Friendly reminder Smart Contracts will play a huge role in this transformation.
Friendly reminder Smart Contracts will play a huge role in this transformation.
the poor get poorer
i mean fuck, i just got back from the KROghetto grocery store and they were just paying a bunch of of nogs to stand around while everyone used the self check out.
of course this shit will take over.
Not to mention amazon owning whole foods
service gets a lot better. the inventory system will be much better and shelves will be restocked before they are empty. life is going to be a lot more efficient . just don't be a poorfag.
A lot less theft
Amazon is going to lose market share because their entire business model is centralization of consumer data. 30% of all online purchases are from Amazon, 30% of Amazon purchases come from their recommendation bar. So 10% of all online purchases come from Amazon's referral bar, incredible. They are able to achieve this by putting brands and retailers on the same page competing against each other. Brands and retailers hate Amazon because the lose 25% of their margin just by listing on the site. Also their supply chains are destroyed by Amazon. Retailers and brands are ready to fight back against Amazon. Enter Shopin, the decentralized Amazon across all retailer websites, giving user data back to the consumer. DYOR and get rich with the most disruptive project, with a working product, with proven results (14 million dollars revenue over 2 retailers on a 30 day pilot) you're welcome biz
Is that shopping for chavs?
it's an ICO pleb. get rekt faggit
Sounds like it’s an ICO for illiterates. No thanks. Shoo.
sounds like you live in a cardboard box and eat trash
working product, team from Priceline (you wouldn't know about anything valuable outside of crypto so you can kys), ran 30 day pilot with Bed Bath and Beyond and Ermenegildo Zegna (oops, actual companies outside crypto who would want anything to do with that) VC investment, NDA's with major retailers ayyyy get fuct nigger pajeet
Did they get fired from Priceline for not knowing how to spell?
Yo what the fuck are we gonna do in the US when all these menial jobs are gone. What will uneducated people be able to do as work?
Thos wont ever survive outside major cities. White trash and niggers will just walkout without paying.
as in, shop in any retailer on the web with a platform that connects all retailers to the consumer based on purchase behavior, not search behavior. ultimate efficiency for marketing and advertising, the holy grail of user data put in the hands of the consumer. stay poor linkie! and look for pizza crust in the trash, high calories
fuck your shitcoin retard.
So why didn’t they just call it Shop In? How retarded are they?
> What’s gonna happen to the retail industry when machines take over?
People with an IQ below 100 wont have jobs anymore.
>Ayyyy I don't like the spelling!
your skin is tar black and you have to go back
stay poor, eat that crust, survive the winter
fuck your black mother in her sour rotten gaping axe wound
>people don't steal in major cities
We'll be able to upgrade our brains pretty soon. The world is gonna get crazy, just make sure you're invested if you really wanna reap the benefits.
But since you're here, you've probably already taken care of that.
Lol holy shit how much of a shill is the guy in this video? Is this Carlos Matos’ brother?
you are a terrible shill retard. *
really? stay poor faggit. it's the only crypto that normies will hold without knowing it's crypto. gifted to users by the retailer based on their client database. it's ok if your mother is black, kill her and yourself and you will be redeemed
Yea I know, you’re mad at me cause you invested in a scam. Sounds fair.
yeah big scam. signed 250k users in a 30 day pilot by way of the retailer. you're not even trying. reached their 10 million soft cap private sale in a few days with minimum purchase of $25k. Already have hundreds of retailers signed on for the official pilot due to the $14 million dollars profit reaped by the first two retailers during the test pilot. nice scam nigger. i'll call you tyrone the homeless pleb. eat that crust
Holy shit bro serious question why doesn’t your pajeet CTO/Co-Founder wash his beard after he’s just thrown up on himself?
he's trying so hard to be white. you should try too
No, the poor will just vote for wealth redistribution. The poor will get the middle class's money, the middle class will become poorer but the rich will stay rich.
Implying the middle class isn't poor
poor is a relative term idiot
nobody can see you in the dark if you blink with your mouth closed