Is the game that will beat all others? It seems to have a very driven dev that constantly updates and everyone I know in the ether gaming community is involved. What is your honest opinion biz?
Is the game that will beat all others...
My honest opinion? Most people here will FOMO in a few weeks or so, people who got in now will make out like fucking bandits.
I think so user. It really looks like ethercraft level passion without all the scam elements.
all properties are basically buy one get one free right now, GREAT OPPORTUNITY
Yeah I seriously don't see them staying this low, ETH games are blowing the fuck up rn.
Yes I'm all in on cryptocities rn unironically
"game," kek. all the current crypto games are just trash asset-collecting sims. let me know when an actual game comes out like a 1v1 rock paper scissors gambling site. that shit would be dope.
There are already gambling games like etheroll but the easy money is in flipping. Buy early, game explodes, profit. Guaranteed with a platform this solid.
Fuck all the gambling sites I'm making too much money with cryptocitites
Explain to a brainlet how you actually make money? I glanced over it and it seems to generate assets by discovering over time. Is that where the money sits our would one rather trade stuff?
i love this game every time I think its over and I can't make any more money the dev lowers the discovery price and I 2x again
Discovering is the best way, it's cheap at the moment and will snowball your profits immensely
Thanks user.
So I just put in 1 ETH and start discovering from the ground up? Or do I buy multiple to begin with?
If I were you I'd buy a one point property to get the hang of it, then strategize and figure out if you want to go all in.
Gotcha, thanks for helping out a dumbfag.
discord gg P2mfHAw
Link to the discord
thats what I did
this thread's been up over an hour
it's far too late, stay away
this game isn't a hot potato like those other scams, one hour isnt shit lmao
yeah sure, and you all aren't part of the same discord group either
Yeah im having a lot of fun with this game so far. Think it has pretty big potential since the devs are super competent
How do I play? What's metamask? Is it safe?
>Not knowing metamask
Shiggy diggy user, grab chrome.
Is metamask safe? I just sent .02 to it because I've never used it before.
Yeah its safe. Been using it forover. Just got into this game its pretty great so far
How do people not know what metamask is in 2018?
What's metamask?
I honestly love this game it's so great
Update: is a ripoff and a scam, the good game is unfortunately a lot of people went to the wrong site
Fucking scammers copying the site name lowest of the low
Nice find biz. I'll buy some and see where it goes.
Awesome game will buy more next week if this level of shilling continues
I honestly think this one will stand the test of time.