All the money in the world will never buy you true love. And there is nothing that can beat it.

0/10 try harder

tits or gtfo

>Being an emotional tampon beta bux for some used up post-wall roastie

lmao @ your life

Too long for a pasta, would not use/10

There's a coworker of mine who tells me how crazy she was in college and the shit she did. She's like 23 now but already wrinkling but she picked up an engineer beta bf to support her. I wonder how he feels dating a roastie, it must be soul tearing.

Almost threw up reading this.

>No man who knows how to treat a woman properly will ever have any of the things


Spoken like a true poorfag.
I just bought a hellcat, and Id definitely take your bih from you.

annoyed by this misogynistic

Women are wonderful creatures

How much money do I make for caring for women creatures ?

>2 years
>thinks he's got it figured out
Yeah, women show their true colors after 4-5 years. You better be fucking ready for being an alpha till then because if you're not, she will literally destroy you. There is nothing more cruel, relentless and unforgiving than a woman. You better have your shit 120% together. Now, I'm not saying this as to imply that you shouldn't be with a woman - in fact, you should, precisely because they can bring the best out of a man. But be prepared that they will bust your balls if they are any good. And that's a good thing - enjoy the challenge, enjoy the hunt. There's female hypergamy so you constantly have to be the very best your woman could possibly get, so you better make sure that you are truly the best she could possibly do, ever. You have to constantly tread water in order to stay afloat. She will do shit-tests occasionally, she can't help it, and if you're a beta idiot who just lays down thinking that by doing that you're "treating her with love, kindness and respect" then you're dead wrong and you're in for a world of hurt.

I'm not hating on women, and I'm not advocating mgtow in any way, but know your beasts ffs.
Assuming you're not just baiting anyway.

why are you treating Veeky Forums like your blog, faggot?

even redditors are less boring than OP

>Veeky Forums - business & finance


the worst part this entire post is the fact that is was posted from a phone

>2 years
>doesn't realize this is a day in relationship time

boring bait
i have a loving relationship with my girlfriend and also think females are cattle that should be enslaved and used for sexual pleasure
checkmate atheists

I dunno I'm a lowly engineer cuck that makes 80k. My fiance is a doctor that will be making 300k in a couple years. She's not gonna leave me for Chad (cuz I am Chad)

Women are depreciating assets tho

>what you say before she unhinges her jaw to finish you off
wait 'til divorce day... you'll change your tune
if not: all the best...
in a relationship, here, too... but way more realistic than OP kek

Well said, I came to this board cos I heard there are some nuggets of wisdom to be found on crypto, but having to wade through the cesspools of teenage, misogynistic bullshit from guys who are too scared of women to ever talk to them is exhausting.

Nice b8

>Spoken like a true beta faggot

You're probably with some ugly Asian whore and I'm guessing you've slept with like 3 chicks your whole life at most.

Let me school you. I've fucked 100+ chicks (lost count long ago), I've had short term and long term relationships, I've had one night stands, I've had threesomes, foursomes, orgies, you name it. I've dated/gone out with strippers & escorts as well as regular girl next door types. When I was making crazy income I even had sugar babies, mostly out of convenience.

99% of women are fucked up and you don't want to be with them long term. The amount of women that I have come across that whore themselves out is absolutely unbelievable, it's one of the greatest kept secret.

The amount of girls I've met from sugar baby websites that whore themselves out blew my mind. These don't all look like the typical used up crack whores you might expect, they're regular girl next door types, university girls, sometimes even high school girls, that will literally do whatever you want them to do for a couple hundred bucks. Many of the ones I've been with or talked to have had boyfriends, kids, fiances, husbands, and they're have zero shame about going to some guy's house that they've never even met, letting me fuck them in the ass, film it, etc for chump change so they can buy some bullshit handbag and feel like they're classy. Not to mention the amount of chicks I've found out work in massage parlors on the side or brothels etc.

Every girl I've met, even ones that were madly in love with me, have had some beta orbiters and backup dudes just in case shit went sour. Girls will only be with you as long as you serve them.

