Fast food workers, tell me about your experiences. Any good stories? I'm curious as to what goes on behind the scenes
Fast food workers, tell me about your experiences. Any good stories? I'm curious as to what goes on behind the scenes
i jerk off into errbody's food.
I worked drunk about 90% of the time. this did not impede my ability to make a burger
>Five Guys
Best part
>Free fast food that is actually pretty fresh. Even the laziest of stoners there will throw shit away if it looks like it might be a health issue, we also have our own health inspectors that check audit us 4 times a month and secret shoppers sometimes twice a week
Worst part
>They are extremely corporate, and they show it. One of the worst ways is the tip system
Essentially they take 37 dollars out of your total monthly pay, and you make it back through tips that are divided at the end of the night.
If you dont make enough tips then they just add the rest on to the first paycheck of the next month
So really it's not so much actual tips as it is them paying you the money that they fucking owe you for working there.
The upside is supposed to be if you make MORE than 37 for the month in tips, then you get to keep it. This never happens
>dat tip system
should be fucking illegal, the customers don't tip the company, they tip the workers
It is illegal
I worked for dominos for about a month and the inside crew are fucking disgusting
The worst part is the only person who actually "gets" the tips is the person on register,everyone actually making the food has no influence. So if you have a socially awkward retard new hire who clams up when the customer makes a joke, guess what? You're getting shit for tips that night.
This often leads to us hiring someone who specifically does register (usually a cute nice girl, or a friendly older guy)
But they literally do nothing else to help out.
My boss explained to me once that they get around it by calling it an "incentive" program on all legal documents. And because they technically do give you all the money that you worked for they make the case that it's actually better because you get a little bit of money from your paycheck every night ISNT THAT JUST FUCKING CUTE!?
So they take 37 dollers PER MONTH?
Thats not too bad. Hell, you make more than 2 dollers a day you are golden.
Thats honestly sub 1% of your pay.
It would be if we got that much
Most I've gotten so far is 5 a night
Usually it's literally a dollar with 2 on weekends
> tipping at a fast food joint
So by week 2-3 you already made your money back.
I understand what they are trying to do, they just went about it all wrong.
I work at whataburger, work there for 4 years, you get profit shareing (aka, free money). As a manager i get a percent of the stores profit IF i do my job (or rather, every manager does their job). I think five guys could do that no problem, especially due to the lower labor costs associated with the store. (I only ever seen 7 of you faggots max, i run 12-14 people on dinner)
Nothing better than oil in your eye from the grill during a rush and everyone leaving the line while your litterly going blind trying to finish an order by yourself. I dont get payed enough for this shit, the next time you shits leave im pouring oil in your eyes.
Wew laddy. Why the fuck would they leave? Where was your management?
Worked at a Burger King over the summer
>working in the back, everyone has a headset on so they can start making orders being made in the drivethru as soon as possible.
>Some lady drives up and you could hear several kids squealing in the back of her car
>She asks for 2 "big-ass burgers"
>manager replies "We don't have those" or something along those lines
>eventually end up making a few double whoppers
Shit sucks
I work nights, i have seen some shit
>drive though has a turn
>dumbass drunk kid, after he orders, slams on the gas, goes around the curve
>fishtales and looses control,
>i see it comeing and grab my front window person and pull him out of the way
>guy goes into the grass, pushes a big ass electrical transformer through my wall
>cause a small fire
>jewfro kid with daddys brotruck freaks out, throws it in reverse and runs.
>only reason he got away was due to the (now ruined) ranch hand heavy duty brushguard/pushbar
Fuck that kid.
I could go on and on.
New GM is a wreak and can't stay on the line or in store. Manger is brand new and can hardly make a bun, leaves to answer cellphone. Only loyal crew member on register, crew member leaves to get lobby (wtf line to the door) other crew member needs to use restroom apperntly take a shit, it was 15mins.
I miss my old boss.
Nothing. I cannot think of one thing I liked outside of one of my managers.
Taking out the trash was probably the best part because I was able to get away from fucking everything and sit by the dumpsters for a while.
I want to kill myself when I am wearing the uniform
Chipotle new hire for a month.
Worked everything front of the store excluding register. So basically when you walked in I was that guy saying "Hi, Welcome to Chipotle, how may I help you?." I also did the tortilla press, salsa, rolling, etc.
