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That is the nicest set of tits that I have ever watched make cat food.


At first with the knife skills i was a little worried she was retarded.... but then I realized she was just gonna go put it all in a blender anyway.


What fucked up country's food is this?

she's a good cook


Oh wait.. she is actually retarded. Well at least dem titties ain't retarded.

What is this? Is it like.. mexican Giada?

Let me guess: you're american

is that pineapple?

>Stinky gorgonzola with dried out and burnt pasta that didn't fit in the pan right

That is literally what the name of that dish translates to in northern italian dialect.

That frilly top is entirely inappropriate for the kitchen, and where can I get a casserole like that which can be pulled out of a hot oven with your bare hands?

no, potatoes

>american pretending to be from north italy
the name of the recipe is in the title at the end of the last webm. Even if you pronounced it with a north italian dialect (why north italian anyway?) the meaning wouldn't change, just the pronunciation

she prepares it live, so she has one in the end already done because she can't wait for the one in the oven to be cooked.


This thread confirms that leaving Italy [mostly] permanently in 2002 was the best food-decision I could have made.

Our television cookery has become utter shit.

And why the fuck is this bitch calling terrina "paté?"


>This thread confirms that leaving Italy [mostly] permanently in 2002 was the best food-decision I could have made.
Did you go fuck yourself?

>Calling people american as if its a bad thing

Did you forget what country beat all the other ones to the moon by 50 years?

Nah. University abroad. Then got a job straight away out of uni, so no reason to go back.

>stirring pasta in a non-stick skillet with metal tongs

You better bet I'm mother fucking triggered.


>using that much bacon fat in a single dish

Can we have that webm of the cerebral palsy girl making pancakes?

how does that affect the fact you are genetically incapable of cooking?

that's fair enough then. Her food is simple, aimed at normal people who are not too much into cooking, but her recipes are tasty. Of course it's not gourmet cuisine, but it is in no way bad.

>>using that much bacon fat in a single dish
That is the original recipe of the Carbonara. He simply cooks the bacon, the fat comes out of it, why do you think it is too much? Or maybe you are confusing the boiling water he adds near the end with bacon fat

Non-Teflon nonstick pans are very popular in Italy right now. I don't know what they're made of exactly, but you can use metal utensils in them and they can take higher heat than Teflon ones can.
I would guess that pan is one of those sorts of pans.

*cooking water

>how does that affect the fact you are genetically incapable of cooking?

well if you want to getting into cooking specifics and not just the fact that we are world leaders in general..

The U.S. of mother fuckin A. has more michellin starred restaurants than any other coutnry besides france and japan.

About 3 times as many as Italy, actually.

wow I am team #ameriburger_cuisine now

How is that going for you when you amount for population? Not too good.
Also the UK has a ton of michelin stars but it doesn't reflect on their food culture

That's disgusting

>How is that going for you when you amount for population? Not too good.
>Not too good.

Still significantly beating all of europe combined when accounting for population.


A simple Porchetta sandwich would have been much better, if the Porchetta was actually good like pic-related.

By your logic Luxembourg(in europe) and Japan are the greatest culinary countries.
They're not though, and those michelin restaurants that are in the US are filled with foreigners, it's not reflective of American food culture

Are you trying to say that the USA has better food than Europe?

Yes. By far.

>and those michelin restaurants that are in the US are filled with foreigners
No they aren't

>and those michelin restaurants that are in the US are filled with foreigners

Uh no, they're not. US has shit tier poor food, but people that don't eat at pig troughs eat very well here.

i think it looks amazing if you stop about halfway through the video

Is English not your first language, Pablo? user was obviously talking about the chefs who hold the stars and not the people who dine in those restaurants.

Right. Because we usually talk about restaurants being filled with chefs, not with customers.

Fucking dipshit.

That would make sense, if customers has any relevance in that context.
I was talking about chefs

idk, seemed pretty obvious to me. Probably because I was going to ask how many of the chefs who hold stars in the US are Americans and how many are foreign. I was also gonna ask how many of the American chefs studied cookery abroad.
But then I accidentally closed the tab and decided "eh, fuck it."
When I reopened the thread, I saw which seemed to coincide with my line of logic, though now that you point it out, I can see how it's a bit oddly worded and I was likely reading more into it than what user actually mean.
Guess I'll ask then: how many of the chefs who hold Michelin stars in the US are Americans? How many are foreign? How many of the American chefs studied cookery abroad?

