Tryna get healthy, Veeky Forums. Problem is, most "healthy food" is so bland I have a hard time choking it down. Any suggestions on healthy foods that don't taste like cardboard?
Tryna get healthy, Veeky Forums. Problem is, most "healthy food" is so bland I have a hard time choking it down...
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Learn to cook. And be ready to spend a bunch of time cooking. Tasty and healthy doesn't come easy. You have to know your shit.
roast vegetables. use a small amount of oil (can-spray or something) and salt, maybe some other spices, if you feel like it. asparagus, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini and yellow squash are my favorites but you can roast pretty much any vegetable. eat at least 2 servings of vegetables before you even start on whatever is your main dish.
What do you consider healthy food?
Hey OP, what I found was very helpful to help scarf down TONS of Healthy Food was to dip it in Kraft Sweet and Sour Sauce paired with a nice and refreshing Coca Cola.
Don't you mean diet coca cola?
If you're having salad, add flavorful stuff like basil, cilantro, sweet corn, bell peppers, and onions. I also like salmon, avocado and egg. Some of the stranger things I put in are pepperoncini and wasabi peas or just wasabi.
Black beans, cuban style in a slow cooker with some spanish rice.
>Don't you mean diet coca cola?
While Diet Coca Cola is a fantastic choice. I find with being on a health kick, its nice to reward myself with a nice and refreshing Coca Cola.
If you are still worried about calories and also want to have a good time, I recommend a nice light rum mixed with a signature Bacardi Mixer (Owned and operated by The Coca Cola Company). You and your guests will love it!
abuse the fuck out of herbs and spices.
avoid sodium rich shit which includes basically anything prepackaged.
after a while your salt reliance goes down and you can appreciate other flavours again.
indian vegetarian food is GOAT
Stir fries are your friend. They don't use a ton of fat (not that fat is bad for you), they heavily feature vegetables and you can use lean protein. Look into it, OP.
Also look into curry.
1. prepare healthy food of your choice
2. put sriracha on it
solution solved
Just cause it's vegetarian doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy. Eating a cauldron of melted butter may count as vegetarian, but it's not fucking healthy.
Try using peanut oil instead, numbskull.
Define healthy OP.
If healthy means less calories
Just eat less.
Whenever I feel like I have put on too much weight, I just fast for a few days
Just drinking shit tons of water until I feel like I've cleaned my body properly.
>can spray
You don't have to just eat chicken and rice. Just cook real food with actual ingredients and don't eat like a fucking pig
Eating healthy isn't rocket science
haro evary bodee!
calories in, calories out - it's not just a good idea, it's the law
keep a varied diet, and you'll be fine
Sugar is the problem in processed foods, not salt. Sugar is actually chemically addictive and does far more damage to your liver and metabolism in general.
Not all calories are equal.
>Sugar is the problem in processed foods, not salt.
Found the Amerilard
Liquids: Black Coffee, Water
Foods: Chicken breast, Tilapia, Salmon, Tuna, lean beefs
Veggies: Green shit. Broc, beans, peas, corn, cauliflower,
Carb: Brown rice, whole grain, black beans
There, you have ingredients, feel free to add spices, hot sauce, soy sauce, but be aware of pre made sauces or marinades you're using.
Now cook.
Also, keep some healthy fats in your diet. Nuts, olive oil, the fat from Salmon and whole tuna, avocados, etc.
Also if you don't do cardio, you ain't ganna lose weight in a timely manner.
I've lost 13 pounds in the last month (still a bit to go) but heres how I did it
-wait longer between meals
-eat less whenever you do eat
Water, Skim milk, Diet Cranberry juice (10 cals per 250ml)
No sauces on anything except for hot sauce. Almost all sauces have tons of calories even in very small amounts. It adds up.
Chicken, turkey, small amounts of fruit, vegetable samosas, thai coconut soup (170 cals per serving), small snacks like granola bars.
No exercise was really done. Lost as much as 1 pound some days. If you do exercise you will be able to eat a bit more if you wish.
Forgot to add, stay the fuck away from bread. Even a tortilla has like 190 calories and that shit is flat and not very satisfying for the amount of cals
They can't both be problems?
