Is there a single rational, non-appeals to emotion reason why poor people should not be sterilized en masse...

Is there a single rational, non-appeals to emotion reason why poor people should not be sterilized en masse? Think about it. Vertical mobility in society is very rare and whatever children they have are likely to live just as miserable and worthless lives as their parents, only perpetuating a cycle of misery.

drug induced depression?


Newton was born poor.

Because poor people can bring a lot of positive things to society. Being poor depends a lot on circumstances in one's life. And don't give me that boomer bootstrap shittalk.

Now, on the other hand, being clinically retarded (or handicapped in a way that would immediately lead to death if we still lived in caves), being a recidivist criminal / delinquent, THAT is something that deserves to be sanctioned with sterilization.

>grow up with both parents on minimum wage
>4.0 GPA, getting scholarship for one of the best universities in the world

Anecdotal evidence, but still. I'm on a path to break the cycle in my family, wish me luck

they are a store of genetic variability that may become relevant as the environment and/or society changes

Waste of money, just let them die on their own or only kill them if they violate someone else's property rights.

dumb people should be sterilised. Being poor is not necessarily bad, some smart people just choose not to join the rat race. But of course there is a strong correlation with poverty.

Being poor doesn't mean you're useless to society. Many of the great writers, inventors, musicians, painters, philosophers, artists, etc, were born poor, were poor for a long period of time, or died poor.

You're a pleb and poor IQ. Should we kill you?

This is Earth.
This is what we signed up for.

Earth is the place to learn lessons.
Earth is known for its history of conflict.

Just stop welfare, the bottom 10% of society can reproduce as much as the top 1% at the moment.

Mandatory sterilization is a bad idea. Opt-in sterilization with financial incentives for low IQ people (and financial incentives to have children for high IQ people) is a more humane AND more productive solution for society as a whole.

IQ isn't the be all and end all, you'd just end up with a bunch of small weak autists

useless post

the number of autistic high IQ people is a minority subset of high IQ people


Nah, we should just abolish the welfare state. Doesn't make your hands dirty and gets the Job done. Should also work for other various kinds of degeneracy.

>poor people can bring a lot of positive things to society

Rich people generally bring more to society and with less poor people, rich people will have more resources and space to procreate.

Society will be objectively better off.

Good luck user.
Remember that schooling isn't everything.
Make plans, strategize, and work hard & smart at something you enjoy that is profitable and you'll be ahead of most people.

>you'd just end up with a bunch of small weak autists
and why would that be bad

>Is there a single rational, non-appeals to emotion reason
Every reason is an appeal to emotion you dumb fuck, you want to sterilize poor people cause you feel the emotion that you and/or them and/or society would be better off without them

What's the rational reason to live? None, it's just what you want

Something is said to be rational if it allows to reach some goal one wants to reach, but that goal itself stems from an emotion you dumb fuck

People feel various things, have various goals, and I feel the need to sterilize you and all the stupid fucks like you, deal with it.