Why you don't eating healthiest bread in the world?

Why you don't eating healthiest bread in the world?

I'll tell you when you learn proper English

>eating straight gluten



What type of bread is this ?

All bread has gluten and only 1% of the global population cannot digest it properly. This just means farts.


>black rye bread
>it's actually brown

>black people
>they're actually brown

Because I didn't know what it existed. There's why?

>black "people"

IDK man, there's some black people who are pretty damn close to being actually black.
This is kind of an embarrassing story, but when my kid was very little (a toddler), we lived in a small town that had no black people living there at all. So, when we took him on a trip to a big city, and one of the first people he saw was a dude who was very dark skinned, like I mentioned above, and he started crying because he was scared. That was so awkward, I really didn't even think about that until then. Luckily, no one else thought anything about it because he was so little, they just thought he was crying like toddlers do. I guess it'd be like a little kid who's only been around black people seeing a super pale blonde caucasian for the first time.

Hi, I have celiac disease and you're wrong.

>eating the agricultural jew

that doesn't even look like pure rye.

>just means farts

tell that to the guy with bloody diarrhea and vomiting

As an American I find it ridiculous that there is high fructose corn syrup in fucking bread. I get Iowa needs a reason to exist but in fucking bread? Christ no wonder this country is so fat.

In my country we eat rye bread really often. Actually I ate two pieces of it like 8 minutes ago.

Any good bread uses some kind of sugar or another. All HFCS is is highly-concentrated sugar.

Well tell us what country
Heres your (you) ass

Iowabro here

I agree. While this state has greatly improved its economy outside of just growing corn, it needs to do more. It also needs to stop caving when the corn lobbyists throw a damn temper tantrum. Up until the farm crisis in the 80s, Iowa had a real industrial base.

Like when Pepsi brought back the throwback products with can sugar and people loved it (sugar Pepsi tastes better and has a thinner texture than syrup Pepsi) or when a lot of food companies catered to consumer demand and made foods without HFCS, the corn lobbists went full autist on the PR trying to tell people that HFCS is safe to eat. It's not a health issues so much as it's a quality and taste issue.

Same goes with gasoline. When some of the big-brand gas stations decided to offer 93-octane non-ethanol premium as one of their options (if you have a muscle car or a high-performance car with high compression heads, you want this), they tried to sweet-talk Governor Branstad into using executive power, after the bill failed in the state senate no less, to BAN non-ethanol fuels. He refused.

TL:DR, fuck the big-agriculture

Of course your child was crying, he saw a goddamn nigger

stop buying shit-tier bread

It's pretty hard not to, when most of them are "shit-tier".

>that last sentence

Historically it was pretty much the opposite.

When I am eating bread with a meal on the weekends I'll buy the $5 loaf with that nice crusty exterior. But honestly when I'm slapping together a turkey sandwich for lunch I don't really notice the quality of bread. Just sad how the whole grain, make my shit as regular as the mail, still has HFCS.

Is it true Iowa is so flat you can watch your dog run away for 3 days?

It keeps the bread nicer for longer. Why do you worry about such an insignificant amount of sugar?

Kansas really.
Worst fucking state to drive through, but also the fastest.

but I do, there's a local bakery that makes pumpernickel rye super dense and delicious with a black, but not burnt tasting crust.

i dont enjoy bread very much so i choose not to eat it

> not eating straight gluten


Americans are retarded and think that sugar/fructose is unhealthy, even in trace amounts. It's a collective hysteria that is all too expected for a country full of fat fucks who have to douse everything in cheese, meat, oil and butter. I've never seen a thin person be as scared of sugar as I've seen obese Americans be.

By the way you fat ignoramus, sugar is used in breadmaking all around the world for millennia because it feeds yeast. Nobody has ever gotten fat off of sugar or bread. Just fucking stop.

Not that I disagree with your message, but does typical instant bread yeast (not natural cultures/starters) actually eat sucrose? I was under the impression that "bakers yeast" you buy in the store specifically eats starch.

>nobody got fat off bread

Wrong as shit homie

As far as I'm aware baker's yeast eats most sugars, but not starch. But some of the starch in flour is broken down into maltose and glucose by naturally occurring amylases during fermentation

Most wholemeal bread at supermarkets and franchise bakeries just dump a bunch of brown colouring into the bread because mass produced bleached, sifted flour is cheap and less likely to contain insects and mouse droppings. Some flour companies go one step further and add brown colour to their sacks of flour. If you can't see the husks then it's not wholemeal.

no, all good bread uses zero sweeteners, you're thinking of cakes.

>Nobody has ever gotten fat off of sugar or bread. Just fucking stop.
people have gotten fat off literally anything with a decent amount of calories.

Pretty much all yeast accomplishes the same thing user. You're just paying more for the 'bakers' version, though really I haven't seen any yeast that wasn't either used to bake shit or to make alcohol.

I wanna see someone get fat eating apples.

What is that


cause bread is shit

because bread is poor food

a la gente le gusta mas el pan blanco por eso es tan caro el otro

why do you think this is not possible? there are fat fruitarians

>the corn lobbists went full autist on the PR trying to tell people that HFCS is safe to eat.

they were so panicked they made a video explaining how your tastebuds didn't know what the fuck they were doing because hfcs didn't taste any different than sugar at all

they went total apeshit

Is it good?

I will am

with mustard



What is that, tanned German bread?

There's black rye that comes close to being black, too. My Baltic grandparents are obsessed with the stuff.