>I was talking about chefs

Then specify an object in your sentence.

Have you ever been outside the USA?

I would have been happy with the first two meats and the cheese. Maybe some mustard or something like that would have been nice too. But they just fucked it, I mean bacon that wasn't even crispy but soggy and the fucking tendies. I only eat stuff like this when I'm drunk.

America tier

I can't decide whether how deluded you are is sad or hilarious.

Have you ever been to the USA?

It absolutely boggles my mind that euros have this internal depiction of America where our cities don't give us access to higher quality things from more different cultures than what you have available. Pretty much on an overwhelming scale. We can get better of everything than you can get. We can get better of some things native to your area than you can get.

We simply have bigger cities, better cities, and more access to more different things and higher quality things. I have a russian market, a korean market, a polish market, a japanese market, a brazilian market in my city...All high quality and run by people of the nationality..Do you? I also have every other available nationality market. And I live in about the 15th largest city in the US.

Not sure tho, I don't really know much about this but I doubt every hand inside the kitchen is 100% All American Made, surely there must be latin, asian and european cooks and shit.

Wow, not that user but, you're just grasping at straws

It's really rather difficult to find things that aren't tied to groups with recent (within the last thirty years) immigration.
Finding Italian and German things in the US borders on impossible outside of the five or so most well-known items.
Swiss and Dutch things (outside of four cheeses) are completely unheard of here.
Good luck finding anything remotely Hungarian in the US. And if you want kranjska klobasa? Well, fuck you: there are no Slovenians, Croats or Austrians living in America to make it.

The majority of the US's exposure to any European comestibles comes from the foodmarket inside IKEA. Don't try to pretend otherwise.

I live in charlotte and I'm sure i can find any of the shit you're talking about


>yes, I'd like 100mL of oil with my spaghetti please

you're missing the point, we're privy to more variety of good things and that is worth more than being able to get obscure hungarian food.

sure, you can get whatever euro shit from croatia or hungary. can you go eat authentic pho in a vietnamese restaurant?

It's not that every single little thing is available. It's that 90% of what matters in the WORLD and is good is available.

>Have you ever been to the USA?
Yes and I went to top restaurants, visited "hole-in-the wall" places, local delis, specialty food stores, meme-shops you name it. NYC's food scene was comparable to that of London and inferior to many other European cities. The USA has some really good expensive restaurants, a few of good informal places making local specialties or meme-food and that's about it.

>muh ethnic supermarket and muh air-freighted second-rate produce that has been picked unripe and spent 3-10 days in a crate or even worse been frozen then airlifted to madison, wisconsin is better than being able to eat organic heirloom fruit and veg for free or dirt-cheap every day, have meat from animals raised in completely pristine landscapes and fish from the tastiest sea in the world (the med) and so on.

This is just what ingredients are available to me at my local market, or shit that my family gets for free like tomatoes, figs and cherries (our local specialites) that you've never even imagined could be so tasty. Some of the best paid meals I ever had cost $10-$15 per person and were in tiny taverns in the middle of the mountains or in an obscure fishing village, with cheese, yogurt and meat all from the owner's livestock or fish that the owner fished themselves the day before or even that morning and organic produce they grow themselves. You can keep your brazilian supermarket, I'll keep my proper food culture and real food sources. I know producers, I know the agricultural market and so-on. I know what gets sent to America and trust me its not better than what I (or the old lady next door) gets here. The best produce in Europe gets sold in the local food market and if the locals are smart they might send some of it to places like Harrods, F&M and other places like that. Your town is not in that list I'm afraid and even if it were, have fun paying $20 per kilo of figs that I can pick off my back-yard tree.

Ha! I'll [possibly] be in Charlotte in two weeks. Let's meet up, you show me where you can get panna da cucina, kranjska klobasa, meggy, Appenzeller, Bündnerfleisch, paardenrookvlees, romadur, karavánsajt, peperoni di fiume and cervelat because I can't find them.

Yes, user. Every major metropolis in the West has a sizeable Vietnamese community. Get over it.

