Ok Nannies,

Please technically explain to me how NANO is able to provide FREE and INSTANT transactions, and literally no other project has figured this out. How is this basically not just Venmo releasing a "cryptocurrency", and because it is under that cool umbrella of being a crypto, all these nutjobs on Reddit are going nuts over it?

Also, how are transactions verified so quickly? How will the network be protected against spam attacks?

ah fuck off you piece of shit retarded faggot.

read the whitepaper, email the devs id you really want to know that you fucking lowlife shithead.

it is brilliant from many perspectives you piece of shit and it will be a 1000$ coin in the next 2 years. and now please stop breathing and help humanity.

>xlm/xrp without network security just to save 0.00001 cents

Ye, nothing can go wrong at all user.

deluded nannie detected.

fucking kys please. you are worthless.

Too many coins

Please provide backstory so we know why you are so mad

It's the Pied Piper man

You want to know how it works now that it's mooning again?
This coin has been shilled enough, if you don't know yet kys

deluded piece of shit if you dont see the potential of this coin you are just a retarded poor faggot.

fuck this mooning right now, fuck the ath fuck the atl . fuck the volume. fuck your cause just stop living you fucking piece of shit.

>Also, how are transactions verified so quickly?

you really come to biz to ask technical questions about their blockchain. probably your pathetic ass is banned everywhere else already for getting on everyones balls with your retarded way of life.

Where do raiblocks even come from? Like who mined them all? They're rich now right?

Don't bother. Nobody can give you an answer or explain why it's secure.

The jungles of the Galapagos

but really it was a had to mine them by completing captchas. it made people in India apparently lots of $ as they could make more doing that than their current jobs.


you sir, should relax, and then kill yourself.

Operation RAPEDOG was a succes boys!
Community gangraped another dog in the ass without a condom!
>Fuck Dogecoin and their community!
We are going back to the moon boys
>Report in NANO Marines

why is everyone so rude in here

Fuck Dogecoin
Fuck Shibes
Fuck the whole Dogecoin community

>Operation RAPEDOG

NANO Marines report in!
Looks like gangraping a dog in the ass without a condom with high profit and good luck is back on the menu boys!

Why a nano fags so hostile it's almost like, the only defense for the coin is insults

It is and always has been. Nannies are the worst.

Butthurt Dogecoin Shibes and Bitcoin Maximalists detected.

Fuck Dogecoin & Bitcoin

Bitcoin Blockchain
Ethereum Blockchain 2.0
Nano Blockchain 3.0

>DEAL with IT!

>Why a nano fags so hostile it's almost like, the only defense for the coin is insults

because the poor fags lost a lot of money on this shitcoin

Transactions are confirmed by proof of work. Basically you send the transaction and the node confirms funds are removed from your account. If you try to double spend through another node a vote will be cast and only the oldest transaction will be confirmed. When receiving a transaction you also generate what I believe is the same PoW as the sender. Receivers need to ensure that the funds are not double spent so transactions aren't exactly instant but every second you wait basically confirms that the funds are yours.

Just let them be with their old slow energy wasting Bitshit and Dogeshit.

We are Blockchain 3.0!
Nano Marines report in!

>Let's fuck some Bitcoin Maximaists and Dogecoin Shibes in the ass for good luck and high profit!

NANO to the MOON!!!!

what is this attempt to trash nano reputation by insulting doge community?

The nano fudders have reached a new low everyone

There are two independent blockchains being maintained on a sender and the receiver. The sender solves the (simple) hash problem which takes tens of seconds to complete. Hash solutions can be cached up to a limit while the wallet is idling, so the first transaction is very fast to send with the whole round trip taking about 3-5 seconds. Verification happen through representative nodes very similar to PoS protocol.

There's your short answer since you'd rather shitpost on Veeky Forums instead of actually reading a whitepaper.