Love it or hate it

Its starting to pick up and been used as a safe haven in the past when the real Bitcoin has plummeted. I go where I can accumulate more BTC, no emotion involved

Other urls found in this thread:

>. I go where I can accumulate more BTC,
shouldn't you be trying to accumulate fiat.

why dont you go to usd you retard

I'm pro BCH but this image always cracks me up.

1050$ incoming

>Starting to pick up


I've been a holder from day one but have given up desu. I can't take the fact it dives hardest in a bear and recovers slowest. I am in Nano/Icon/ELA and REQ now, I love you Bitcoin Cash but you hurt me, hurt me badly.

What ever works, for me btc is worth way more than fiat.

been in btc since early 2013 what does that tell ya faggot

>why dont you go to usd you retard
Because Bitcoin Cash currently has more functionality than Bitcoin Segwit and it is worth less. You take the risk for the reward. I mean Bitcoin Cash doesn't even have Lightning yet and its better than Bitcoin Segwit with Lightning. Its not that hard to figure out which will work in the long run.

I'm hedging also. All these cucks lol

Chinese counterfeit.

>Chinese counterfeit.
Read the whitepaper son. Segwit coin is the counterfeit.

We have 1h tk crossover. I repeat: 1h tk crossover.
We have just touched kumo. If we don't die out, the massive pump is confirmed.

Too bad, Ihastily bought in at 0.14 and not 0.12, if only I was more patient

I've got a sell order at .28. Previous pumps tell me this is possible

It will most likely hit .5 midway into next bull market. Whenever that is.

But surely after the pump it will settle around .15-.2 right?


I have it at 0.212

I'm trying not to be greedy (by expecting a huble x1.5 from a week long investment)


>>"More functionality""
Okay Roger. Go to prison now

No, this coin has more functionality than Bitcoin Segwit and because of its large blockchain it can adopt hundreds of times more features. Bitcoin Cash will eventually reach parity.

Corecucks BTFO!

>Okay Roger. Go to prison now
Shut up you communist kike. Go fuck your little brother.


This is top level mental gymnastics.
>>"It's the real bitcoin, waaahhh!"
>>"The reason btrash is down is because we don't have a paid PR team and everyone doesn't understand what this is"
No, user, we've been listening to what you've been calling it. And we know what btrash is

What the fuck does that have to do with pumps? It sure as hell won't reach parity tomorrow

> It sure as hell won't reach parity tomorrow
It's actually good that noone expects it or thinks this is absurd.
When shit goes against traders' sentiment, the craziest things can happen

>What the fuck does that have to do with pumps?
It has nothing to do with pumps you dumbfuck. That's what I'm saying. Its not a pumpcoin. It is the coin with the most functionality (use-cases). Its that simple stupid. The coin with the most use-cases wins. That coin is Bitcoin Cash.

Can you give an example for something BTC does better? So far the only thing I see BTC has going for it is an army of shills.

Bitcoin cash is occasionally pumped. This is undeniable. Don't get your dick in a knot

Starting to pick up? Who actually buys this retarded shitcoin? Are you people actually this stupid?

>Muh block size 8x scaling!
Literally kill yourself

Versatility is not the thing that brings the victory.
A coin should be the fastest to deliver wide spread use case.

It can be a shit solution, but if it gets implemented in institutions, gets programmers, development tools and is talked about, then it will beat the shit out of any other superior technology.
That's how evolution works in nature and in technology. Many such cases. No one cares about the potential if there is already a viable alternative

Literally use less than a mb for 99% of all transactions. "Real bitcoin" my ass
Interesting question, user. Literally everything.
Adoption- better.
Brand- better (which is why btrash is trying to jack the brand)
Mining- more profitable
Direction- Btc actually has a goal of improving itself, whatever fud is going around. Btrash, and I said this to Roger on the thread he had the other day, btrash's only direction is to copy and torpedo the real bitcoin. It does nothing else, and ties it's success to nothing else.
Come back with better bait

>Who actually buys this retarded shitcoin?