So I suggest just doing short-term (i.e. 3-4 months max) non-committed relationships or keeping a rotating roster. It's a lot better.

dude, you were right about the guy you're replying to but you sound worse than he does! could have saved your whole speil by just declaring "i'm a pussy." go finish worshiping your lady, can't call her the bitch. that would be you

Hope she cucks you OP. Probably has already.

>all women are evil and behave in the exact same way
aw, who hurt you sweetie?

>2 years

Get a load of this faggot. He gets a gf and thinks he's hot shit now. Try 10 years you autist, wait until the love fades and she gets tired of your dick. Wait until you start getting rejected from sex 90% of the time you try.

ahahaha nice larp

In all honesty, true love doesn't exist

>T. 6 year+ love coin bag holder

I'm a true love bagholder myself, I was lucky enough to invest in a fork that had pretty good virtue modules tho, so I beg to differ.

> 2 years

>implying any nons on biz care about your cuckery.
>OP does have a point though, womans can be a very good asset. Get one that truly loves you, and it'll boost your self esteem and make you less sexually frustrated, which is always handy in life. top kek.

He probably is just happy to have a gf and can put his dick in a hole once a month
But not for very long she probably has some dick on the side
These are new times - social media was a mistake

You are completely right. Had a uhhh lets say mate. Who was like the "super good looking fuck around guy".

He fucked in the four months I knew him:

one pregnent girl

two pregnant girls while married

two married girls

and a ton of girls from bars, clubs or on the street where I donĀ“t know there status.

His words of wisdom:

Girls will cheat, no matter what. What they care about is: That the guy they are cheating with will not brag about it or tell anyone.

This four month, pretty much showed me one thing: Girls are sluts. Be very carefully who you select for life.

I still married though. I know what to look for for picking the right girl after the four month with this guy :)


^this OP doesn't even know what's coming... also many women want to be (even if they don't say it) dominated in a way, and lose interest quite fast if you are licking their heels all the time, don't be a beta fag and killl urself when she does

Are you me?

>beta orbiters and backup dudes just in case shit went sour.

most of that post was shit, but that was kinda true i suppose xD

>keeps walking into a the same restaurant
>i hate this restaurant

>I don't know what selection bias is: The Post

Its always been that way. Mobile cameras and other shit just makes it known. Sucks that i have been given the opportunity to observe their behavior because im too ugly (asian looking) and short. so im the guy that doesnt get a piece but im just around to see everything.

Who keeps on making these threads? Holy fuck it's like a beta fucking cuck makes these threads daily just to jerk off the larps these faggots post.
>I fucked over 100 women
>Ohh yeah, tell me more about that so I can jerk my pathetic dick off


This is pretty damn close to the truth.

Couldn't have said it better myself

you DO know they do that just to bait this exact reaction out of u right

If bait, pathetic cuck
If not, pathetic cuck

Copy pasta?

You attract those kind of women retard, your view of reality is completely fucked

>I've been in a loving relationship for the past 2 years now and I'm getting really fucking annoyed by this misogynistic board
well then leave you plebbit fag

Sure smells like it.

Ho so the self hating asian incel meme is true

oh look, are reddit SJW got triggeredd. probably an XLM dev. don't worry, you can make up for these harsh realities by shilling your nigerian welfare coin

>I've been in a loving relationship for the past 2 years now
That's small-time. If she hasn't been cheating on you already, which is very likely by the way you say you treat her, she will in a few more years. She'll probably stay with you until she can get cash off you, though so enjoy getting cucked until then

>his woman makes more than him
Mate there is a very high chance she will bang another doctor at work, or just up and leave in a few years embarrassed she makes more

This. I've seen relationships like this work out, but it's extremely rare. It can maybe work if they're very religious or something like that.

Disgusting. You sound like a woman... You seem to be brainwashed by women. Or you are gay

From the answers on this thread, I wonder how many of you actually has sex more at least once a month.
Women won't "love" you if you have more money. You'll know they truly love you if they want to be with you even if you pretend to be broke.

t. chad