I like my coffee how I like my MEN

I like my coffee how I like my MEN...

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That's nice dear.

Every once in a while, on the side, and thrown away once I've lost interest

Rich, strong, and likely to burn me.

Pushed out of a civet's ass?

From impoverished third world nations.

Single origin, not blended.

Other than PNG I can't think of a truly impoverished major coffee-producing country.

QOL is lower than USA standards sure but everybody sees the doctor and goes to school in Guatemala and Ethiopia.

Thick with a pleasant mouthfeel.

At least 95C

Weak, instantly available and safe?

Rich and strong.

>but everybody sees the doctor and goes to school in Guatemala and Ethiopia.
No they don't you dumb fuck

full of fat and sugar.

We don't "see" a doctor, we go to clinic when we feel ill. That the Guatemalans and Ethiopian surely can do, now afffording treatmets, that's a different story.

Your American style of yearly checks is like super luxury in most of the world. I guess the crazy and inefficient insurance system has some highlight.


With 20% extraction

Fuck off and die

we refugees be comin to take your women white boi


Spilled on my thighs.

Full of cream?

Yes they do though...

I hate coffee.

On the go, double and with a hit to it?

Strong and black



old, tepid, with a cigarette and smelling faintly like ass.

Strong, big, and filling my mouth just enough to drip down my chin.


You want your coffee to steal all your shit when you're not looking?

>cu/ck/s invariably bated into replying
>120 replies omitted
2 ez

This was a joke thread, and the responses were also jokes.
So bait...?

did you know that Vietnam is the #2 exporter of Coffee in the world?

I don't think they're impoverished, but it was a fascinating fact I learned 2 years ago.

ground up and stored in the freezer

what's happening here?


The sand is very hot, which heats the water in the metal thing.

Shared with my mom

There are people on Veeky Forums right now that are old enough to have had parents that browsed Veeky Forums.

Heard a million of these working coffee . . . .

My favorite it still "thrown in a burlap sack and slung over a Mexican peasant's donkey"



legit turkish coffee is made in sand

So far in my mouth its in my stomach.

my dad had an account back in 2004

On request and replaceable if unsatisfactory

bottomless cup

I like my coffee how I like the husband who watches me fuck black men every night - weak and white.

...I like having to chew before I swallow.

>There are people on Veeky Forums right now that are old enough to have had parents that browsed Veeky Forums.
Woah weird.

I have a 6 month old son and he will not be a basement dweller who lives vicariously online and gets worked up by online fights (eg: GamerGate, whatever else there is).

I didn't start going on Veeky Forums (Veeky Forums) until one year into my MSc. After becoming familiar with all the cool Veeky Forums guys, especially on /pol/, I can just say I am so fucking glad I did not spend time on Veeky Forums or other similar ersatz social sites as an undergrad/high school student.

I've wasted enough time here, although a lot less now that I'm busier, but at least I didn't waste my teens and twenties on bullshit like this. I'm pretty introverted too, so I could see myself hiding in my dorm online instead of meeting friends and getting laid.

Going to be scary when these self-entitled, asocial, supremely awkward people start entering the job market.

>he will not be a basement dweller
Good luck with that. You're going to make him resent you, and then he'll turn out just like you did.

Why would someone resent you for being engaged with them and taking them out to do fun things rather than ignoring them and leaving them to fend for themselves in a lonely basement?

I'm not a basement dweller, but my older brother is and it's brutal to see let alone think about. Luckily I learned to deal with my introvert personality and mild social phobias and go outside my comfort zone enough times to gain self-confidence and the ability to adapt. I also became aware of the pitfalls of defense mechanisms used to justify negative behavior, i.e.: the sour grapes mentality of the lonely Veeky Forums geek ("women suck and I don't want anything to do with them").

I'm not going to try to indoctrinate my son or anything, just show him the joys of outdoor activities (hiking, canoeing, x-country skiing, hunting, fishing etc) and living in the real world.

I know you can't stop people from going online and limiting their time will probably make them want it more, but I want him to be a human being who lives in the real world and has some fire inside him.

Basically this.

Holy shit! I know that girl on the right, we went to the same high school. Stuck up Italian family.

>I like my coffee how I like my MEN
Rich, bold, strong and hot

On my lap, likely to cause permanant damage to my genitals

Not alive.