People who aren't poor faggots.

Ratio is at like all time low. Lots of bagholders. Go away shills.

>coin should be the fastest to deliver wide spread use case.
And which coin has the lowest transaction fees and fastest transaction times? That's right Bitcoin Cash. You proved my point once again. Bitcoin Cash is king. Its best at everything, not just one thing.

>Adoption- better.
>Brand- better (which is why btrash is trying to jack the brand)
>Mining- more profitable
>Direction- Btc actually has a goal of improving itself, whatever fud is going around. Btrash, and I said this to Roger on the thread he had the other day, btrash's only direction is to copy and torpedo the real bitcoin. It does nothing else, and ties it's success to nothing else.
3 out of 4 of your points are that the price of Bitcoin Segwit is higher than BCH and then you say Bitcoin has better direction and a goal of improving itself when you should read this to see that BCH is adding more features than Bitcoin Segwit. Do you honestly think Roger posts here as well? My god you Segwit soyboys are embarassing. Try arguing next time.

Oh, so it's the best at mining profitability? Oh I guess the real bitcoin is better..
Oh, it's got fast transactions? Ahhh I guess chain link and dgb ran on the same argument..
Btw, again, it has virtually zero adoption. Look at the transaction sizes, it uses less than 1mb for almost every one, you'd be hard pressed to find an actual full block!
I guess it's the best at being copycat shit!

Who gives a fuck about politics. Go where the gains are

Direction Correction-Why would the original Bitcoin copy itself?

the most important thing is marketing and the name. Bchash has non its a shitty fork.

That's not something BTC does better, that's just because it's the first coin and because Core never forked to stay in power. There are more ETH pairs now, and ETH isn't even supposed to be a currency.
>Brand- better (which is why btrash is trying to jack the brand)
That's not something BTC does better, that's marketing. You could market the shittiest shitcoin and make it having good perception. Just because Blockstream gets million to employ full time propagandist like Thymus doesn't mean it's worthy of brand name. Also Blockstream hijacked bitcoin brand, it doesn't represent any of the ideals it originally had.
>Mining- more profitable
How is it more profitable? You have no idea how cryptos work.
>Direction- Btc actually has a goal of improving itself
So far the only thing Blockstream accomplished was hijacking the chain and destroying bitcoin. It doesn't have any viable road map, almost all the devs left for competing coins, including the LN leader.

You failed to provide even one thing BTC does better.

>Oh, so it's the best at mining profitability? Oh I guess the real bitcoin is better..
He said whichever coin gives the best use cases for widespread adoption will win. Mining profitability has nothing to do with that point. Please at least read the earlier conversation before making yourself look like a retard. Also look at the trend for Bitcoin Cash's transaction count. It is increasing even during this bear market. Now look at the transaction count for Bitcoin Segwit. It is straight fucking down. Bitcoin Segwit is being dropped like a rock.
>I guess it's the best at being copycat shit!
Read the whitepaper. Bitcoin is Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Segwit is an alt-coin. Bitcoin Cash is nothing like Bitcoin Segwit.

I appreciate the straw man argument.. the price is correlated, but not causal.
Adoption is not "caused" by cost, people use it because it's established, because it actually is it's own brand, because the history shows that it's value and utility rises.
I'm just about done arguing on this. Ffs can we not have the same thread every two hours?

>Oh, so it's the best at mining profitability
Also I assumed you at least checked the profitability and were right about Bitcoin Segwit being more profitable to mine right now, but you're not. Bitcoin Cash is more profitable to mine right now. Sucks that without $50 fees your mining on your coin is shitty since no one uses it for transactions anymore.

>Ffs can we not have the same thread every two hours?
Can you idiots come up with a better argument than "BTrash BTrash" or "Shut up Roger"?

no emotion involved my ass
>Ethereum + UP 8% since Jan 1
>Bitcoin - Down 29% since Jan 1
>BCash - Down 49% since Jan 1
BCash is crashing absurdly hard against ETH & BTC and yet cashies come here and say fucktard shit like "pick up" and that Bcash is a "safe haven". Perfect thread for demonstrating how dishonest these cancerous Bcashies are. Fucking huckster shillers. All Bcash is is a giant shill campaign with the worst fucking devs in crypto. It's an embarrasment.