First off, most of the customers we get are nice, and they're relatively well-mannered. They come in knowing what to order and know what to expect. This is Chipotle, not a Michelin-star restaurant, but it will sure as hell be better quality food than your local McDonalds. Most of our ingredients I personally vouch for (The sour cream is legit and so is our cheese). But ever since the whole shitstain incidents with our e.coli outbreak and various other fuck-ups (some due to employees' fault at a certain location, other due to the culture of management, and others not even being our fault and due to our supplier's fault but it ends up getting slapped on us, etc.), a ton of shit changed behind-the-scenes. Recipe for our steak has changed, basically it'll never be as good as it once was due to a new method of cooking it (we don't even really "cook" it, we just heat it up but we use a grill to fool you into thinking we did some fancy ass live grilling, in reality steak is all pre-cooked and packaged, as is our carnitas, barbacoa, sofritas. The only meat we actually "cook" live on the grill is our chicken).
to add to this. Never get our lettuce (whether it's the larger cuts of romaine that you get served in salad bowls, or the regular-sized cuts of lettuce you see at the end of the line. It's all the same shitty pre-packaged lettuce from a central producer that gets shipped to us). I don't trust the lettuce at Chipotle.
Because of the recent company fuck-ups, there's a new policy saying all employees working the line have to wash their hands once every hour (we call this "Top-of-the-hour), with this giant fucking loud alarm beeping to remind us. So even if we're in the middle of helping out a customer or getting through the dinnertime evening rush, we have to take off our gloves, wash our fucking hands, and put on a new pair of gloves (which are actually hard to put on right after washing your hands since they're still moist and at a fast-casual place like Chipotle time is literally money and wasted time means pissed off customers but hey I can't do anything about it because we don't want anymore e.coli outbreaks and shit).
Amongst other things, after a few fuck-ups we had to change up a lot of things behind the store about what goes on, and in turn the quality of our food (in my opinion) has drastically changed (because you have to balance food that tastes delicious, is safe, and is served at a reasonable time. You can't have all three, you can only pick two at a time).
also if you're ordering a burrito and you slap on all three salsas along with guacamole and sour cream don't expect it to be delicate and perfectly rolled. Some sauce and juices and shit will leak out and shit will get messy so you better be able to eat it with a spoon or have some napkins on hand, or just ask for the sauces to be put into side-cups next time.
Hahahah, people can be so retarded.
Because you are fucking retarded sir.
Seriously, about 1 in every 5 people are full blown retard.
Interesting read. I got Chipotle a couple times in the past few weeks and I noticed the quality had gone down.
>just shut for the night at KFC
>walk in to toilets to fill up paper towels and wipe down mirrors
>see this
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
>be at mcd
>working the grill with a stupid chubby muzzie chick coworker
>she prepares something wrong because she couldn´t read the kitchen monitor
>i tell her shoe should think about glasses if she can´t read the monitor
>manager later tells me she complained about me because i told her she needs glasses
You got me to laugh. Good job.
Before I went into the Army, I worked at McDonalds. I gave away more food than I sold. As long as you are seen "ringing up" someone, you are golden. You can pass on 4 big macs for the cost of a small fry.
> muh tips
you aren't entitled to anything you lazy fuck
Because why not. I enjoyed feeding people for free.
Call me a communist. I loved doing it.
>Call me a communist.
>Fights for capitalism in middle East
What the fuck do I care? I'm not fighting for an idea or political cause. I fight for the man next to me.
you can be completeyl careless and no one fucking cares.
at some places co workers even will look at you like an idiot if you do things carelessly
>being past high school age and working in fast food
>not going to college and earning a few bucks on the side
OP asked for people's experiences, and that guy gave experiences to you.
Are you a mental defective?
Does telling yourself that make you feel better about being a puppet for the government?
Take your shit to /pol/ or something. This board is about cooking and food for fuck's sake
>Recipe for our steak has changed, basically it'll never be as good as it once was due to a new method of cooking it (we don't even really "cook" it, we just heat it up but we use a grill to fool you into thinking we did some fancy ass live grilling, in reality steak is all pre-cooked and packaged, as is our carnitas, barbacoa, sofritas.
