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Goodfellas is on AMC.
>I'm gonna get tha papers, get the papers.

>he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin that he used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil. It was a very good system.

What do you think he meant by this?

Isn't it self explanatory?

He just didn't want to do any actual work

>tfw you can't get your garlic to liquify

let it out bro

Too many onions in the sauce...

YOU really are a funny guy!!

Henry says dont let the sauce stick

>liquify in the pan
>implying they wouldn't just burn

Isn't this shit based on non-fiction?

>he doesn't liquify his garlic

Tell Michael not to let the sauce stick. Keep stirring it.

This. If you watch closely the guy doesn't even slice the stuff that thin. He's just relaxing. Henry fetches the ingredients, what's his name does the sauce, other guy does the meat and fatso with the razor kicks back, banters, then declares it time to eat. His "method" was his laziness.

Three onions? How many cans of tomatoes you put in there?

I'm a good shot, what can I say.

>laughed a solid minute

Too many fucking onions

Two cans.

The non fiction part is that Italians believe a lot of crazy bullshit when it comes to cooking

im stirrin it

You're gonna dig the hole, then, tough guy

I'll dig the fuckin hole, you think I never dug a hole before

who /billybatts/ here

>name is billy batts
>tommy kills him
>in casino, he kills tommy with a bat

>now go home and get ya shine-box

How high were you when you figured this out friendo?

>coked out ramblings about cooking dinner

Ihadtostartbraisingthebeefandvealshanksforthetomatosauce. ItwasMichael'sfavorite. Iwasmakingzitiwithgravy. Roastedpeppers,stringbeanswitholiveoil,andthesebeautifulcutletsthatwerecutjustrightthatIwasgoingtofryupasanappetizer.