Also, why would I need to eat authentic pho, when I can have my local specialties, made with the best local ingredients from people who have grown up cooking and eating this food? I can go and eat real Pho when I'm in Vietnam. If you had a proper food culture of your own you would be celebrating it, not trying to convince us that America wins at food "because Pho"

>can you get pho?!?!?!?!
Why yes. I think I can.

He can't but he can take you to his local Brazilian supermarket so you can drink air-freighted Guarana soda and papayas that started their journey when Bush was still president.

>meeting some random person from Veeky Forums
lol! on top of that is the fact that you are lying of course.

too bad you don't know what bbq is like and never will. enjoy your radished vinegar water pork eyeballs or whatever the hungarians and croatians eat.

>all this food isn't available in america!
>Yes that's because it's made of tripe and is considered subclass food, why would it ever leave its native country?
>no response
every time

P.S. Have you ever been to Europe?

No, have you ever been to USA?

actually let me rephrase with an equivalent: have you been to every major metropolitan area of the USA?

See, you folks have something to be proud of. I hear your part of the U.S. has great BBQ. Why did you have to bring up Pho?

IF we're being extra-generous and ignoring the OCEAN of shit that the vast majority of your countrymen have to subsist on (look no further than the daily fast-food threads on this board) and we only focus on local specialties and formal dining, then the U.S. has okay food. Not exceptional, but okay. Maybe even good. You will never be Europe though and most likely you will never be Asia either. And the reason is that you killed your true food culture and replaced it with factory food.

I've been to NYC, Boston, SF and LA. Where have you bee

*Where have you been in Europe? I hope you understand how sad it is that you have to venture into the immigrant-areas of your closest major metropolis to find a decent meal.

>vast majority of your countrymen

what does that have anything to do with me or people that post here?

the vast majority of europeans eat food that would be looked upon as garbage in america. literal tripe, unwashed/rotten vegetables, half-eaten thrown out food etc.

>You will never be europe
Michelin says otherwise, so sorry. Come visit some time though, if you don't get blown up by your new jamal.

Lying about what? Possibly going to Charlotte or being unable to find those items in the states? Because neither is a lie, actually.
I have vacation time coming up and I'm procrastinating on a decision on where to go. Charlotte's one of the four places I might do.

>>Yes that's because it's made of tripe and is considered subclass food, why would it ever leave its native country?
Three of those are cheeses, four are sausages or cold cuts, two are vegetables and the last is a type of cream. No tripe or eyeballs to be found.

>the vast majority of europeans eat food that would be looked upon as garbage in america. literal tripe, unwashed/rotten vegetables, half-eaten thrown out food etc.

Okay, it's obvious, you have never left America. Hush now.

I'm the guy who mentioned all those particular Eurofoods by name.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

The US legitimately does have some fantastic food BUT like finding fantastic Eurostuff outside of their home regions, you'll never find the fantastic Ameristuff outside of theirs.
Having lived on both sides of the pond for several years at a time, I can tell you that the two are roughly equal when it comes to delicious local foods as well as horrendous local foods.
If ever I go back home, I'm gonna miss the huge variety in American barbecue and real Tex-mex cuisine, properly made cheesesteaks, American cheesecakes, US-style Chinese food and lots of other things that simply don't exist outside of these borders.

My only gripe with Americans is this persistent belief that they can get literally anything within their borders when it's simply not true.

What the fuck is he making in this one?

Where are the Mexican Disasters
This is a webm thread, where are the doritos delicately being placed using tongs


>horrendous local foods.
I have to disagree with you m8. I don't know what local food is like in CZ, but over here in the Med, which I've travelled the length of extensively, I've never had a bad food experience. Except for tourist-traps. I would say our tourist-traps are their fast-food joints and they still have thousands more of the latter than we have of the former.

And I won't disagree with you. They have great local specialties and they might even have good local produce in those parts that haven't been completely taken over by industrial farming and livestock raising. But their specialties are more or less variations on a theme, with very small exceptions. Take BBQ for example, which is touted as the local specialty in every other town you visit in America, or chili. They simply lack diversity and the vast majority of people there have completely lost touch with the idea of primary ingredients and real produce. By the way

>the whole of the med is great
>casu marzu
>all of greece
>that steamed chicken shit in algeria with cinnamon, garlic and soured milk

>casu marzu
Novelty cheese that actually tastes okay

>all of greece
god-tier food. particularly the fish/seafood and fresh produce


Clutching at straws much, m8?

