Who here suffers from heartburn and indigestion?
What do you find the best way to combat it?
Which foods give you the worst case?
Who here suffers from heartburn and indigestion?
What do you find the best way to combat it?
Which foods give you the worst case?
Best way to deal with it is to just avoid your triggers for, at least, two days. Then just avoid them.
My trigger is alcohol and the only way to avoid it is to not drink which I find extremely distasteful.
Only thing that gives me heartburn is beer, don't know why but other alcohol is fine.
Chewing gum.
What retarded fool created the word heart burn, its got no thing to do with the heart, it reflux. Heart burn, pfffr, why not call it heart ache retard.
Where most people feel the pain in their oesophagus is in a region pretty close to the heart. Yeah, it's a dumb name and has nothing to do with the heart but it's nothing to get bent out of shape over.
reaheated pizza
Well, I'm highly autistic and I don't like it!
Mine went away when I quit drinking
Same when I quit cigs
That's it!
No more booze or fags!
Anyone have any suggestions of food and drinks I can treat myself with to replace the gaping hole currently left by no booze or fags.
Well, you can either drink alcohol and feel like shit (with that bile taste and the halitosis) or avoid alcohol and NOT feel like shit.
Why not take up coffee instead?
I've yet to figure out what triggers my heart burn, but it's never been anything some Tums couldn't fix.
I'm 151 days sober today.
Never thought I could quit drinking; ever. Always said life would be too boring without it.
Turns out it's not. I've saved a ton of money too. But now I spend all that money on TUMS because my heartburn is still a bitch.
maybe kratom?
i am an alcoholic with gum disease, frequent ulcers, coffee and nicotine addictions and a huge fucking cavity in one of my molars, i haven't been to the dentist in around 8 years and i don't have bad breath.
You do.
I was thinking more along the lines of delicious candy/sweets and refreshing drinks as my appetite will be home soom.
no, i don't.
I have reflux. I think excess sweets and fatty foods activate it the most. It kind of sucks because I can't go on BBQ binges that I used to do. It gets bad enough that the next day or two I feel a bit awkward swallowing things, like the swallowing mechanism isn't just working.
Best thing to do is just moderate your eating. Don't eat too much at once and spread it out through the day. Kind of hard when you're working though.
>Sure, everything in my life has fallen apart, but I swear I don't have bad breath!
well, i don't. and actually my teeth are one of my best features. pretty strange.
You do. It fucking stinks. The sooner you come to accept this, the sooner you stop offending those around you. Sort it out!
no, i don't. i'm not offending anyone because i have quite pleasant breath and a nice smile.
I can't comment on your smile but you breath fucking stinks.
no, it doesn't.
Not that guy but yes it fucking does. Get a spoon, scrape it over the very back of your tongue and sniff it / let it dry and sniff it. I guarantee you have rotten breathe, you're just so used to it you don't notice. Smoking alone (and I smoke all day long) makes you reek.
how hard is it to just accept that you don't necessarily get bad breath when you do these things.
It's more likely that your breath reeks to high heaven and you don't know because you're so used to it.
Do you have some kind of independent confirmation that your breath is not bad, or are you just going by your own personal opinion? Because that's worthless.
How hard is it for you to accept that you do?
>Do you have some kind of independent confirmation that your breath is not bad
yes. this is something i've been paranoid about for ages so i've even asked strangers and people who dislike me.
ah, i see. i´m not the biggest fan of sweets, but i love chocolate pudding. i also have some snickers ice cream bars in the freezer right now
congrats on the sobriety user
>and i don't have bad breath
Your esophagus is open and also venting out whatever else is in your stomach with that acid. I mean, the acid itself already smells pretty bad.
I suffer from heartburn almost any time I eat something with tomato sauce in it, which is a shame because I love me some 'za. But the acid reflux will more often than not keep me up through the night and generally make my life a miserable hell.
The only way I've found to combat this is to pretty much not eat anything with tomatoes in it for a week or two, then I should be fine to eat for a couple weeks so long as I don't eat too quickly.
Tums and Pepto have become my best fucking friends.
heartburn and indigestion are just precursors to an actual heart attack you will have at some point in your life.
Good luck, fight it while you're young.
I've had 7 HA's now and I'm still here some how but I am a ''freak of evolution" as the doctors call me.
So sad that superior genes will never replicate in our state as idiots are all like "hey this person did X which is impossible so lets kill them" lol I hope yellow stone erupts soon. fuck all of you.