Damn son this explains why it's so mediocre lately
I worked at a Chipotle for a few months and the steak used to be a highlight
I worked at McDonald's for 8 months or so while in high school, never saw anything bad happen.
you smelled the /pol/cat, too
Dunning-Kruger effect strikes again
Worked at Little Skeezers for 4 years. Half of my time there was before the 'hot-n'ready' when half of the sales were those deep dish za's! Soon as we switched to hot-n-ready seemed like quality went down down down. Had premaid sheetouts, rolled the dough at less weight, etc... Miss the Old Little Skeezers.
I worked at Outback Steakhouse off and on for eight years. Every single time I washed my hands it was with cold water and no soap. Every single time.
Even after pooping m8's ;^)
Liquor store senior supervisor for 2 years before I left. I covered 4 stores, including my own, in my local area and dealt with just about anything you can imagine. The stories are endless.
>Special Shoplifting Deal Story
>The Iceman Story
>Bitches and Boyfriends Story
>The French Offensive Story
>Old Milwaukee Clean Out Story
>That's My Cart Story
>That's Not Your ID Story
The list fucking goes on. If anyone wants to hear any of them, or if they have any questions about working in the Canadian liquor industry, ask away.
What's the French Offensive?
As an example:
>Opening at 10:00am
>Have a rep in the store chatting with me at the counter
>Notice a truck in the parking lot a little ways from the store
>Clearly intoxicated driver and even more intoxicated passenger
>Female passenger gets out and vomits all over the base of a tree
>Looks like a crack addict, hollow cheeks, greasy hair, revealing clothing that only shows off shit you don't want to see
>Wanders into the store while the driver parks on the median
>Not selling her shit but I'll wait until she gets up to the counter
>Brings up our cheapest mickey of vodka
>"Yeah, you're not buying that here."
>"What? Why not??"
>"You're drunk and you just threw up in the parking lot."
>"No I'm not drunk I just have pneumonia."
>Still has vomit on her chin and breasts at this point
>"Yeah, okay. Sorry but I'm not selling you anything."
>Sneers and points at me and my rep
>"You guys are a bunch of squares! What's it like to a square HUH??? YOU EVER HAD FUN??"
>Wanders off at this point and out to the truck
>Throws up on the door and the guy leaves his bumper attached to the median
>Cops arrest them approximately 15 minutes later
from my brother's stories it's a bunch of retards trying their best to not work
>Red Prius rips into my only handicap spot
>two clearly young people with no placard or sticker
>obviously not handicapped
>well within ID required range
>driver comes in
>has sweatpants at his knees, another pair of sweats underneath with some curly ass melato hair and a big ass hoodie
>brings a bottle of the finest vodka
>smirnoff watermelon
>"You got some ID there, champ?"
>says "No" in a very, very thick Quebecois accent
>"Alright well you need some government issued ID to buy alcohol."
>"Well how can I be underage if I drove the car here?"
>not sure where to even begin explaining that his argument is already fucked
>after a few minutes back and forth he leaves and tries to get his girlfriend in the car to buy it for him
>try to explain that if he doesn't have ID, then he cant get his present company to purchase it for him
>his gf comes in and throws a $20 on the counter and tries to buy it
>explain thats not how it works
>a few minutes prior, one of my regular customers, one all of us actually like, comes into the store
>Frenchie's GF calls me a little bitch
>before I can kick her in the cunt, my regular customer jumps in
>screaming match starts between her and the gf
>guy is in between both of them trying to get the fight to stop while also yelling at me and my associate
>tell them to get the fuck out
>GF punches regular in the shoulder
>regular customer swings back and hits her square in the fucking forehead
>like literally dead center in the forehead
>couldnt believe the accuracy of the punch
>associate calls the police while I kick the two out of the store
>guy starts yelling telling us that we've disrespected him and he'll take any one of us any day any time
>grab him by the shirt and shove him out onto the sidewalk
>lock the door and they speed off
>tell regular customer not to come back for a week until it cools down
>cops come and take reports
>quit the next week
>once worked at a carls jr across from a mcdonalds
>people always bitched about the prices as if the shmuck at the counter is the one who decided to raise their spicy chicken sandwich by 15 cents
>kept coming to us anyway
>okay your total is ____
>attempts to argue with the cash register's math
usual shit
>I work at whataburger, work there for 4 years, you get profit shareing
gonna call bullshit, dad was a general manager for 10 years and never once mentioned this
I could read liquor store stories all day, got any more? Ill give you an internet.
What's the "that's not your ID" story?
