shrimp are bugs stop fucking around
Fucking stop
fuk u
humans are bugs
wtf i hate shrimp now
u fuk
bugs are humans
pigs are human too
stop cannibalism now
So you are saying it's okay to eat bugs? I doubt any of them are as tasty as shrimp though.
I don't eat shrimp because they are bugs however other people do and it is disgusting, who the fuck eats bugs???
People who eat shrimp
that's what i'm saying bro it's not regular
>stop liking what I don't like
No it's not even that I don't want people to like what I don't like I'm just saying it's not healthy to eat bugs I don't know why people think it's ok to eat a bug????
Amen, brother. Ill drink some sugar water to that
>just when i started eating shrimp in baby steps
never eating shrimp again
some bugs are good
but they're delicious
no they are tastey
i hate crabs now
Shrimp are literally sea cockroaches, why would you eat that?
that would be lobsters...
they taste good too.
its meat, not blood and exoskeleton
they are kind of like bugs..
i would eat cockroaches if they tasted good
they just might taste good...dry fried with some spices. probably have a mushy middle thatll squirt some goo.
this color diagram is more useful for you.
they eat you when you drown.
There's nothing wrong with bugs at all. Have you actually researched them at all?
Only a *small minority* of bugs are horrible and disgusting!
The ones that sting or bite you aren't *real* bugs! bugs are peaceful!
a face only a mother could love..
I like to grill them with garlic and chilli then suck their brain juice out
this fucking movie had me making sugar water for like a week before mom caught on & nipped that shit in the bud
Actual bugs are pretty good too.
>probably have a mushy middle thatll squirt some goo.
kerrigan's vagina.
looks like a jew
Bugs are gross. Most sea "bugs" are absolutely delicious.
What point are you trying to make?
shrimp are cockroaches
That makes so much sense my mind is literally blown.
Like, shrimp and cockroaches are the same thing. How has nobody realized this before now? They look completely identical and live in the same habitat... it's a fucking revelation.
What? No, lobsters hunt and eat other shellfish. Especially maine lobsters with their massive claws.
Tasty and expensive bugs.
sea spiders
Shrimp are bugs in the same way that octopus is a snail.
Nice try, bug
delicious bugs
Yeah, and notice how only savages eat people.
Spiders hunt and eat other bugs, and you do t see us eating them.
how the fuck are they bugs
Hakuna Matata.
They're arthropods, if that's what you mean, but they're not insects.
Insects have 6 legs, wings, and 3 body segments. Crustaceans have more than 6 legs, 2 body segments, and no wings. Insects live everywhere but in the ocean, crustaceans live only in the ocean. Yeah, totally the same thing.
>crustaceans live only in the ocean.
Woodlice don't live in the ocean you fucking mental cripple.
They're absolutely bugs, but that doesn't stop them from tasting good.
You're a fucking retard. The claws aren't used for anything other than fighting and asserting dominance over other males. Lobsters have a disgusting set of arms near their mouth that reach down to the sand looking for whatever garbage fell to the ocean floor.
Lobsters are disgusting creatures, be they tasty or not.
>eating any of these intimately related things
Why? Aren't you better than that?
Why do people subject themselves to this sort of degradation?
softshell crab is legit man.
Not significant enough to challenge the generalization. Sorry!
If cum-pancakes with menstruation-syrup tasted even better than softshell crab, would you eat it?
you're right, though not all insects have wings
but the definition of bug is creepy crawly gross thing
you'll notice that synonyms for bugs include mites, which would technically be arachnids, so insects and bugs don't mean precisely the same thing
>not healthy to eat bugs
citation needed
>eating any of these intimately related things
Why? Aren't you better than that?
Why do people subject themselves to this sort of degradation?
Considering I eat both chicken eggs and milt, yes.
There's literally nothing wrong with eating mammals of all sorts.
To subject one's self to a diet of insects and locusts is unwholesome and spits in the face of God's bounty.
>He'd eat dogs, hyenas, and vermin
Are you Chinese?
Moreton bay bugs are bugs stop fucking around guys
wtf now I hate octopus!!!!
You should save that reaction image for when you make a really good point instead of wasting it on such a mediocre post.
Ok, nerd, there are always exceptions. You also forgot rollie-pollies (pill bugs). It makes no difference to the argument that crustaceans and insects are different.
>God's bounty
Where's the fucking bounty, again, asshole?
Oh wait, we killed it all and now it's fucked and now we have to monitor fish stocks and we have to restrict our intake because the bounty ran dry.
Some fucking bounty. Just go preach for the End Times (aka the Easy Way Out) like the rest.
Insect. n. An arthropod animal which has six legs and generally 2 wings.
Shrimp fulfill neither requirement
Conclusion: shrimp is not a bug. Go back to your lives.
>more than 6 legs
>no wings
Please finish the 2nd grade and come back.
>Insect. n. An arthropod animal which has six legs and generally 2 wings.
>Shrimp fulfill neither requirement
>Conclusion: shrimp is not a bug. Go back to your lives.
Are you trying to say just because it doesn't fulfill the requirements of an "INSECT" that it isn't a "BUG"
Bugs are a subset of insect with stylo/straw mouths and specific wing types.
As a rule I will not eat anything with an exoskeleton, scales, or only has two legs.
shabbat shalom, rebbe
shrimp are great to BTFO vegans because it's an entire animal per bite
Lobsters are the rats of the sea
In thailand and pakistan they fry their crickets and people say it is not bad tasting and healthy.
In the future the rich will eat lab-grown meat and the poor will eat arthropods. Because they're so cheap to farm and protein dense.
They maybe perhaps don't feel as much pain? And astronaut can farm them in space.
And there are so many different kinds, they come in all flavors. You just need a warm, damp room with lots of surfaces to farm roaches. They're social creatures and easy to handle. Just throw them table scraps every day.
even if they are, so the fuck what? stop your complaining. go back on facebook.