Origami ICO

Ico started 30 minutes ago.
They unironically have chainlink in their whitepaper.
5 Mio marketcap.
Already business partners.
Using my ref gets you a 5%bonus.


Other urls found in this thread:


This is the first ICO i've put my money in.
How long does it take till the tokens start trading on some exchange, usually?

They will unlock the tokens 7 days after the end of their sale

I'm in as well
> working product


How much did you buy?


Why are they listing chainlink of all things? I thought that coin was a total joke.

Confido also had chainlink as a partner.

Big red flag.


Chainlink of all things? Don't understand what you mean, I think they use chainlink for things around e-commerce (carriers...)

I had the same feeling too after double-checking the website's whitepaper.

Could you expand? I have invested so I'm interested ...
BTW, referral chain: VP11


>Whitepaper written in MS Word
I'll pass

Hello Waren buffet

You like beautiful and modern things? Welcome on Veeky Forums!

fucking chainlink as partners means this shit is directly catered to /biztards by conman
capishe you incels?
you sad fuckers

Could you expand?

They use Chainlink's name because of its marketing potential.
Also kys and dyor (in that order)

The same question has just been asked on their telegram, pretty interesting answer, you should check

It's just a low effort scam

>5 Mio marketcap.
>Already business partners.

>marketing potential

Most of the marketing consists of memes on biz. those are very appealing to normies, right?


can't you read?
should i draw you a picture you fucking /biznessman?

crypto is the new mlm and every conman and blackhat is in it for easy gainz

"mumuh marketcap"
"muh partnerships"
"next antshares"
"stay poor"
fucking circus

>I'm in the process of setting up a link node

What do you think of Ink?

Given that biz has nonpoor people here, do you guys think doing bottom-driven marketing a way to go?

Thinking of renting a billboard.

>renting a billboard.
you wan't ads for Link?

Thinking of building a huge chainlink cube and putting it in a nearby park.

I don't know if Link needs more 'viral' ads
but this could work, if you see someone spending serious money and effort on advertising the project starts looking legit

Confido pulled the same trick
They need to attract normies from biz so they mention chainlink

referral here, 5% extra: WJ52345

maybe try something like pic related

Here's where confido tried to shill themselves to LINK holders:


Pretty vague statements, as you can see.
On the other hand, I spoke with the admin on Origami tg. They seem to have a plausible use-case with LINK: carrier APIs to determine if goods arrived, and payment output if the delivery was successful, or withholding/refunding via the smart-contract if it failed to deliver, or is late etc.

Take it with a grain of salt

How many biztards will fall for a scam today ? At least a dozen as far as I see in this thread.
Before investing in fcking ICOs, get in multiple (good) groups, learn to research them and DD, see what people who've done this before are doing then fcking looking again at this scamCO

Confido 2.0

then you watch again and you see a real company, registered on infogreffe. You realize you're the one who have to learn how to do some research

You've thrown eth at it, didn't you user ? :D

Best investment since my eth in december 2016 :D

and a new type of FUD was born