Congratulations you triggered me.
"I" know nothing about mining profitability, eh? Okay user, how much hash rate do you need over what period of time to make one Btc? And how about one Bch?
Now how long does it take to make the same amount in Usd with both? Oh, I guess Btc gets to that amount before Bch! Wow, I sure am glad some brainlet shill told me how little I know while not addressing my argument at all!

Man, there are lots of currency coins that offer low fees and fast transactions. Bcash is not even the fastest. XRB and XRP are just 2 alternatives. There are also Stratis and Zilliqa coming. Probably there are even more promising technologies

So far no crypto is adopted. Even BTC is looked at as at a nerd quirk.
Any other crypto being used is even more marginal and obscure to commoners.
It is like smartphones pre-2007. Sure, some ppl had them, but there really was no reason to use one in daily life.

I believe that such projects as RCN and OMG that focus on developing countries and the unbanked will be the first real world adoption example.
And I am talking about it being so common asking what is %coinname% would be akin to asking what is iphone?

Fuck off scammers. I don't even hold Bitcoin any more, but that shit show coup de tat attempt in Jan, using fud and Jihans army of transaction spammers to try to publically break the fucking backbone of the whole ecosystem made us all look bad. You're partly responsible for the fucking crash, and for what, measly gains vs just letting things run the course? So the fucking Chinese commies get to try and control a chunk of the action?

Pathetic, small minded faggotry. Ah well, clogging the mempool won't be viable much longer will it? After that it's gg BCH.

Kys losers.

it is not a binary choice you cum soaked ejaculation rag. not a binary choice. bcashies are so fucking desperate. pathetic shills

And I'm saying that argument has no premise, just like your logic. Use case has nothing to do with adoption, or chain link and DGB would actually be known as good projects.
Perception is reality in the market. And the reality is Btrash is btrash
See 7895240

> XRB and XRP are just 2 alternatives.

I wonder if this will affect Bcash's price. I'd love to see it eat Bcash up

Looks like BTC and BCH are the same in terms of profitability

>I fell down a rabbit-hole of investigation.This internal conflict initially felt like, honestly, a mild psychosis, and as I discovered more, everything slowly started making sense. This shit was doublethink, straight out of Orwell's 1984. I started finding out the truth of myths like: bitcoin-core team being a huge collective, is actually a small group of around 10 devs all connected through a couple organizations -- organizations such as blockstream that have direct investments from financial institutions and services like mastercard. The block size was kept at 1MB intentionally to keep fees high and transactions slow, so the core team could create or more accurately, deliver a product to their investors in the form of infrastructure off-chain... the lightning network, the perfect model to centralize, monopolize, and record transaction data... i.e. future-proof the banking system. Everything bitcoin stood against. Roger Ver isn't some kind of scam artist, and even if he is, who the fuck cares? He isn't even responsible for bitcoin cash.

>used as a safe haven in the past when the real Bitcoin has plummeted.
Yeah good luck with that how many people got liquidated cos it dumped exactly same as BTC back in December?

It's a shitcoin that provides nothing, certainly not a hedge against BTC.

Dafuw is wrong with these two?
They are:
- fast;
- low fee.

bcash is crashing against bitcoin
so no, not even close. vase in point to how dishonest and pathetic these bcash shill threads are

it will

>Bitcoin-core enjoys the undeserved status of a church, claiming to be the resilient extinction-proof perfected coin with a diverse development community of veterans whose only mission is solidifying its sustainability and doing what's best for all of its users. It has this status only by virtue of a hijacked legacy. This is why so many will continue to believe that bitcoin cash is an alt-coin. Nothing could be more ironic or backwards. Bitcoin cash is magnitudes closer to what bitcoin's trajectory was years back, an actual peer-to-peer electronic cash system. The truly depressing reality of this is that bitcoin cash is considered to be an insult and attack to bitcoin core, when it's actually a struggle to preserve the history, integrity, and elegant genius of the original path. Newcomers to the scene aren't going to realize the dangerous path bitcoin core is headed, they weren't around to see what it used to be.