I find out of the big three (sugar, salt and shitty fats) salt intake is the most ignored. Blood pressure issues are almost guaranteed past a certain age with our current diet which is sad.
>haha fuck science, i'm gonna listen to fads instead =)
Salt intake is rightly ignored because it's the least problematic from a biological standpoint. Sugar is a thousand times worse.
Found the moron.
Calories are calories. While it *IS* true that different substances are digested and metabolized differently, if you don't eat excessive amounts of calorie-dense food, you'll be perfectly fine. This is why the 'French paradox' exists- that is, French people live equally long and happy lives as anyone else, despite their diet having lots of saturated fats and the like in it.
Yes, our bodies metabolize things into varying degrees of shite. But this is why we have a liver and kidneys- to filter that shit out, because it's waste just like what our bodies produce from straight glucose in our bloodstreams. It makes no difference. The problem comes when you overeat and the shit starts getting deposited in your arteries- *THEN* you run into the 'bad calories' problem.
TL;DR bad calories only exist when you eat like a fucking pig, so even then 5000kcal a day of good calories when you only burn 2100 will still make you an unhealthy squealing pig.
The problem that most processed foods cause is their calorie density. Salt affects water retention and blood pressure, yes, but you know what's worse than high sodium? Idiots that binge-eat thousands upon thousands of kcal over their maintenance weight. I get it on holidays, and that doesn't matter- but making a habit is a major major problem.
Here's the crux of the issue- salt is an issue yes, but it's a scuffed bumper compared to the crushed frame rails and ruptured gas tank of excessive sugar. Once again, it boils down to CICO.
Look out we got a fucking brofessor in here. It's people like you that get fatties into the mindset of "I can't do it, diets just don't work for me"
just cook what you enjoy and slowly remove the unhealthy aspects while your tastebuds adjust. like try baking instead of frying, then you might remove butter later, then much later maybe you can stop eating that thing altogether.
Are you literally retarded? Calories are calories
I have lost my 2 pounds per week easily without doing any exercise. Nutrition has a much bigger effect on your weight than exercise. OP should totally look into exercise for other health benefits.
But fresh ingredients. Cook them. If you ain't dumb, it'll taste good. Google recipes.
>most "healthy food" is so bland I have a hard time choking it down
Yeah, if you're limited to rice cakes and lettuce.
"Healthy food" is literally anything that isn't unhealthy. Not "health food". BIG difference.
Try this:
>Limit yourself to fruits, vegetables, nuts, and meats. Keep it fresh.
>Avoid grains (no rice and bread), dairy, and refined sugars (use fruits and honey for sweetness).
Get creative, or just have meat with a side of vegetables. It isn't hard.
After a week, you'll start to understand just how easy it is to eat healthy without sacrificing much of anything.
Good way of putting it, thanks
its more important to just eat smaller portions than making bland food. Really the only thing you need to avoid is processed food, food with lots of carbs and lots of sugar.
>no rice and bread
>meats but no dairy
What a strange diet.
>Well I lost to 2lbs per week
If you're eating like a bird, yes, but you also lost muscle and fat, you're heading for Auschwitz-mode which can be just as unhealthy.
>Nutrition has a much bigger effect on your weight than exercise
Simply not true, if either is out of wack, you won't see results you want. OP should be looking into both for fat loss and muscle gain.
>healthy food
Fuck this term. Stop eating like a fat slob if you want to lose weight.
Reminds me today some lady was looking for salt and vinegar pork rinds in my store, and she said they are the only crunchy snack she can eat on her low carb diet.
This bitch is eating pork rinds for her diet.
Also works for unhealthy food.
No shit. Just look at all the garbage Amerilard advice in this thread... "Avoid bread!", "Avoid grains!", "Small amounts of fruits", "Eat meat with vegetables!".
Fat people discussing weight loss diets is the funniest shit I've ever seen, it's like blind people discussing art. They've apparently convinced themselves that the reason they've gotten fat as fuck is because they've been having too many strawberries and roast potatoes, not because they put too much cream on their strawberries and too much butter and bacon on their potatoes. Just hilarious
>too much cream on their strawberries and too much butter and bacon on their potatoes
This isn't really a problem. The reason they got fat is.. they ate too much.