If I was a hiring manager, I'd never hire blacks.
Niggers treat these jobs like it's your privilege that they do any work for you. Half of them don't show up to shifts. Steal/eat food non stop.
I'd hire all latinos & asians.
>Working at pizza hut
>Buffet runner, so moving through kitchen quickly
>Walking by the cut table for some new za's I'm going to take out
>cutter guy hasn't wiped up floor recently, covered in loose toppings and grease
>Slip on grease, elbow catches a deep dish from off the counter
>Slam head on ground, get covered in burning hot za
>Whole kitchen laughs
>End up with burns on chest
>Have to finish shift anyways
Choose any from this post to start.
>very young kid comes in
>looks kind of familiar, but in a way where im not 100% sure
>he pretends to browse for a while
Let me make something clear here. If you are underage and are trying to get away with buying alcohol, browsing for a while does not help make you look any less suspicious. 80 - 90% of people who enter a liquor store know what they want or at least some variation thereof. Aimless browsing identifies you as either one of three profile types.
1. Underage
2. Shoplifter
3. Someone who actually doesn't know what they want (rare)
>kid brings up a bottle of spiced rum
>its the weekend, he looks young, avoids eye contact, didn't grab any mix or chase, doesn't make conversation
>"You got some ID on you, buddy?"
>hands me his ID
>look at it closely because I don't think everything will add up
>legit ID
>look at the photo
>went to high school with the guy like 4 years ago
>this kid is not that guy
>hand him the ID back
>"So how's your brother doing?"
>he puts the ID back and leaves without saying a word
Also caught a few kids because no one bothers memorizing their fake ID's postal code or zip code if they're using an American ID.
>If I was a hiring manager, I'd never hire blacks.
>I'd hire all latinos & asians.
Smart man.
>hepatitis outbreak
>In March and April 2008, the Community Epidemiology Branch of the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency traced a hepatitis A outbreak in San Diego County to a single Chipotle restaurant located in La Mesa, California in which over 20 customers, but no employees, had tested positive for the virus
Jesus fucking Christ. How the fuck does that even happen?
White guys are the worst. They always steal expensive equipment if they can get away with it.
>Was a shift manager at Pizza Hut
>A bunch of these guys ordered food after going to the beer store next door
>We talk a little as they pay and give me some of their beers as a tip
>Put the beers in the drink cooler since it was about 2 hours before I could go home
>Close the store but forgot the beers
>They're up front with all the drinks and I don't come back in until afternoon the next day
>Come in to work and see empty beer cans on the counter and my manager and other coworkers jokingly ask how my night was
Can confirm, am white and stole kitchen equipment from pizza hut. Am the same user from the above pizza hut story.
Nope. Orientals are the worst. They don't close out half the orders and pocket the money.
>Half of them don't show up to shifts.
And you're something, like 500% more likely to be sued for frivolous reasons. Niggers think the only reason they ever get fired is "muh race"... not that they're lazy ass shitty workers or anything.
I'd take 1 good asian back kitchen worker over 10 niggers who don't show up and don't work.
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
you walked into the toilet?
I knew grunts were delusional but this is hilarious.
studies show that water temperature is not actually important for hand-washing.
you could not keep your hands in water hot enough to kill bacteria long enough to do the job. its all about dat dere soapy lather.
Arent fries unhealthy enough for americlaps? You need to add another layer of fat?
Spotted the newfag
My GM just hired a bunch of fucking jamaicans :'[
>shift manager at Taco Bell
>whole shift is going great
>thunderstorm starts outside
>everything is going fine until 2 workers here some thunder
>the first was on line making food
>she is mid 40s
>starts screaming like a little girl and can no longer make food since she is afraid of thunder
>second worker is taking orders in drive thru
>she is late 30s
>"uh uh momma told me no phones"
>hands me the headset and says she can no longer take orders
>we are in the middle of lunch rush
I can't stand the latter worker. The fucking headset is wireless. She was in no danger at all.
>another day at Taco Bell
>lady wants to see a manager
>I go up to see her
>"The women's bathroom is fucking disgusting!"
