Good time to buy who else thinks yes
Ark looks pretty bleak
fuck like 30 btc volume on bittrex. the FUDers are laughing at us.
Volume is dead on every exchange no one knows what the hell this coin does no one other than deluded Arkies know about or are excited about upcoming releases
Heeyyyyyyyyyyy Arkies. Iris Heart here. Oh ...oh my god. Is ark dying? What? Who could have foreseen this? Who could have predicted the downfall of one of the most promising coins of 2017? Well, it would take the eyes of an eagle and the mind of brainiac himself to see the eventual downfall of Ark Coin! I mean, think of this coins great well think of it's great dev tea...nope, doesn't have that either. Roadmap? no. Quality memes? nuh uh!
Doesn't seem like this coin had much going for it at all! Wow! I'm glad none of you put your money into this worthless shitcoin. I mean if you did, you'd probably spend the rest of your life doubting yourself. You'd be completely unable to invest in anything else, knowing you failed in seeing the OBVIOUS scam in front of you. Thank god that didn't happen
ta-ta arkies!
i feel sorrry for the braindead anons who don't know a buying opportunity when they see it
you won't see daily threads until it doubles or triples. Veeky Forums doesn't care until they can buy high.
cant wait to roll over my etc profits 10k club here i come
Bought at 11k sats held for 8 months sold at 65-70k. I was deluded for a long time. But then I realised there’s no master plan here. There’s no secret partnerships the team is holding back until V2. The whole process has been about building it for developers and yet no devs have ever heard of Ark kek
Why posting Iris Heart on Veeky Forums?
Is this new meme?
it's just an amazing opportunity. you will not find a coin with this much potential for so cheap. Does nobody here know what a longterm hold is? You guys are pathetic.
>Is this new meme?
>no one knows what the hell this coin does
Soon this problem will be fixed thanks to Jeremy /ourguy/ Epstein
Yeah it’s long term. It’s so long term you’re better off elsewhere. It’ll moon when it has adoption and partnerships and given no one in crypto has heard of it (due to the way the devs have intentionally gone about things) that is a looonnggg way off
If the devs don’t care about the price how is ark anything but a hobby for them that YOU are paying to prop up?
LINK is in the same park m8
Staking makes the wait worth it. I think it can hit a $3B marketcap this year after V2 and VM are out, the devs sure are taking their sweet time in getting it out though
ark is currently a wallet coin. 2 decent wallets and a shitcoin nobody uses. until that changes it will just be a shitcoin nobody uses.
I'm guessing you guys are day traders who want profits immediately?
It's not a day trading token... do you guys not have long term holds? I'm being totallly serious.. IMO, successful traders have both long term and short term folios.
As long as Ark girl is holding, I am.
Ill hold ARK untill $0 thanks to staking. And honestly as much as it pains me I think we'll see $0 in 2020
AION will go ahead of Ark soon. It’s a project with the same goals, been around for only 4 months, has achieved nothing, and is still an ERC20. I am glad the Arkies that agreed with the idea of “the tech shills itself” or “it’s too early to start marketing and get the word out about ark” are getting JUST’d right now. I feel sorry for the others that are still holding.
Was looking into Ark for a while
I unironically just bought
Check her reddit account. I'm pretty sure she already sold.