How the hell do you make mac & cheese?

How the hell do you make mac & cheese?

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you take a cheese sauce and put cooked macaroni in it, wa la say fin-knee.

You don't

heat milk and butter. coat grated cheddar in corn starch and wisk in a pot over medium heat until smooth. mix with cooked elbow macaroni.



Wtf corn starch

I thought is was just milk, butter, cheese and noodles.

Where the hell do the corn starch and flour come in?


because you need something to cause the protein strands in the cheese to unfold gracefully so that it doesn't become a clumpy snot soup.

the flour is for thickening/stabilising the sauce, it's called a roux, very common in white sauces.

the cornstarch thickens a bit but is mostly just a stabiliser preventing the cheese from clumping.

cheese likes to split when you cook it.

Not that hard kiddo. All ya gotta do is:

>Bring water to boil in medium saucepan. Add Macaroni; cook 7 to 8 min. or until tender, stirring occasionally.
>Drain. (Do not rinse.) Return macaroni to pan.
>Add margarine, milk and Cheese Sauce Mix; mix well.

Aaaand wa laaa: Ya got yaself some nice Mac & cheese!

>Cheese Sauce Mix

That's yellow cake uranium.

Yep, that's correct.

However if you use a cheese that melts well and doesn't split then you can leave out the roux.

The roux is common because the only cheese Americans know about is cheddar*, and cheddar doesn't melt very well without splitting. Swap that for a cheese that does melt well like gruyere or gouda and the problem is solved.

* in cause you're autistic, yes that was hyperbole.

What sort of starch would be best for someone in a first world country whose government doesn't subsidise corn and it's not in every second product on the shelf?

Tapioca? Rice flour? Plain wheat flour?

Any of those would work just fine. Or, like said, you can leave out the starch altogether if you choose a cheese that doesn't need it.

Do you want something grainier like roux or smooth like cream?

Cool, thanks

>grainier like roux

Lol, what? Roux should never be grainy. WTF?

Smooth ya dingus

it's not grainy, it has a thicker, more carby texture. I don't know how to describe it properly here. Doesn't matter, I'm done helping.

Ask this guy.

>I'm done helping.

And yet you didn't help one bit.

you don't know what I posted in here, you snide cunt. jesus. fucking people who just want to be cunty anonymously

Alton Brown's stove top recipe is pretty good:

I was just about to give up on this board. Until this post.

Wtf is up with all these pleb food fags?

Make a Mornay sauce with cheeses of your choice.
Add to pasta of your choice cooked al dente
then eat it

or if you want, put cheese and breadcrumbs on top of it in a dish and put it in the oven. though this makes it too dry unless you fill it with liquid

eggs and milk?

i never thought of it that way