>go to check it out
>it's fucking disgusting
>get the girl working front register to clean it
>15 min later I go to check on her
>bathroom is clean, but she is traumatized
>console and thank her a bit since the bathroom was really that bad before cleaned
>she goes to wash her hands and she almost scraping the skin off her hands
>tell her that we have a bigger sink in the back if she really wants a deep clean
>we go to the back and the sink is full of our disgusting re-fried beans
>literally looks like a sink full of shit
>I try to hold back the laughter as she almost pukes
Profit sharing is NOT free money, that shit comes out of your wages. Same thing with 401k. It really pisses me off how corporations try to act like they're giving you something good and people actually buy it.
Mean to quote-
>If I was a hiring manager, I'd never hire blacks.
this. they never show up for work, and when they do, it's constant stealing and doing everything but work. and even if you manage to get them to do any work at all, it's wrong. they'll fuck everything up. i still don't know if it's their laziness and entitlement that makes them fuck off, or if they're just that dumb.
Thats 100% wrong, if you are hourly. There is no way to "take it out", or include it as base pay.
401k comes out of your wages, profit shareing does not.
>ever in your lifetime
Top wagekek
how does five guys get their burgers so charred like that
Jimmy Johns
>nothing to cook
>barely any dishes
>hardly anyone sits down to eat so very little to clean up
>only like 10 ingredients total
>lettuce somehow manages to get absolutely everywhere in the store though
Pretty laid back desu.
Some co-worker had cut his finger and put a bandaid on it, nothing else. Making meatmalls it slipped off and he didn't notice.
Customer not too happy chewing on it.
>we wake up early
>get into the fast food restaurant
>go behind the counter
>decides who will do what for the day
>we take your order
>some of us clean the restaurant
>we serve your food
>eventually our shift is over
>we close the store
>rinse and repeat the next day
what the fuck you were expecting? A soap opera? Catching up with the kardashians? Drama?
Life ain't like TV, american. 99% of the time people just want to go on with their lifes with little to no issues at all.
There was only once a jerk tried to temper with an annoying client food but we rat him out to our manager and he was fired on spot. Fucking piece of shit, should be banned from working at the food industry at any position.
No client should be punished the price for your lack of maturity, personal problems or lack of morals. No matter how annoying they are, it's our job to serve them the best we can. Even if we're not doing it for the rest of our life.
Someones bitter.
Hit me with The Iceman Story, senpai
>I'm a boring faggot and I'm gonna make you all read how mad I am about it
Literally suck my actual dick
>oops a couple people called out
>now everybody has to do the work of 1.5-2 people for the same pay
>management decides people should be doing tasks they're not good at
>the guy with bad hearing should take orders up front
>the Korean girl who barely understands English should work drive-thru
>the 70 year-old Hispanic grandpa that also doesn't understand English should stuff
>the guy who was in a car wreck and is now literally retarded should be the steamer (first position) on line
>meanwhile the assistant manager will stay in the office the entire shift talking with her husband because he's paranoid and insane and won't leave her alone for 5 minutes
>nobody has the time to clean anything
>24h location that never closes
>asst manager on breakfast goes apeshit if everything isn't spotless and her shift has to lift a finger
I mean, I'm glad you had a good time working wherever you did, but 95% of the time working in fast food you get stuck with shitters that make working there difficult.
>management will never fire anybody, unless they steal, fight, or swear at customers, because they have to meet turnover goals
>says "No" in a very, very thick Quebecois accent
Of course.
Who else would it be but the fucking Quebecois
Don't talk shit about animal style.
>Work at KFC/Taco bell store
>Was fry cook for KFC
>First job so I was gonna suck alot of dicks to not get fired
>High expectations
>Literally just me doing the job of 3 people
>Have to mop and throw out trash while making sure chicken wasn't out
>Literally worked 15 hour shifts when fag #2 called off
>Told I'll be working front now because competent
>Its better but now I'm in charge of everything in the lobby, assembly line, cash register
>Boss man tried to promote me to assistant manager
>But it takes more than 4 months to even start the training
>Still makes me do assistant manager job
>Eventually after a year I quit due to school and can't work full time
>mfw only got $8.25 per hour with no over time due to company policy of not allowing over time
Christ I was such a bottom bitch i'm cringing at why I even bothered to do a good job in fast food
Got more stories if anyone is interested
One of the more strange ones.
>Late night shift
>Coming up on probably midnight
>General rule of thumb with night shifts is that the customer count lowers as it gets later, but the customers tend to get crazier
>A few regular people stream in and out, late night workers off shift whatever
>A larger group comes in
>Obviously not all together but they pulled in at the same time
>Also a single younger chick by herself and seems a little tipsy
>Me and my associate ring their stuff through, no problem
>Time to close up the store
>Lock doors and start closing duties
>Go into the cooler to face and fill
The cooler at my old location was not a walk in, for reference.
