Give me one reason i should stay in college instead of becoming a neet? I have 200 k in crypto, so whats the point?
One reason
varappi give me some links
College is fun?
Depends on what you want to do in your life.
Backup plan for when you inevitably flophouse yourself.
Also it might not seem that important now when you're surrounded by other students, but once you get older and everyone around you in your social circle has a degree, you'll kick yourself for not getting one. It'll basically be the social equivalent of being a manlet, except you could have done something about it
thats true. i like having my own private room. And i only attend class at most 4 hours a day, so i feel like neet. but tonight, ive been studying for statistics exam.
i want an asian wife.
>i want an asian wife.
Get a degree, move to Vancouver, marry an asian.
There I wrote your life plan have fun.
i only want a social circle full of asians.
Why vancouver instead of asia? ところで、日本語を勉強します。 Are there japanese in vancouver?
Are you in for a fucking surprise then. Possibly the group which values social markers like education the most
kys virgin
>i want an asian wife
Nigger, an Asian girl's mother will ask where you graduated from before she asks what your name is
I want to get 2 million dollars and buy out a hentai animation company in japan.
Why would i need degree for that?
will 200k last you the rest of your life, user?
im a kissless virgin. thank you.
No. but i own 350 k chain link. And its going to be $10 by june
Yes there are Japanese in Vancouver, mainly Chinese but some japs.
I just suggested it because you get the asia experience without the asia pollution and issues of being a foreigner.
no man
hm. i might consider it. i really want to follow where my asian female friend goes after college! Shes not my waifu, just friend.
because you'll get bored and job is a good time-killer
If you have enough money that you can afford to go to college without having to worry about whether it will help your "career" or whatever, why not do a course in something like classics, or whatever you are interested in? I did a classics minor as part of a comp sci major degree (to keep my wagecuck options open), if I had enough money to live the leisured life I would have made it my major.
You're a fucking weirdo