How do you feel about the way cooking is portrayed in fiction Veeky Forums?
Cooking in fiction
is this a real thing that nips make, or is it just anime logic
What mango is this?
[spoiler]I really enjoy Shokugeki no Soma and Addicted to Curry[/spoiler]
Looks real enough
Shinmai Shimai no Futari Gohan
lewd as fuk
if you think about it, sausages are a bit like penises
If you are going to use a food processor as a faux grinder any way why not just add the spices before you turn it on?
Didn't know you could use leeks as sausage casings though, might try this sometime.
I was severely underwhelmed the first time I ate a bone. Snoopy made them look delicious.
I would give the anime grill MY sausage ahahahahahahahaha
It really enhances the natural umami!
I ended up masturbating to this.
Good taste on both