>Start filling up the big sellers like Corona, Bud, Canadian, etc. The usual shit
>Notice that there's a small stack of 15pks that's toppled over
>Not really unusual but it was strange since I hadn't been in the cooler and neither had my associate
>Walk over to fix it and find the above mentioned female passed out against the back wall
>Associate had left the cooler's back entrance open and the larger roll up door in the upwards position
>When the doors are left like that it really does resemble a walk in cooler
>She's completely fucking demolished
>Cans of fucking Labatt Blue all over the floor
>She's kind of lopsided and folded over with her head hung down over her chest
>Little pool of vomit in the fold of her jacket
>Call my associate in and tell him to phone to EMTs while I check her vitals
>She's been in there close to two hours and that cooler was fucking cold trust me
>Clear the beer away and put her into recovery position
>Check pulse and she's still breathing unfortunately
>Get her coherent enough to stand and help her out
>Lay her down in the office and police and paramedics arrive
>Find out later that alcohol and ketamine don't necessarily mix
>Spend an extra like 2 hours cleaning vomit and dealing with the boys in blue
>Get home at 4am
>Rinse and repeat
Had more problems with those fucking frogs than anyone else, man.
Entitled cocksuckers.
Mad? Did I sound mad? It's just how things went for me. I don't know what kind of world you guys expect outside of your own house but c'mon, life was in fact boring back in the days I was at mcdonalds, literally two decades ago.
It easier to assume that you should be the one sucking dicks 'round here, everything you do in your life always go wrong? Does everything has to be a series of misadventures? Take control of your life.
Maybe I just got lucky, because everybody I worked with speaked english perfectly and no one was messing around. Not much shitters, there were a couple of potheads and fuckups but everyone was chill.
Maybe it was our manager back then, he was a good manager.
Come on man these are some of the best kinds of posts.
See more than a paragraph of text? Just skim down bit and you'll find memes eventually.
>thinks having to mop, throw out trash, and stock chicken is doing the job of three people
Holy shit, do young white people actually think like this? No fucking wonder you're all autistic and living with parents at 25+
that's my cart, ed boy. i'd like to read it after work tomorrow, if you feel like typing up another one
lol I probably under stated what I did
>Stocked soda syrup
>fry shit for taco bell
>made side dishes for KFC
>down time washed the side walk
>cleaned hood
>restocked cups and condiments in front
basically did everything BUT interact with the customers in time as fry cook
What about 401k that the employer also matches a %
No worries, man.
>Into probably year 2 of my employment or just shy of
>Another night shift with one of my favorite associates
>Can't remember the circumstances but I was pulling a double shift that day
>Customer comes in earlier that morning and buys some liqueur
>Passive aggressive jokes, excessive eye contact, everything that points to him being a dick
>Leaves without too much of an issue
>Fast forward until probably like 10:00pm or so
>Guy returns from a greasy local pub
>Has some bar stool licking pub rat girl with him this time
>Loud and obnoxious, making a few other customers uncomfortable
>Talking too loud and obviously intoxicated
We have a small, back-heavy cart we use for stocking product. We'd just finished doing some craft beer so the cart was empty and kind of tucked away near our stockroom door.
>On the stepstool across the store stocking some rum on a top shelf
>Associate is behind the counter
>Look over and see the girl apparently sliding across the aisle
>Realize she's riding on my stock cart and her fucking muscle man is pushing her around on it
>Walk over the aisle opening and tell them to get off the cart in a pretty pissed tone
>Dude loses it
>Starts to lose his mind about how I've insulted him and I'm a little shit
>Associate and I explain that his girl could fall and crack her skull open
>They argue with us and continue to curse
>She tries to buy a case of Bud Light Apple
>Had enough of her and his shit so I tell them, straight up, no patience left
>"You're not buying a single fucking thing here tonight or ever again."
>Dude tells me he's going to go over the counter at me
>Without skipping a beat, my associate tells him if he wants to fight then he can just walk around and step on in
>Continues to berate us and use petty insults
>Threaten to call the cops on him
>Throws the case of beer through one of my cooler doors
>Storms out with bitch in tow