>that feel whenI can eat an entire box of these and not bat an eye
Theyre always sold out at walmart
What the fuck, why are they so fucking delicious? Has smuckers perfected cocaine in a bread bladder form?
Grapefags stay out, those are shit
>that feel whenI can eat an entire box of these and not bat an eye
Theyre always sold out at walmart
What the fuck, why are they so fucking delicious? Has smuckers perfected cocaine in a bread bladder form?
Grapefags stay out, those are shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eating PB&J sandwiches as an adult
>Eating pre-made frozen PB&J sandwiches as an adult
I have no idea what texture or flavor these have...but when I used to help my parent with some school field trips as an extra chaperone, the 2nd elementary kids got those in the box lunch and out of 25 kids? They all threw them away and would not eat them. They hated them. Bizarre but true. I saw that year after year on the fair trip I always helped with.
But, myself I do enjoy a white bread PBJ sandwich, specifically with a chunky strawberry jam. Smuckers isn't as good as Knotts, fyi. But, it's got to be so much better when you make it yourself. Ice cold jam, really soft bakery white bread, publix white mountain is good, dense fresh and soft crust, and Smuckers natural PB, crunchy of course though creamy is alright too. Spread it thick, both of the fillings. Cold glass of milk. PB banana is good too.
I can't find those anywhere. You Americans get all the cool shit.
i liked to eat them when they were still partially frozen and the peanut butter kind of had the consistency of a chocolate bar. biting through that into the jelly in the middle was godlike
oh man, i love freezing peanut butter sandwiches, then briefly defrosting them in the microwave.
it tricky and doesn't always work, but when it does, you get soft warm bread outside, and a cold fudge in the middle.
it's wonderful.
I find that pb and strawberry do not mix well at all. The jam part has to be grape.
Looks gross. What's with the name? Uncrustable? What in the crikey hell does that mean? Would not buy.
In all seriousness though, they were a great childhood memory. My oldest memory though was when I was about 11 and I figured out that you could put one still in its own baggie in a ziploc bag, throw it in a pot of warm water and it'll thaw out to optimal eating temperature in about 30 seconds.
I like pb&j as a desert, otherwise it's too sweet and not really protein rich enough for me.
Why the fuck would you buy them pre-made?
Have you tried making more than 1 pb and J?
its almost a chore for something you can destroy in about 5 seconds if you wanted
its even easier without the crust gimmick
>why are they so fucking delicious?
because you've been condition from a young age to crave unnatural foods laced in HFCS.
I rather make my own. Its healthier and tastes better.
A lot of the pre-made meals are packed with sugars. Of course they are going to taste amazing.
The word you're looking for is "meme"
Just buy some fucking strawberry jam and make your own sandwiches you retard.
Fried one of these in bacon grease all fucked up
I use to buy these in the Summer when I went on bike trails, shits cash if you keep an Ice Pack near them.
But yeah, if you're eating these as snacks in increments of more than 2 a day, you are a manlet
I love eating those things while they're still slightly frozen.
I wish I could mass produce these with some sort of sandwich press
>tfw you find out these things are a fuck load of calories
I looked it up and really? 210 doesn't seem too bad at all. Unless you're stuffing yourself with a bunch at once or something.
Are these supposed to be refrigerated or served room tempature? I know they come in the frozen section, so I assume you would store them in the freezer, then when hungry take one out and put in the fridge to defrost a bit.
However I also remember having them served room temperature on field trips and retreats where the school provided the lunches.
they aren't really filling at 210 calories
I think the point is you have them frozen and put them in your kids lunchbox so its still cold but not frozen by the time they eat