>Take BBQ for example, which is touted as the local specialty in every other town you visit in America

.....because they are entirely different types of BBQ, and you follow this up by saying they "lack diversity"

Please tell me how the remarkably different types of BBQ lack diversity when every european cheese aged a day longer than another variety gets its own special trademark name

>algeria is not the med becuz it's not europe!!!

>Equating a variation on a recipe with a variation on a foodstuff.
You are truly clueless aren't you? BBQ is a dish, cheese is one-step away from being a primary ingredient and is an ingredient in itself.

A correct analogy would be between BBQ and the many different types of beef stews around Central Europe like Ghulash etc. Which would acceptable an acceptable analogy, if Central Europe didn't have hundreds of other local specialties as well.

The debate is USA vs Europe m8. Pay attention.

And even if we take your ass-pained argument, yes Maghrebi and Levantine cuisine that you've never tasted but saw once saw the baldy on "Bizarre Foods" eat is actually pretty fucking tasty.

>Please tell me how the remarkably different types of BBQ lack diversity when every european cheese aged a day longer than another variety gets its own special trademark name
You've got us there. I often tell Americans "well if you add this ingredient to X recipe, it's such and such dish and if you add Y ingredient instead, it's this other dish" and so on. We're literally the champions of variation on a theme and I've no idea what the other guy is talking about.

Not from CZ, bro. And Greek food is pretty awful /except/ the seafood.

>fails to see the value in the analogy which is perfectly valid for the analogous purpose; nobody would have any trouble understanding it
>instead goes on some literally autistic rant about semantics

We're champions of variation on a theme AND in variation in general. Travel across France, Spain, Greece or Italy and you will count more different dishes and styles of cooking than there are in the entire U.S.A.

With regards, to Greek food: something's wrong with your palette, maybe it's because you're from Central Europe aka the Midwest of Europe.

Your analogy was plain stupid. You compared a recipe with a food-stuff, how much more stupid can you get?

You people are hopeless. Just post some Dorilocos WEBMs and shut up.

>You compared a recipe with a food-stuff, how much more stupid can you get?

inable to look past semantic argument (things have to be "correct" or you cannot consider them) and see the obvious value in the obvious, easy to understand analogy.

a u t i s m. sorry.

Nope. Not from Central Europe either.

That's silly. Quit being silly. Why are you guys even having this argument? In America with enough looking and traveling you can find almost anything authentic, but much like Europe it may take some serious traveling. There are also vast differences in regional cuisine, even down to minor variations between towns.

So what's the problem again?

don't you just love chili user?

Besides being a wrong analogy (hurr autism), it is a pointless one. Yes, Europe has many different cheeses, what they share in common is the fact they are cheeses and then you have subcategories like aged/fresh, hard/soft, cow/sheep/goat and so on. Being a food-stuff means it can vary in its primary ingredients (what type of milk) and its preparation. A better analogy would be the thousands of different hot-sauces in America, many with cult followings and the whole meme culture that surrounds hot-sauce. A variation on a theme then, a variation in primary ingredients (what pepper variety was used) and preparation.

Like I said, beef-stews and BBQs are a better match. We both have recipes that are variations on a theme and we both have food-stuffs that are variations on a theme. The difference is Europe has so much more in addition to that.

Wow, the internet really IS serious business.

Some American claimed that America has "far" better food than Europe and I got triggered. Apologies for derailing the thread, but I have a limited tolerance for stupidity.

Obsession Tier

It does though

So you're being a fucking retard who is no better than the guy you're discussing this with. Way to go.

I'm convinced at this point that he's being willfully obstinate. You're repeating a point I made already which, rather than refute, he stuck his fingers in his ears and went
>no no no no no america is bad no no no no no
Again, being from EU and living in the US as I do, I've got a bit of a better understanding of the regionality here. He's right in saying it's not as drastic as in Europe, but to downplay it as he does borders on criminal. Regionality exists here. Things vary, as you say, even town to town.
We don't have stereotypes for people from Marche because literally nothing has ever happened there, ever, but this guy just might single-handedly start the "people from Marche are huge fucking arseholes for no reason" stereotype. I guess that's something he can take pride in.

can use metal utensils with t-fal pans