It is going up now, actually.
No idea if it is a trap, but we 're going up

Whenever I see shitcoin trash threads, I can't help but feel it's either a retard who bought above 4k (or better yet 9k lel), or ver himself.

Hilarious and pathetic either way

>Man, there are lots of currency coins that offer low fees and fast transactions. Bcash is not even the fastest. XRB and XRP are just 2 alternatives.
One, the zero confirmation times on Bitcoin Cash are a couple of seconds so the differences from there don't really matter. Secondly mesh networks are not secure or decentralized. See pic related Graphs cannot be censored as losing any node does not effect the network or its connections. The same is not true of mesh networks.

There's no such thing as spam you idiot.
They pay the fee; therefore it's a legit transaction

strawman - bcash shilling exemplified

"Don't know what it was"
Haha. I was mining when cpu turned to gpu. Things evolve. Monkeys became humans. Bitcoin had to develop, and that's a good thing. We can't be monkeys forever

A mesh either has to be centralized or it can be sybilled.

every coin in my portfolio is going up at just this moment actually. so sad the cashie argumentation

And if you sybil attack the Lightning network you can get people's funds frozen. Currently it takes days for funds to get reversed. So malicious actors could just sybil attack the network and freeze people's funds just for fun. And since this is a decentralized mesh network there can't really be a punishment for it. It's just a feature.

So go ahead and do it.
Prove your point, I dare you

I'm not capable. At least not yet. I'm a miner so the only attack of which I could be capable is a Segwit selfish mining attack and I'm not yet big enough for that attack either. I'm just saying there are people like me working to attack your network and you can't stop it. That's why security matters and Segwit shattered the security of your coin.

The current LN is centralized. The only reason it was released on main net in its current state was to generate "good news".

If a decentralized LN will ever be released, which is doubtful, it'll be extremely easy to DoS it as long as the fees are low. The only way to stop the attack will be to make id's, which I predict will be offered by Blockstream as the solution, and they're funded by the banks... which will turn bitcoin after all the years to a in another banking system completing a full circle. Coincidence?

btc merchant adoption is shrinking bch adoption is growing
there is not a single reason to cap blocks at 1mb (non mining nodes do nothing)
segwit destroys the mining nash equilibrium incentivising the collusion of miners to change the UTXO without owners signatures.
You can only trust jihan and roger to not be doing this right now.
why introduce segwit before a blocksize increase when lightning network requires 133mb as specified in the lightning network whitepaper
why introduce segwit at all when it is not necessary for second layer solutions
lightning network will not be decentralized because to solve the routing problem is NP hard
why would anyone want lightning network when it is not a decentralised ledger? the whole point of bitcoin is to scale on chain as that is what makes decentralised uncensorable money which can free all the people in the world from the financial repression of central banks

If you need to lie so blatantly, about something we ALL know is bullshit, you've got nothing.

Doesn't matter though. Bitcoins upgrades are going to take care of that. Kek, rekt.

Me, I prefer coins like Monero partly for this reason - anything with an Asic resistent algo that prevents the Chinks from getting a controlling foothold is good. It'd be nice if ol Grandaddy Bitcoin did the same - hardfork to something Cryptonight based (or similar). The wailing of billions of slant eyed scum as their Asics stopped working would a sweet symphony to my ears. Ah well, Ethereum still has a good chance of flipping it too - and GPU mining is still harder to centralise.

Kys scammer. Your days are numbered. Your shitcoin is only relevant due to it being propped up. Won't be long and it'll be over. I wonder how long it'll take for Jihan and Ver to have "heart attacks" after they lose their backers billions?

Fuck Bcore and fuck Corecucks.