ITT: You post your e-mail/telegram and what kind of services you can offer so that other Veeky Forums users may hire you to do some work.
Veeky Forums is hiring
I have expertise in deleting chainlink spam threads. I'll gladly ban the term "chainlink" as well as "linkies"
I'm your man.
I design legal smart drugs and custom psychoactives, as well as formulate unique combinations of vitamins + co-factors or antioxidants + herbs to perform specific functions such as strengthening the activity of a specific organ or reducing/stimulating certain actions of the brain and mind.
Bitgrail victim. Lost 300 xrb.
Masters in engineering. Good at comms, operating pages and campaigns, coding, fuck anything I just want that xrb back. Also, Not a pajeet.
Hit me up
I just need to have some nano. I lost all my 43 nano in the bitgrail scam.
I can do data analysis, write complex sql scripts, data mining, business analysis, data modeling, hire me. Just hire me for some nano.
I'm a poorfag fresh graduate who lost all on bitgrail.
If anyone's feeling extra kind here's my address
Physician here.
I can’t diagnose or treat you over internet, but I can give medical information on diseases, treatments, medical advice for little money (
I offer around the clock advice & help for my fellow humans of every kind.
[email protected]
Your personal "talk to in every situation" type of guy.
Translation German - English - Portuguese
I saw that you posted that on other topic. Bumping because people are being serious and I've never seen a thread like that before.
Femanon with a master in marketing. Proficient in brand management, business sustainability, consumer behavior, marketing strategy, basically the best shill you'll find.
I make pizzas, and I'm a problem solver
you can find me here, on Veeky Forums
Who wants to help me integrate crypto wallets into wordpress ?
Post your contacts
Professional English writer of 5 years, got 96% on CPE (Cambridge Proficiency English), already got a story published under my name. Did work for Canadian research teams, professors, toy companies, etc.
$75 per 1k words, 20% down payment to PayPal.
Can have sex with your sister / daughter / gf / etc and make fun of your autism.
I can implement metamask tx creation popups in Wordpress lol
How does one get into such a profession?
What kind of work do you do?
I know writing, but in what context?
Would that be new WP plugin? Im interested to see what can be done on my WP theme check site -
Need geotagging, javascript mining, wallets and crypto integration
You can search for "freelance writing" and research the links. I don't want to be more specific because you might find some approach that's 20x better than what I'm doing, in which case I'd only be tethering you down.
I started when my brother's GF needed some contract translated from our native language to English and she got in fight with her friend from the legal dept. that usually does that. When she saw the quality of my work, she recommended what I just did to you – freelance writing.
>What kind of work do you do?
Whatever I fancy, honestly. I did rewriting (EZ PZ money), creative writing, academic writing and so on. I just finished doing an academic essay on why a company in Canada failed to launch its product and what it should have done to make it work. I got $60 for that. The demand for quality writers is infinite, don't for a second buy the FUD about AI writing, that's an unbelievable load of crock.
[email protected]
Femanon who sells her panties and photos for cryptocurrencies. Degree in mathematics, saving to pay for a Ph D.
Is that you A Wizard?
> pay for a Ph D.
Mold making/Casting of 3D printed parts mostly but can make a mold of most anything.
Prop maker.
because in Burgerland, most PhD’s aren’t fully funded
that looks amazing user
thanks user
How much do you make per month and why haven't you looked for a job regarding that already?
You realize it's hard as fuck to get a writing job? Literally anyone with a decent education knows how to write to an OK standard, rarely does anyone hire anybody for that task alone
Hey you morons that are actually giving your email out, this thread makes it easier to track you down and target you.
I wrote for Indeed when I was 17.
Made $100 and quit because it was gay
literally no?
Cashing out btc in USA, japan , SK, Philippines.
I do animation my man,
Worked for a couple of tokens like AdEx.
It varies a lot. The average salary in my country is $500. I earned $500 in October by writing 10 articles for a toy company over the course of 10 days. In February last year I earned $1k but I was so stressed that I decided to take it easy and just do as little as I need to, so I spend my time riding the bike or playing with neighbourhood doggies. My dad once saw me petting a doggie and asked, "Why aren't you working?" I said, "Why should I be working?" He said, "So you make more money." I said, "The idea isn't to work more and make more; it's to work LESS and make more." Right now I'm just working on projects I enjoy, I don't want to grind out my soul for extra numbers in the bank account past what I need to live comfortably.
>job security
I don't think there's any way I'll get a job based off of my writing skills alone, but I often imagine myself teaching children and teens about the work skills I got: negotiate with clients, be punctual, hustle to get paid in advance, get everything in writing etc. That I something I'd really enjoy AND people would pay a lot for actual education that moves the kid upward in the job market.
what if I created the e-mail just to this thread?
honest question
physiological help. i am wise and empathetic. mental heath is the most important thing you can have to be successful. if you need to talk i can help you sort some shit out hit me up.
[email protected]
SEO and/or digital advertising for small and enterprise businesses. Marketing an ICO or crypto company seems interesting.
...besides just paying people from India and the Philippines to shitpost on biz/reddit/twitter/everywhere
wouldn't you bother posting contact information?
i hope you get enough money for your phd
Hello, will you be my girlfriend please? I'm lonely & unemployed.
I know how to code so I can build you anything you want in return I get to be your bf. May I email you?
I'm in med school, crypto is a hobby
need a private tutor or someone to do your homework? message me and we can figure something out
I know some of you want to have a trading bot for shitcoins but don't know shit about programming, I can assist you with that. I can't build it for you unless you want me to know your secret key which would be retarded, but I can offer you enough code to copypaste the skeleton and then you mostly just have to come up with a strategy.
everyone please report this guy, he's scamming.
I'm not selling a bot, I'm offering to help others to make theirs. I'm not offering anything that others can't find spending a day of research on the internet. No satoshibox, but I do expect to get tipped once the other guy manages to make a functional bot, even if he never manages to get a profit from it.
>The average salary in my country is $500.
i'll fuck your wife or girlfriend for 1 ETH even if she is fat hmu cucks
Python / R / C++ / JS code monkey
Good at NLP, Data mining, scraping, machine learning, predictive analytics, statistics
Taught Python at college level (R1 uni)
Can speak and develop NLP apps for French, Korean, Chinese
I make some money with my day job but have dependents, so side jobs are always welcome.
Just started teaching myself solidity and I'd like to learn more about coding for smart contracts.
Proprietor of surfboards and gear
>web designer
>coin artist
I'll give u 10 ETH to suck this BBC
Chief executive of big four consulting firm,
Over 30 years experience, 8 years as CEO
Responsible for 300% increase in share price during tenure
Extensive consulting experience of Outsourcing and Managed Services contracts
Negotiated deals on every continent on the planet
Responsible for over 20,000 highly trained consultants
Board member to several Fortune 500 companies and two charities
Highly experienced in capacity building (organic and non organic through M&A)
Speaks seven languages
Why biz should hire me:-
Can make memes, also good at shitposting.
I’m the guy who posts all of the pics of Asians and all bog posts.
Willing to put sharpie in pooper for this, with timestamp. Anything.
>paying for a PhD
wew lass
Apparently she means Pump hand Dump