Is KEEMi the goddess of Veeky Forums?
Is KEEMi the goddess of Veeky Forums?
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Never heard of her plus she has a ridiculously funny looking moon face.
That's that pile of dark shit?
Man I'd 짜장면 her 탕수육 if you catch my drift
Dark stuff is 짜장면, Jjajangmyeon, basically Korean style Chinese food
tastes pretty good
I want to bang her while she's slurping up ramen.
Pour or dip?
pour unless it's really sweet
Fuck no this badass bitch is
I liked her until she started talking about/having her boyfriend on.
this and only this.
even if you dont like her channel.
i cant stand watching her because she always has that droopy looking face/mouth.
it looks like shes always frowning or that her mouth is extremely numb so that she cant move the bottom portion of her face correctly.
its a shame too because some of the stuff she cooks looks pretty good.
This, Kinoshita Yuka is the mukbang queen
>Korean style Chinese food
Gross. On par with Filipino style Chinese food as the worst interpretation.
I really want to hatefuck her for some reason, and I don't particularly dislike her.
She literally eats like this every day (she uploads a video a day) and somehow she's still perfectly healthy
Well, we don't know how healthy she is. Apparently, she digests food quickly. Wouldn't that mean she's somewhat malnourished?
For all we know she goes and pukes it all up the moment the camera is shut off.
she doesnt. thats the secret. the body just gets rid of the huge chunk as fast as it can.
>Well, we don't know how healthy she is.
We do
Everything is perfect
(The title is meant as a joke/clickbait)
aka zhajiangmian
aka one of mankind's tastiest fuckin creations
>puking up mcnuggers
>tfw all you can get around here is the instant kind
Just end my life, senpai.
She was first posted on Veeky Forums a few months ago when she was at a few hundred subs.
I started Veeky Forumseemi threads when she was at a few k subs and got banned across all boards after a few.
She now has over 250k subs. How? Is she youtube's own project?
she is a nasty ass bloated cunt that is full of herself
Really ugly, at least in Korea there are pretty girls doing 먹방, and usually eat more than that ugly slut
>all these assblasted japs ITT
>progressive hambeast
>looks like a sloth, walrus hybrid
Fuck off m8 this bitch has been getting fatter
fuck you faggot
id gladly kill and anyone you ever loved for keemi
purchased views and subs is rampant on youtube
Simply Sara is the queen of Veeky Forums.
There is no other.
No, she's just s biscuit headed monkey
Corean dog
>Youtube cunt
>Not one of the goddesses on Afreeca
Excuse me, but I don't worship deities like a blind sheeple. I only worship science and reason, like a truly rational person would. There is nothing quite like pondering the mysteries of the universe while sipping from a cup of good coffee (black, I might add) or a pint of the finest IPA or stout. Something about the bitterness of unadulterated coffee or a quality craft beer puts me in a contemplative mood, perhaps because it recalls to memory my childhood (darker days mired by difficulties with my peers), which puts into perspective my time on this earth and how insignificant we all truly are.
At first, I thought I was looking at the moon.
kill yourself (and that plastic whore too while you are at it)
I like keemi videos, I watch them when I'm restricting :3
I remember one time she spent the whole video going on and on about how she "didn't care how white her skin was" and that she "didn't understand why all of her friends were obsessed with being white".
A couple videos later she bumped the camera and it reset the contrast to normal, exposing her deep shade of browny yellow.
I guess she does care
KEEMSTAR you say?
Honestly i think she is on point with the lack of stress thing. She seems very happy. She said she has NO stress. I think very few people can make such a claim.
Who's this pug?
Make it yourself.
Pretty cute desu
wow, link? what a gook lmao
Keemi is basic bitch incarnate