Do you like your taco hard or soft, Veeky Forums?
Do you like your taco hard or soft, Veeky Forums?
Both hard tacos and flour tortillas are mostly bullshit. There are exceptions, but generally it's hard to beat tacos made from fresh corn tortilla.
I like my taco's just how I like my cocks
How do you like your cocks, user?
I've never heard of any black tacos...
Only americans like these shitty "hard" tacos. At least get a good tortilla/tostada for them, not that dorito shit.
Soft but they end up being burritos.
Why would anyone want a soft shell taco when they can get a burrito.
Damn, this board must be like 95% american, I never knew you guys are so obsessed over texmex and mexican food
every fucking time. It's good but it's not great.
Because you're not a pig, and corn tortillas > flour. If you want to eat flour just eat bread or pasta. It's much better that way than made into a tortilla.
You have to go back.
Most of us know TexMex sucks, but a vocal minority defends it for /pol/ type reasons. Then there's the Cali retards, and they have no excuse.
Texmex is amazing you take those words back now
>Texmex is amazing
It's the Carl's Jr of Mexican food - the favorite of poor fat kids in backwaters across this great nation. But it only takes a trip to somewhere with higher standards to make that fat kid food seem silly.
Sorry you never got to take that trip.
I live in San Diego best mexican food this side of the border feel sorry for you fags 2bh
A good Taco is hard to find, But an hard taco is good to find.
Both at the same time is good, so is soft, hard are great too!
I love tacos and could care less if its hard or soft
>If you want to eat flour just eat bread or pasta
Just don't serve me a taco sandwich
^this. Hard shell and flour tortillas are disgusting gringo Taco Bell bullshit. And skip the fucking salad. Corn tortilla, cilantro, onion, maybe cheese, salsa.
Not even cheese - that's gilding the lily.
I'm a soft guy.
>maybe cheese
Speaking of gringo bullshit....
Queso fresco is the shit fagit
>pleb tier tacos
thank god i live in phoenix
Flour tortillas are Mexican and they are used in northern Mexican cooking.
look dry as fuck, famalam
I like to use than to scoop up beans, Mexican spoon.
>roll through Taco Bell
>Cute girl with big tits asks me if I want it hard or soft
>went home and jerked it to that
true story senpai
not a very believable story senpai
And yet it's real. You'd get it if you were there. It was the way she said it
>true story senpai
Sad story, basement dweller
Sure, but northern Mexican cooking is nearly as the cooking from other regions. They're Mexico's Midwest.
i like my tacos soft and juicy
Burrito master race here, you're all shit.
flour tortillas are used in parts of Northern Mexico for tacos
I like burritos more.
can't wait to have tacos again
I live on Long Island and there's hardly anywhere here to get authentic tacos, I have to go to Queens or Brooklyn
Why doesn't taco bell make a hard shelled burrito?
I always crave tacos and Mexican food when I see these threads, I was just thinking out loud basically. I have to make a 30 minute plus trip just to get real Mexican food, all we have where I live is shit like Chipotle for the most part.
So, soft than...
>thank god i live in phoenix
Enjoying that weather m8.
Soft but tortilla large enough to wrap and make a burrito out because all tacos drop shit when you eat it.
Clean up your table, dammit.
Chalupas > hard / soft