Hey guys, I'm from Mexico. I have a dream of being a manager in a texan whataburger. How do I achieve this? Pic unrelated... maybe.
Hey guys, I'm from Mexico. I have a dream of being a manager in a texan whataburger. How do I achieve this...
Start your own business and start making your country a better place to live. don't come here
Honestly, you should aspire to be more than a Whataburger manager OP.
Narcos charge you for owning a business and they kidnap you if you're too succesful.
>Narcos charge you for owning a business
This is literally what I meant when I said "make your country a better place". You need to take your country back and you need to quit shitting up mine. We don't want you and we don't need another burger flipper, fuck off
Shoot for the stars user. Shoot for the stars
>We don't want you
I'm sure greedy corporate men love us and our cheap labor, faggot.
>having 0 respect for yourself
>being a corporate slave while your country burns to the ground
TOP GOY, useless beaner
Greedy corporate men should be lined up along the wall and shot for treason.
>being a corporate slave while your country burns to the ground
mine is burned by narcos and yours is burned by niggers. we're not so different Jamal.
Beta /pol/ autist detected
5'3" 210lb spic detected
i think you would need to be legal to be a manager so good luck with that
is that what the indians told the pilgrims?
if it's no different then just stay put, numbnuts.
Nope, I'm a white manlet of healthy weight
>is that what the indians told the pilgrims?
I want you to explain to me what laws were that the pilgrims broke when they reached the new world.
>He wants to work in a fastfood establishment
>He wants to work with faggoty teenagers who will half ass EVERYTHING because they will not be there for more than a year
No just no
Typical white supremacist retard response
I need some help here guys. Is an argument?
>needing laws to justify
as if you follow the law completely or as if you would follow any law blindly just because it's a "law"
someones gotta do it f a m. better him than me
The pilgrims did nothing wrong. Stay mad Runningelk
Hey guys, I need your help again. Is actually a complete moron, or is he just pretending?
>The pilgrims did nothing wrong
neither are the mexicans by that logic
Mexican are breaking federal law so in fact, they are doing something wrong. Please don't be so stupid
yeah they are. but telling OP to make his country better is ignorant. like, wow user. you're right you're so smart. why didnt the mexicans think about that before. all they have to do is MAKE THEIR COUNTRY BETTER. kind of like the same way trump is gonna MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
>right and wrong is defined soley by written laws
Retard detected
Nowhere did his post say that. Try learning to read before posting.
He's implying it
>only what I type is what I mean. drawing a conclusion from subtleties i can't find in my own thought is not allowed.
gay detected
>telling OP to make his country better is ignorant
No, it's actually the best advice that all Mexicans should heed. It's a shitty up-hill battle that will surely lead in OP's tragic death, but you have to start somewhere. If these mexicans spent half the time they use trying to fool border patrol and spent it working on their gov't and infrastructure then it might actually be a worth while place in the coming decades. Also: MAGA is happening, are you ready?
>right and wrong is based upon my emotional female like brain
idiot teenager detected
Since it's do difficult for you to interpret things, I'll break it down for you. There is nothing in his post to even imply that law is the SOLE metric for right and wrong. At most his post implies that this specific law is based on a valid ethical grounds.
Post yfw Trump gets BTFO by Shillary
It wasn't an argument and he might be trolling. It's hard to tell a good troll from a legit retard sometimes
>No, it's actually the best advice
are you fucking stupid. of course people already know that making their country better would improve their lives. moving to another one is just much easier. did the pilgrims improve britain? no., moving was much easier.
telling mexicans to improve their country is ignorant because anyone with a brain can and has thought of what you said. it's ignorant because you think you're so smart for coming up with THE answer
Thank you
what if was the one trolling?
Holy shit you're retarded. You're literally saying that I am 100% right, but that it's just too hard and so that makes me wrong somehow. please think before you post
not saying you're wrong (making a country better would work) or that you're 100% right (immigrating is easier). your post just came off to me as though you think you posted some sort of illumination
>muh pilgrims
Britain was doing great, there wasn't anything to improve. The settlers in America were not a single homogeneous group. Different people came for different reasons. In fact the British were encouraging colonization as it benefitted them. There was no country in the Americas with an establishment or laws, just tribes. You're not making sense with your comparisons. These things are not parallels.
dear god you are unbelievably dumb. Please quit responding to me